







汉语拼音:quǎn rú







  1. 原指古 希腊 犬儒学派的哲学家。他们提出绝对的个人精神自由,轻视一切社会虚套、习俗和文化规范,过着禁欲的简陋生活,被当时人讥为穷犬,故称。后亦泛指具有这些特点的人。

    章炳麟 《<无政府主义>序》:“若能循齐物之眇义,任夔蚿之各适,一人百族,势不相侵,井上食李之夫,犬儒裸形之学,旷絶人间。” 鲁迅 《而已集·小杂感》:“蜜蜂的刺,一用即丧失了它自己的生命;犬儒的刺,一用则苟延了他自己的生命。”



  1. Yet after the wave of secular uprisings, it is the cynics who seem out of touch, and the idealists have turned out to be the realists.


  2. This cynicism seems to have helped Jack Layton, the NDP leader.


  3. Organizational cynicism is an extremely negative attitude of an employee toward the organization he or she employed.


  4. Such a reaction reflects the culture of cynicism and nationalism that has flourished in Russia in recent years.


  5. It is time to put away the cynicism, and get out the union jacks.


  6. Cynicism gives way to the celebration when carefully preparing holiday sweets or stringing colorful lights around the entrance to your home.


  7. We must not lose you to drugs and violence, premature pregnancy, suicide, cynicism, pessimism and despair.


  8. Diogenes was a famous Greek philosopher of the fourth century BC, who established the philosophy of cynicism.


  9. Cynicism has undergone a long period of time from its birth to development. Great changes have taken place to its main ideas.


  1. 我们却那么的犬儒

    While we cynic as can be

  2. 什么是犬儒学派?

    What is a cynic.

  3. 不是犬儒,是个现实主义者

    Not a cynic. A realist.

  4. 猫代表犬儒主义和残酷

    The cat, cynicism and cruelty

  5. 犬儒主义古时犬儒学派的信条

    The beliefs of the ancient Cynics.

  6. 犬儒是古代希腊哲学学派之一。

    A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.

  7. 作出自动反应的犬儒主义者

    a knee jerk cynic.

  8. 现代犬儒主义思想及其负面影响

    On Modern Cynic Thoughts and Their Negative Influence

  9. 犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派的成员。

    Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.

  10. 人们称他为狗, 称他的哲学为犬儒主义。

    People called him The Dog and called his philosophy Cynicism.

  11. 当然, 共和党不是唯一的犬儒主义者。

    Of course, Republicans aren't the only cynics.

  12. 犬儒学派是古代希腊哲学学派得成员。

    Cynic is the member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers.

  13. 所以,李银河说自己犬儒不犬儒的,那是空话。

    So, Li yinhe's talk about ending up a cynic or not, that's all empty talk.

  14. 但阴谋论是自动生成的, 懒惰的犬儒主义。

    But conspiracy theories are kneejerk, lazy cynicism.

  15. 犬儒主义是一种选择, 而希望是一种更好的选择。

    Cynicism is a choice, and hope is a better choice.

  16. 我想, 如何在这个犬儒主义的时代, 使人信服。

    And I said, how, in this age of cynicism can I convince people?

  17. 犬儒哲学似乎给新民主党领袖杰克。莱顿帮了忙。

    This cynicism seems to have helped Jack Layton, the NDP leader.

  18. 你得看看这种犬儒哲学, 罗杰你那种工作太容易了

    You gotta watch this cynicism, roger. it's too easy in that job of yours

  19. 犬儒主义是健全的经济体和良好的社会的可怕敌人。

    Cynicism is a formidable enemy of good economies and good societies.

  20. 对此无需嗤之以鼻,我认为布朗不是一个媚俗的犬儒。

    I dont think Brown is a cynical panderer.

  21. 微软的对手请他进行游说, 展示了犬儒主义的一面。

    When Microsoft's rivals hired him to lobby, they exposed their cynicism.

  22. 在商学院中, 怀疑精神和犬儒主义尤其应当被提倡。

    In particular, they should foster the twin virtues of scepticism and cynicism.

  23. 也许,这是个性的问题和转变成犬儒主义的黑色影像问题。

    Perhaps it was a matter of personality, and of a dark vision that turned to cynicism.

  24. 组织犬儒主义是雇员对雇佣组织的一种极端的负面态度。

    Organizational cynicism is an extremely negative attitude of an employee toward the organization he or she employed.

  25. 犬儒主义者认为他们就像狗的一生因而可以被宽恕。

    A cynic may be pardoned for thinking that this is a dog's life.

  26. 还有其他大量书信, 以著名犬儒派哲学家的名义书写。

    There are a whole bunch of letters written under the names of very famous Cynic philosophers.

  27. 我当初怎么没有意识到 我嫁给了一个犬儒主义的傻瓜。

    Because I didn't know I was married to such a cynical lug nut.

  28. 犬儒主义安抚我,如果我们只有较少的服装和更好的光。

    Cynicism reassure me that, If we only had less clothing and better light.

  29. 这使他在当今世界浅薄而犬儒主义的领导人里脱颖而出。

    That makes him stand out in a world of shallow and cynical leaders.

  30. 现在奥巴马几乎在每场演讲中都会用到犬儒主义这个词。

    The word now crops up in nearly every speech.


  1. 问:犬儒拼音怎么拼?犬儒的读音是什么?犬儒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犬儒的读音是quǎnrú,犬儒翻译成英文是 Cynic

  2. 问:犬儒主义拼音怎么拼?犬儒主义的读音是什么?犬儒主义翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犬儒主义的读音是,犬儒主义翻译成英文是 Cynicism

  3. 问:犬儒学派拼音怎么拼?犬儒学派的读音是什么?犬儒学派翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犬儒学派的读音是,犬儒学派翻译成英文是 Cynicism

  4. 问:犬儒学派之徒拼音怎么拼?犬儒学派之徒的读音是什么?犬儒学派之徒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:犬儒学派之徒的读音是,犬儒学派之徒翻译成英文是 cynic


