




表示敬意的礼节:~手(古代男子跪拜礼的一种)。~忏。礼~。回~。恭敬地:~托。~谢。~读。~别。~谒(a.拜见;b.瞻仰陵墓、碑碣)。行礼祝贺:~年。~寿。用一定的礼节授与某种名义或职位,或结成某种关系:~将(jiàng )。~相(xiàn……



汉语拼音:mó bài







  1. 合掌加额,长跪而拜。表示尊敬或畏服的礼式。亦专指礼拜神佛。

    《穆天子传》卷二:“吾乃膜拜而受。” 郭璞 注:“今之 胡 人礼佛,举手加头,称南膜拜者,即此类也。” 唐 唐扶 《使南海道长沙题道林岳麓寺》诗:“逢迎侯伯转觉贵,膜拜佛像心加尊。” 明 张煌言 《伪庭即事》诗:“独笑中华皆妇孺,几回膜拜捧胡雏。” 许杰 《吉顺》下:“他想深深的跪下,向着头上几点星光闪耀着的上苍膜拜。”



  1. He was no slavish admirer of logic and was willing enough to give usage right of way through the exact demesnes of grammar.


  2. However, not all contacts have been made out of a desire to help you, and some have taken advantage of your beliefs that they were gods.


  3. Although some of the material you read will be very persuasive, do not fall under the spell of the printed word as authority.


  4. If I love God with all my heart, soul, and mind, would I start worshipping any other god at any time?


  5. Some rock musicians have no doubt actually practiced Satan worship, but as far as I know, they're in the minority.


  6. We want our children to be getting ready to worship the Lord, too.


  7. Forget Iceland's volcano. If you want to see a really big eruption, you need to head to the Sun.


  8. Some people believe this superstition reflects the early Christian worship for the wooden cross on which Jesus was put to death.


  9. Let all my songs gather together their diverse strains into a single current and flow to a sea of silence in one salutation to thee.


  1. 在佛像面前顶礼膜拜

    Fall down in adoration before Buddhist images

  2. 降神会上的膜拜

    spiritual tappings at a seance

  3. 我膜拜着你如酒红唇。

    I worship your lips once red as wine.

  4. 潮退我膜拜在他脚踝。

    When it withdraws, I drop to his feet in Prayer.

  5. 我已经厌倦了向国王顶礼膜拜!

    I'm sick and tired of bowing and scraping to the king!

  6. 因此, 这便是神灵, 我们膜拜它。

    Therefore is it the god, and we worship it.

  7. 膜拜希腊酒神戴奥尼索斯的

    Of or devoted to the worship of Dionysus.

  8. 人都向旭日膜拜, 不向夕阳顶礼

    More worship the rising than the setting sun

  9. 爱,便是众天使向群星的膜拜。

    Love is the salutation of the angels to the stars.

  10. 牧羊人和智者将屈膝且膜拜他。

    Shepherds and wise man will kneel and adore him.

  11. 好让世界各地的人们都来聚集膜拜

    To which all nations throng to adore thee

  12. 我可绝不会膜拜这些脑满肠肥得神得。

    I will never worship the fat gods.

  13. 我可绝不会膜拜这些脑满肠肥的神的。

    I will never worship the fat gods.

  14. 人们膜拜他是希望自己能够考试顺利。

    People pay homage to him in the hope of successfully passing an examination.

  15. 复杂的电脑模型也不再得到如此多的膜拜。

    Elaborate computer models do not command quite such reverence.

  16. 整个世界都将对她出类拔萃得美貌顶礼膜拜。

    The world was to bow to her visible beauty.

  17. 整个世界都将对她出类拔萃的美貌顶礼膜拜。

    The world was to bow to her visible beauty.

  18. 说罢, 两只动物匐匍在地上, 低头膜拜起来。

    Then the two animals, crouching to the earth, bowed their heads and did worship.

  19. 每月的头一个礼拜五, 他必去祭坛膜拜。

    He went to the altar every first Friday.

  20. 每月得头一个礼拜五,他必去祭坛膜拜。

    He went to the altar every first Friday.

  21. 两只动物一齐蹲在地上, 低着头, 顶礼膜拜起来。

    The two animals, crouching to the earth, bowed their heads and did worship.

  22. 关于加强膜拜团体问题的理论研究座谈会在京举行

    The session on enforcing research on sect group in theory was held in Beijing

  23. 有人说, 加拿大洛基山脉是一座可以膜拜得神庙。

    It is said that Rocky Mountains is a holy temple.

  24. 这一膜拜热情的意外催化剂是一个叫南的虚构青少年。

    The unlikely catalyst for this cultish enthusiasm is a fictional teenager called Minami.

  25. 如果现在是夜晚, 是在黑暗中, 他简直就要向他下跪膜拜了。

    He would have liked to fall down and worship him, if it were in the dark.

  26. 这一膜拜热情得意外催化剂是一个叫南得虚构青少年。

    The unlikely catalyst for this cultish enthusiasm is a fictional teenager called Minami.

  27. 动物不会向另一种动物,或是几千年前的同类屈膝膜拜。

    Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of years ago.

  28. 在太和殿里, 皇帝会受到出席的官员以及外国使臣的膜拜。

    The emperor received greatings from attending officials and foreign envoys in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

  29. 在古埃及和古希腊时期, 这颗星都被人们当做神来膜拜。

    This star was given deity status among the ancient Egyptians and later the Greeks.

  30. 他吝啬、对权力顶礼膜拜,顶礼朝阳多,膜拜夕阳少。

    He is mean and respects nothing but power. More worship the rising than the setting sun.


  1. 问:膜拜拼音怎么拼?膜拜的读音是什么?膜拜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:膜拜的读音是móbài,膜拜翻译成英文是 prostrate oneself



“膜拜”是个多义词,它可以指膜拜(方莘诗集), 膜拜(汉语词语), 膜拜(网络用语)。