


倒(dǎo ),下陷:倒~。~方。~台。~架。~陷。下垂:~秧。安定,镇定:~下心来。……





汉语拼音:tā fāng







  1. 土石方塌落。道路、堤坝等旁边的陡坡因风化、水浸、震动等影响或坑道、隧道、矿井的顶部因土质岩层松软突然坍塌。

    杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第三章:“ 老李头 !你们那个工点,有几个地方可能塌方。” 陈卓乾 《两颗流弹》:“慢慢地公路出现了塌方,塌了的地方被农民开成菜地。”



  1. Aurra sprang a trap on her former master, pinning the Dark Woman and the Jedi Master Tholme in a cave explosion.


  2. Phoebe: I remember the day I got my first pay check. There was a cave in in one of the mines, and eight people were killed.


  3. Fang said the rescue work was difficult and risky, as falling rubble and seeping water may indicate another collapse in the near future.


  4. All are tricky in a mine rendered unstable by the cave-in, and, in the best of cases, will take several months.


  5. Earlier reports from state media said the landslide killed one worker and injured another. Two workers are still missing.


  6. Geological landslides and technical over-break in turning part shall be measured again and converted to total length of the tunnel.


  7. Then any trigger, like an earthquake, landslide, or heavy rainstorm and --KABOOM-- the lake explodes like soda from a shaken can.


  8. Since then, the remotely controlled scouts have been deployed to mud slides, caved-in mines, and collapsed buildings around the world.


  9. The collapse treatment technology is of a certain reference of similar projects.


  1. 大坝出现塌方。

    A section of the dam has caved in.

  2. 隧道塌方的原因和预防

    Simple analysis in the cause and precaution of tunnel landslide

  3. 坑道塌方, 矿工都被活埋。

    The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.

  4. 地震和洪水可能导致塌方。

    Landslides can be caused by earthquakes and floods.

  5. 那栋房子被塌方掩埋了。

    The house was buried beneath a landslide.

  6. 他拉着屋顶,房子塌方了。

    He hauled at the roof and the house caved in.

  7. 坑顶或边墙不能塌方。

    The roof or walls will not cave in.

  8. 有个煤矿塌方了,死了八个人。

    There was a cave in in one of the mines, and eight people were killed.

  9. 塌方后,有些矿工被困在地下。

    Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse.

  10. 洞室交叉部位塌方的处理技术

    Techniques of Settling Collapse at Grottos Intersection.

  11. 隧道塌方的原因分析与处治的措施

    Cause Analysis and Treatment Measures for Tunnel Collapse

  12. 某导流洞塌方索赔的分析评估

    Analysis and evaluation of the claim indemnity case for a diversion tunnel collapse.

  13. 白花山右线隧道大塌方事故处理

    Treatment of Baihuashan Right Line Tunnel Collapse

  14. 管棚法在隧道塌方处理中的应用

    Application of Tubular Arbour Method in the Treatment of Tunnel Collapse

  15. 他们的房子在一次塌方中被掩埋。

    Their house was buried by a landslide.

  16. 隧道塌方是隧道施工中比较常见的事故。

    Tunnel collapse is frequently accident in tunnel construction.

  17. 这个塌方是大雨与下水道塌陷造成得。

    The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.

  18. 这个塌方是大雨与下水道塌陷造成的。

    The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewage flow.

  19. 陕西西安一处建筑工地的塌方现场。

    This is the collapse spot of a building site.

  20. 因为它随时可能塌方,该地区已被疏散。

    The area has been evacuated as it could collapse at any minute.

  21. 浅埋隧道施工塌方的原因分析及对策

    The reasons analysis and countermeasures of shallow tunnel construction landslide.

  22. 矿井里发生了塌方, 工人们都从通风口里逃生了。

    The mine pit caved in, and the workers escaped via the air vent.

  23. 矿井里发生了塌方,工人们都从通风口里逃生了。

    The mine pit caved in, and the workers escaped via the air vent.

  24. 破碎地层大断面水工隧洞塌方治理技术

    Landslide Management Technologies for Hydraulic Tunnel with Large Section in Shatter Layer

  25. 并且增加了温室气体排放和塌方和水灾危险。

    In addition, emissions from greenhouse gases as well as landslide and flood risk increase.

  26. 页岩中开挖洞室的塌方预报及判据

    Forecasting and Criterion of Rock Slid during Excavation in Shale.

  27. 浅谈注浆工法在处理隧道塌方中的应用

    On the application of grouting technique in the treatment of the tunnel collapse

  28. 软岩隧道围岩稳定性与塌方处置措施分析

    Analysis on the Stability of Tunnels in Soft Rocks and Measures to Collapses

  29. 台风造成的水灾和塌方使大约5500人无家可归。

    The typhoon, referred to locally as Milenyo, caused floods and landslides that have displaced some 5, 500 people.

  30. 关于软土地基塌方堤防处理方法的探讨

    On Handling of Collapsed Embankment on Mollisol Foundation


  1. 问:塌方拼音怎么拼?塌方的读音是什么?塌方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:塌方的读音是tāfāng,塌方翻译成英文是 collapse


