


1. 校 [xiào]2. 校 [jiào]校 [xiào]学堂,专门进行教育的机构:~园。~长。军衔的一级,在“将”之下,“尉”之上。古代军队编制单位:~尉(统带一校的军官)。校 [jiào]比较:~场。查对、订正:~勘。~订。~对。……


斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……



汉语拼音:xiào kān






  1. 订正后雕版印刷。

    清 卢见曾 《<封氏闻见记>序》:“余倩友人访而得之,与《唐摭言》校刊行世。” 清 叶廷琯 《吹网录·胡注失收考异》:“然单行本仅有前 明 刻本,字句亦有脱误。惜无嗜古者重为校刊,日久恐渐归湮佚。”

  2. 学校出版的刊物。内容多为反映本校各种情况的消息报导和师生所写的文章。



  1. If you did not receive NWCS year books last week, please pick up your copy by the entrance of the auditorium this Saturday.


  2. I'm also good at poem, and I founded a college journal named "ourselves" and served as an editor.


  3. B: Well I've always been keen on writing, so I became the editor for the University student magazine, which I really loved.


  4. Betty: I was looking for some old copies of the school magazine. If I've got it right, it was called New Standard.


  5. School -sponsored comprehensive school magazine "Campus Wind" , which contains papers and assignments of teachers and students.


  6. I handed in my essay, hoping that was the end of it, but Miss Burd had it published in the school paper.


  7. Suppose you write an interesting and original story for your school magazine.


  8. The young man sitting between Mary and John is the editor of our campus newspaper.


  9. Well, she started a school magazine called New Standard when she was a pupil here.


  1. 校刊辱毛惹麻烦

    Student mag in cart for spoofing Mao

  2. 你为校刊写文章。

    You've been writing for the school paper.

  3. 你为校刊写文章。

    You've been writing for the school paper.

  4. 华夏中文学校校刊

    Newsletter of Huaxia Chinese School

  5. 她定期给校刊投稿。

    She regularly contributes to the college magazine.

  6. 我们现在没有校刊了。

    We don't have a school magazine any more.

  7. 她当上了校刊编辑。

    She became editor of the school paper.

  8. 我为他主编的校刊撰稿。

    I wrote for the school magazine, which he edited.

  9. 布告是校刊编委会出的。

    The notice was put upby the editorial board of the school journal.

  10. 我这学期一直向校刊投稿。

    I keep contributing articles to our school magazine this term.

  11. 维也纳中文学校校刊设计。

    Yearbook of Vienna Chinese school.

  12. 我们校刊得发行量现在是3000份。

    The distribution of our school paper is now 3000.

  13. 我们校刊的发行量现在是3000份。

    The distribution of our school paper is now 3000.

  14. 我正在为高中校刊写一篇东西。

    I'm writing a story for the highschool paper.

  15. 她是校刊上最出众的人物之一。

    She is one of the shining lights of the school paper.

  16. 我喜欢你在校刊上的文章。怎么做?

    I like your articles in the school magazine.

  17. 或许你应为校刊拍照、拍结婚照等等。

    Maybe you should take pictures for school paper or shoot weddings and stuff.

  18. 本人愿意赞助贵校出版之钟声校刊。

    I am willing to sponsor the publication of the school magazine Chimes.

  19. 据上海涵芬楼藏亦有生斋校刊本影印。

    Ju Shanghai Han fen lou cang Yi Yousheng zhai jiao kan ben ying yin.

  20. 我的任务是最后完成他的档案, 给校刊写个讣告。

    I was to close the file and write the obituary for the school paper

  21. 你为什么不参加课外活动呢?例如社团、校刊或是球队。

    Why don't you join an extracurricular activity, such as a club, the school newspaper, or a team?

  22. 反华情绪也出现在维大最新一期的校刊醒目上。

    AntiChinese sentiment has also been expressed in Victoria Universitys latest student magazine, Salient.

  23. 关于长寿基因的最新研究成果发表在美国科学院校刊上。

    The latest findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

  24. 为了表扬他舍己为人的精神,学校校刊发了专版报道他的事迹。

    The school published a special report with a whole page about his deeds, to praise his spirit of sacrifice for the sake of others.

  25. 有些被南宋学校刊刻为教科书, 宋代丛书也收入他的著作。

    Some of the Southern Song Dynasty Print School for textbooks, Song Books revenue also spread his work to the society.


  1. 问:校刊拼音怎么拼?校刊的读音是什么?校刊翻译成英文是什么?

    答:校刊的读音是xiàokān,校刊翻译成英文是 school publication; school magazine