


1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……





汉语拼音:jí zǎo








  1. 趁早。

    隋 江总 《闺怨篇》:“愿君关山及早度,念妾桃李片时妍。” 元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第二折:“不如及早归山去,我则怕为官不到头,枉了也干求。” 老舍 《四世同堂》四三:“他们发动战争,他们也愿极快地结束战争,好及早地享受两天由胜利得来的幸福。”



  1. He said Turkey's only interest is the well-being of Libya and he was working for an early ceasefire.


  2. Result: The drug induced malingering was able to be diagnosed early by the malingering patients special clinical expression.


  3. I am sorry for not being able to inform you earlier and hope that you can find some other qualified applicant to fill this place in time.


  4. Remember, early diagnosis and treatment is often the key to long-term health.


  5. Have your husband or family member make the kids' school lunches the night before. They won't be the freshest, but it's only for a few days.


  6. If we did not force a showdown soon on the issue of resupply and infiltration the war would resume whenever they were ready.


  7. The early work, I choose to read " secondary" , can save the cost of reading, and can also be in accordance with national planning division.


  8. Although the problem lingered for years, Xiang said he had no regrets about not repairing the problem earlier.


  9. When I was in high school, my desirable university was actually this school. On account of early work, I was not able to continue study.


  1. 没有及早发现

    The lack of early detection.

  2. 及早转开油门。

    Get the throttle on early.

  3. 有病要及早治。

    When you are ill, see the doctor as soon as possible.

  4. 及早预约, 以免向隅。

    Book early to avoid disappointment.

  5. 及早预约,以免向隅。

    Book early to avoid disappointment.

  6. 他们决心及早开始。

    They resolved upon making an early start.

  7. 敬请及早予以安排。

    Please give the matter your early attention.

  8. 农作物必须及早收割。

    The harvest must be reaped in good time.

  9. 这屋顶应及早整修。

    The roof should be repaired soon.

  10. 尽可能的及早装运

    Please effect shipment as soon as possible

  11. 及早充分治疗乳牛热

    Early and adequate treatment of Milk Fever

  12. 期待谈判的及早结束。

    look for an early end to the negotiations.

  13. 幸亏及早发现了敌机。

    Luckily, the enemy planes were spotted early.

  14. 核事故及早通报公约

    Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident

  15. 及早发现往往可以治愈。

    Early detection can often lead to a cure.

  16. 你必须及早作出决定。

    You must arrive at a decision soon.

  17. 为及早出发做好准备

    Have everything in readiness for an early start

  18. 希望你方能及早回复。

    Your prompt reply, therefore, will be appreciated.

  19. 我们期待您及早的答复。

    We look forward to your early reply.

  20. 我们期待您及早的答复。

    We look forward to your early reply.

  21. 葡萄病毒病应及早防治

    The Virus of Grape Disease Should be Prevented and Controlled in Its Early Stage

  22. 一有消息, 请及早通知我。

    As soon as you get any news, please let me know.

  23. 及早的价值创造和风险减少。

    Early value creation and risk reduction.

  24. 及早结帐有1。5英镑的折扣。

    Offer a rebate of 1.50 for early settlement,ie of an account,a bill, etc

  25. 我想及早赶到那里, 免得拥挤。

    I want to get there early to avoid the crowds.

  26. 我认为这个问题应及早处理。

    I think this problem should be dealt with quickly.

  27. 他那天早上及早醒了。

    He awoke betimes that morning.

  28. 他那天早上及早醒了。

    He awoke betimes that morning.

  29. 手术的成功在于肿瘤的及早发现。

    early detection can often lead to a cure.

  30. 我们及早订票以确保有座。

    We book early to assure ourselves of seats.


  1. 问:及早拼音怎么拼?及早的读音是什么?及早翻译成英文是什么?

    答:及早的读音是jízǎo,及早翻译成英文是 as soon as possible

  2. 问:及早求值拼音怎么拼?及早求值的读音是什么?及早求值翻译成英文是什么?

    答:及早求值的读音是,及早求值翻译成英文是 Eager evaluation