


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà niáng








  1. 对年长妇人的敬称。

    唐 杜甫 《观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行》序:“问其所师,曰:‘余 公孙大娘 弟子也。’”《红楼梦》第五六回:“有 吴大娘 单大娘 ,他两个在西南角上 聚锦门 等着呢。” 陈其通 《万水千山》第二幕:“大娘,你回去睡吧!”

  2. 妾对正妻的敬称。

    《古今小说·沉小霞相会出师表》:“﹝ 沉小霞 ﹞话声未絶,只见 闻氏 淑英 説道:‘官人説那里话!你去数千里之外,没个亲人朝夕看覷,怎生放下?大娘自到 孟 家去,奴家情愿蓬首垢面,一路伏侍官人前行。’”

  3. 犹伯母。




  1. Refusing to be a burden of her children, Aunty Fang chooses to spend her old age alone in a cluttered tent.


  2. It was as if Grannie Zhang had never even considered this question.


  3. One seems to age fifty aunt took away her dumb a voice, as if the vocal cords in card is full of dust, sound pathetic in shows.


  4. Climbing over the walls and dropping down into the courtyard, they discovered an old woman sitting on her doorstep weeping bitterly.


  5. Mumford, at first encouraging, became the rudest, calling her "Mother Jacobs" and comparing her to a quack.


  6. Aunt Zhang, her face radiating happiness, stood at the door waiting for her daughter-in-law who was coming from town.


  7. Standing next to me was an old woman, she is carrying a parcel, the face rises very red, desperately out of the atmosphere.


  8. In front of her was the spectre of the Thenardier; behind her all the phantoms of the night and of the forest.


  9. He had seated himself in silence on the nearest bed, and, as he was behind Jondrette, he could only be indistinctly seen.


  1. 马格洛大娘说。

    Exclaimed Madame Magloire.

  2. 四大娘很着急。

    She was verve worried.

  3. 又去逼问林大娘。

    They grilled Mrs.Lin.

  4. 王大娘补缸

    Madam Wang mends the earthenware.

  5. 大娘想想,来做什么?

    Madam wondered why the Warden was coming.

  6. 马格洛大娘耸了耸肩。

    Madame Magloire shrugged her shoulders.

  7. 杨大娘,过来暖和暖和。

    Come and warm yourself, Aunt Yang.

  8. 马格洛大娘赶忙收拾桌子。

    Madame Magloire cleared the table very promptly.

  9. 马格洛大娘矮小,肥胖,活跃,

    Madame Magloire small, plump, vivacious

  10. 大娘给你下碗水饺吃。

    Aunt will give you to eat a bowl of dumplings.

  11. 是张大娘帮助了她。

    It was aunt Zhangwho helped her.

  12. 马格洛大娘不敢说下去了。

    Madame Magloire was speechless.

  13. 马格洛大娘即刻出去执行命令。

    Madame Magloire retired to execute these orders.

  14. 四大娘堵起了嘴巴不回答。

    Her lips pressed tight, she made no reply.

  15. 大娘鼻子一酸, 流下泪来。

    The old woman felt a twinge in her nose and she began to weep.

  16. 马格洛大娘有时仍不免提心吊胆。

    Madame Magloire alone had frights from time to time.

  17. 马格洛大娘把一切都擦拭干净。

    Madam Magloire has cleaned it all off.

  18. 马格洛大娘刚刚把餐具摆好。

    Madame Magloire was, in fact, just putting the last touches to the table.

  19. 马格洛大娘做出一副怪样子

    Madame Magloire made an expressive grimace.

  20. 林大娘深情地看着她得脸。

    Aunt Lin looked into her face with tenderness.

  21. 林大娘深情地看着她的脸。

    Aunt Lin looked into her face with tenderness.

  22. 马格洛大娘撕去了全部得纸。

    Madam Magloire has pulled off all the paper.

  23. 马格洛大娘撕去了全部的纸。

    Madam Magloire has pulled off all the paper.

  24. 梁大娘买的太大梁大娘扛不动。

    Aunt buy too supporting girder aunt carry motionless.

  25. 午餐是各式大娘水饺, 可香了!

    We had a lunch of Da Niang dumpling, very delicious!

  26. 刘大娘很高兴王来看她。

    Aunt Liu was very happy about wang's coming to see her.

  27. 他看看林大娘,又看看林小姐,又叹一口气。

    He looked at his wife, he looked at his daughter, and again he sighed.

  28. 马格洛大娘总点上那两支烛,

    Madame Magloire lighted the two candles and

  29. 哥,您听见马格洛大娘说的话没有?

    Did you hear what Madame Magloire is saying, brother?

  30. 四大娘也慌忙从蚕房里钻出来。

    Ah S''s wife hurried from the shed.


  1. 问:大娘拼音怎么拼?大娘的读音是什么?大娘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大娘的读音是dàniáng,大娘翻译成英文是 father's elder brother's wife; granny


