







汉语拼音:chén shuì








  1. Sixty years of the Endeavor, was like a sleeping dragon, dream wake up, stand in the east of Britain. Let the world in awe.


  2. Jimmy felt uneasy for the whole day as he was aroused from deep sleep by the ringing of the door bell early in the morning.


  3. The cook continued to sleep, but the oiler sat up, blinking his eyes and shaking with the new cold.


  4. On most measures the Japanese banking system looks as if it has slept through the past 20 years.


  5. I should behold with awe the magnificent panorama of light with which the sun awakens the sleeping earth.


  6. But when Adam is lonely, God determined to make him a spouse, then in his sleep during take off one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh.


  7. He makes love to his wife while she slumbers, desperately trying to quench the thirst that love and marriage and her silence awaken in him.


  8. She opens her eyes, and sometimes she groans or gropes toward people nearby. Most of the time she seems to be asleep.


  9. I always know exactly what i want in my life ! but , others do not know ! so , if i was asleep , please do not wake me up.


  1. 只是在沉睡

    It's dormant.

  2. 沉睡的记忆

    deep memories.

  3. 沉睡在树梢。

    On the treetop.

  4. 沉睡的摩卡

    A Cup of Sleeping Moka.

  5. 因疲劳而沉睡

    a deep sleep of exhaustion

  6. 行动于我们的沉睡

    In motion while we sleep

  7. 从沉睡中唤醒某人

    to arouse one from a deep sleep

  8. 是唤醒沉睡的灵魂。

    To awaken the sleeping souls.

  9. 穿过沉睡中的黑夜。

    Gone through the night of sleep.

  10. 蜗牛可以沉睡三年。

    A snail can sleep for three years.

  11. 沉睡者应当被唤醒。

    The sleeper slumbershe shall awaken.

  12. 我愿, 时间就此沉睡

    I wish, time falls into an eternal sleep

  13. 唤醒曾经沉睡的记忆

    Awakes once and deep memory

  14. 唤醒沉睡的网络资源

    Wakening the Sleeping Network Resource

  15. 那些已经沉睡的战友。

    Our comrades out there who sleep.

  16. 我从沉睡中醒来。

    I awoke from a deep sleep.

  17. 沉睡的房子更加寂静。

    Silence thickened in the sleeping house.

  18. 我俯视着沉睡的你。

    I lean over your sleep.

  19. 穿过沉睡中得黑夜,

    Gone through the night of sleep

  20. 和巫毒偶一起沉睡

    Where you sleep with voodoo dolls

  21. 我们在图书馆里沉睡。

    Where is the information we have lost in dream in a library?

  22. 穿行在你沉睡的边缘

    Through the frontiers of your sleep

  23. 真正的冬天还在沉睡

    All the white horses are still in bed

  24. 何时沉睡的嫩芽绽放?

    The sleeping bud burst into bloom?

  25. 大自然从沉睡中醒来,

    The marvel of Nature shaking off sleep

  26. 因为沉睡的灵魂如死。

    For the soul is dead that slumbers.

  27. 惊醒深海巨兽的沉睡

    Rousing of a mighty monster from his sleep

  28. 你沉睡的内在逐渐苏醒

    Deep inside of you to come into your own

  29. 寂静笼罩着沉睡的城镇。

    Silence enwrapped the sleeping town.

  30. 寂静笼罩着沉睡的村庄。

    Silence enwrapped the sleeping village.


  1. 问:沉睡拼音怎么拼?沉睡的读音是什么?沉睡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉睡的读音是chénshuì,沉睡翻译成英文是 be fast asleep

  2. 问:沉睡股票拼音怎么拼?沉睡股票的读音是什么?沉睡股票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉睡股票的读音是chén shuì gǔ piào,沉睡股票翻译成英文是 sleeper

  3. 问:沉睡的森林拼音怎么拼?沉睡的森林的读音是什么?沉睡的森林翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉睡的森林的读音是,沉睡的森林翻译成英文是 Nemureru Mori

  4. 问:沉睡的秘境拼音怎么拼?沉睡的秘境的读音是什么?沉睡的秘境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉睡的秘境的读音是,沉睡的秘境翻译成英文是 Barbara Ikai

  5. 问:沉睡的吉普赛人拼音怎么拼?沉睡的吉普赛人的读音是什么?沉睡的吉普赛人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉睡的吉普赛人的读音是,沉睡的吉普赛人翻译成英文是 The Sleeping Gypsy



注释chénshuì[be sunk in sleep;be fast asleep] 熟睡。人如果没有了方向没有了目标,就很容易被麻木的生活,慢 慢会变得没斗志,慢慢会沉睡。如果这样将失去生活的意义。艺术家沉睡跨界艺术家与文化学者★主要思想著作有:《摇滚 时代》(中央编译出版社2010年版)《废墟之花》(中国青年出版社 2005年版)《南京保卫战与南京大屠杀的全新反思》(即出)《大预言:第三次世界大战之根源猜想》(即出)★主要主编著作有: