




1. 作 [zuò]作 [zuò]起,兴起,现在起:振~。枪声大~。从事,做工:工~。~息。~业。举行,进行:~别(分别)。~乱。~案。~战。~报告。干出,做出,表现出,制造出:~恶(è)。~弊。~梗。~祟。~态。~色。~为。~难。~奸犯科……



汉语拼音:jiā zuò








  1. 优美的作品。

    《魏书·冯熙传》:“其 北邙寺 碑文,中书侍郎 贾元寿 之词。 高祖 频登 北邙寺 ,亲读碑文,称为佳作。” 南朝 梁 萧统 《答湘东王求文集及诗苑英华书》:“虽事涉乌有,义异拟伦,而清新卓尔,殊为佳作。” 唐 李白 《游水西简郑明府》诗:“吟翫空復情,相思尔佳作。”《儒林外史》第三四回:“承惠佳作,尚不曾捧读。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致王志之》:“青年作家大抵苦于生活,倘有佳作,只能就近卖稿。”



  1. All that technology that has made niche content so much more accessible has also proved handy for pushing blockbusters.

  2. they hope to do the same, with the aid of a bit of jujitsu, with Mr Brown's offering.

  3. But as a clear, brief guide to the countries of the south Caucasus, it would be hard to do better than this book.

  4. His The Portrait of a Lady is considered to be an excellent literary work, which can be analyzed in the diverse ways.

  5. More than 100 of the best images will be displayed in a free exhibition at the National Theatre in London from November 22.

  6. Nevertheless, there are a number of characteristics that the best writing tends to manifest, and these I will encourage in your work.

  7. Here we offer the best shots taken from, and of, the module windows so far.

  8. The author of this fine book, Geoffrey Robinson, was there that day, as a member of the United Nations mission that organised the poll.

  9. Using state-of-the art technology Dr Fung has taken scans of his patient's body parts and turned them into masterpieces.


  1. 新闻佳作评析2。

    Comments on Samples of News II.

  2. 佳作千古传。

    A book is the same today as it always is and it will never change.

  3. 欣赏他的佳作

    appreciate a masterwork of his

  4. 不可多得的佳作

    a rare specimen of good writing

  5. 我们在欣赏他的佳作。

    We appreciate a masterwork of his.

  6. 创造出让人惊艳的佳作

    never even thought you had in you.

  7. 表达清楚是佳作的特色。

    Clear expression is the hallmark of good writing.

  8. 她的新电影有望成为佳作

    Her new movie is expected to be a biggie.

  9. 这首诗气脉贯通, 真是佳作!

    The ideas in the poem are in sequence. What a good poem it is!

  10. 这首诗气脉贯通,真是佳作!

    The ideas in the poem are in sequence. What a good poem it is!

  11. 晚期作品是这位作曲家的佳作。

    The later works are the composer's best.

  12. 晚期作品是这位作曲家得佳作。

    The later works are the composer's best.

  13. 留下许多珍贵的佳作和题刻。

    Who left many valuable poetic masterpieces and carved inscriptions.

  14. 感情真挚。是一篇很好的佳作。

    I think it is good.

  15. 诗人擅长古体,古体诗歌多有佳作。

    Poet good archaic, classical poems and more a masterpiece.

  16. 真不愧是元朝石雕艺术的佳作。

    It certainly deserves to be a masterpiece of Yuan Dynasty stone carving.

  17. 他新近的小说是一本文学佳作。

    His recent novel is a fine literary effort.

  18. 典型的英国不列颠式的即兴佳作。

    A classic case of British improvisation.

  19. 这部小说被认为是出色的佳作。

    The novel is considered a brilliant performance.

  20. 努力创作艺术精品积极催生传世佳作

    Create Fine Works of Art to Form Masterpieces

  21. 你构思很好,可用来写一本佳作。

    You've a very good idea there. It will make a good book.

  22. 这是一款永恒得佳作, 跨越年代得经典。

    It is an eternal masterpiece and an aged classic.

  23. 这是一款永恒的佳作, 跨越年代的经典。

    It is an eternal masterpiece and an aged classic.

  24. 这篇文章是调查性新闻报道中的佳作。

    The article was an excellent piece of investigative journalism.

  25. 那真遗憾,因为我觉得这是一幅佳作。

    Well, that's too bad, because I think it's brilliant.

  26. 我会将画架摆好并画出一幅佳作!

    I'll set up my easel and paint a masterpiece!

  27. 经他精心刻镂得雕塑作品,全都堪称佳作。

    His meticulously engraved works are all excellent.

  28. 经他精心刻镂的雕塑作品,全都堪称佳作。

    His meticulously engraved works are all excellent.

  29. 经他精心刻镂的雕塑作品,全都堪称佳作。

    His meticulously engraved works are all excellent.

  30. 流行佳作,销量巨大的东西,如电影或书。

    Blockbuster something, such as a film or book, that sustains widespread popularity and achieves enormous sales.


  1. 问:佳作拼音怎么拼?佳作的读音是什么?佳作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佳作的读音是jiāzuò,佳作翻译成英文是 an excellent artwork




拼音:jiāzuò 英文:a fine piece of writing 基本解释 [a fine piece of writing;excelent work;good piece of writing] 出众的文艺作品 孝文频登北芒寺,亲读碑文,称为佳作。——《北史·冯熙传》 近来影视佳作不断出现 详细解释 优美的作品。 《魏书·冯熙传》:“其 北邙寺 碑文,中书侍郎 贾元寿 之词。 高祖 频登 北邙寺 ,亲读碑文,称为佳作。” 南朝 梁 萧统 《答湘东王求文集及诗苑英华书》:“虽事涉乌有,义异拟伦,而清新卓尔,殊为佳作。” 唐 李白 《游水西简郑明府》诗:“吟翫空复情,相思尔佳作。”《儒林外史》第三四回:“承惠佳作,尚不曾捧读。” 鲁迅《书信集·致王志之》:“青年作家大抵苦于生活,倘有佳作,只能就近卖稿。”