




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:tǒng zǐ







  1. 谓圆筒容器。


  2. 指供做皮衣用的毛皮成件。亦指毛皮衣。

    谢觉哉 《不惑集·孔夫子与老农》:“他又缝了许多衣服:狐皮桶子、羔皮桶子、二毛桶子、大毛桶子,有的黄里子,有的白里子,有的土红色里子,什么时候穿什么颜色,都有规定。”



  1. Coal was got by picking it up in buckets and baskets along the maze of tracks in the near-by railroad yard.


  2. I shot up to lay buckets out into the storm and to turn a wheelbarrow upright so we'd wake up to plenty of water in the morning.


  3. I walked to see a barrels, which filled with a variety of fruits.


  4. Wilbur didn't care. The food smelled appetizing. He took another step toward the pail.


  5. But take care! Don't spill any. Because as you know, the first bear to fill his bucket wins!


  6. Wilbur did not budge. Lurvy dumped the slops, scraped the pail and walked away. He noticed that something was wrong with the pig.


  7. I meet his servant come to draw water for his master, and our buckets as it were grate together in the same well.


  8. After emigrating to the United States in 1842, he established a barrel-making shop in a small town outside of Chicago.


  9. Tammy climbed in to the barrel and looked over the 175-foot waterfall. They put on the lid and pushed her over.


  1. 桶子快满了

    The keg is very full.

  2. 桶子快空了

    The keg is nearly empty.

  3. 桶子还没满

    The keg is not very full.

  4. 桶子大约半满

    The keg is approximately half full

  5. 桶子地滚动着。

    The barrel rolled over and over.

  6. 桶子将近半满了

    The keg is almost half full

  7. 叫无花果就是无花果, 叫桶子就是桶子。

    Calling a fig a fig and a tub a tub.

  8. 桶子已经完全满了

    The keg is completely full

  9. 钞票全往桶子里搁。

    Who kept all his cash in a bucket.

  10. 桶子大约三分之一满

    The keg is about one third full

  11. 桶子大约四分之一满

    The keg is about one quarter full

  12. 我知道有桶子的地方。

    I found a place near the barrels.

  13. 桶子大约四分之三满

    The keg is about three quarters full

  14. 倒进大约四桶子的水。

    Pour on about four buckets of water.

  15. 关机,然后放到这个桶子里

    Turn'em off, and put them in this bucket.

  16. 你们知道桶子里面装了什么吧?

    You know what's in those barrels, right?

  17. 把你的剩菜放在这个桶子里。

    Put your leftover food in this bucket.

  18. 你有看到那些装花生的桶子吗?

    You see these peanut barrels?

  19. 要是不成功,我们得在桶子上干了。

    And if not, we got to do it on a bucket.

  20. 他扛着的那个东西是一个大桶子,

    The thing which he was carrying was a big keg.

  21. 勺, 桶子用来把船里的水舀空的容器

    A container used for emptying water from a boat.

  22. 他在地窖的桶子里放了很多腌肉。

    He has plenty of salted meat in a tub in his cellar.

  23. 把你得桶子带来, 我们要去采莓果罗!

    Bring your bucket. We're going berry picking!

  24. 把你的桶子带来,我们要去采莓果罗!

    Bring your bucket. We're going berry picking!

  25. 榨出来得油就装在大桶子里, 用来炒菜。

    The oil is then put into big vats and used for cooking.

  26. 榨出来的油就装在大桶子里, 用来炒菜。

    The oil is then put into big vats and used for cooking.

  27. 只要跟随下方桶子的跳动,按相应的键就可以。

    Asas follow behind the flutter the bucket under, the key that presses to correspond can.

  28. 买一个过滤桶子,或安装一个不贵的水龙头过滤器。

    Invest in a filter pitcher or install an inexpensive faucet filter.

  29. 只要给他一个桶子和一把铲子,他就高兴极了!

    Just give him a bucket and spade and he's in seventh heaven!

  30. 遗憾得是, 他把桶子装得太满, 自己失去了平衡。

    It was too bad that he overfilled the pail and lost his balance.