







汉语拼音:guàn fàn






  1. 经常犯罪;屡教不改的刑事犯。

    柯岩 《奇异的书简·追赶太阳的人六》:“ 任固 三街有个投机倒把惯犯,非法倒卖统购物资,偷税牟利。”



  1. Because the criminal was a repeat offender, the judge threw the book at him with heavy fines and a long prison term.


  2. One of my Catholic high school teachers was later revealed to be a repeat child molester. . . written up in the newspaper and everything.


  3. The Reverend Pat Robertson referred to me as Slick Willie and said I had a radical plan to destroy the American family.


  4. If the family tires of bailing out a repeatoffender, they can disown him, in which case he becomes an outlaw.


  5. Saturated fat, that familiar culprit, is no better for the brain than it is for the body.


  6. Some words, like "man" , are very common. Some, like "recidivism" , make up a very long tail of words that are used less often.


  7. Hope can be paralyzing, sir. We believe that the people who took Aimee Lynch have been doing this for a very long time.


  8. This starts with recidivism. About two in three of the people California releases from prison end up right back in it.


  9. The main problem is not the first offender or the petty thief but the repeated offender who commits increasingly serious crimes.


  1. 惯犯应该从严判处。

    Repeat offenders should be punished with severe sentences.

  2. 惯犯应该从严判处。

    Repeat offenders should be punished with severe sentences.

  3. 惯犯的比例是多少?

    What are the rates of recidivism?

  4. 少年惯犯的安全的家。

    A secure home tor persistent juvenile offenders.

  5. 他还被定为惯犯。

    He was also recognized as being a recidivist.

  6. 因为他是一个惯犯。

    Since he is a repeat offender.

  7. 那个惯犯已经被关起来。

    That habitual criminal has been locked away.

  8. 这个惯犯应受法律制裁。

    The habitual offender deserves legal sanction.

  9. 惯犯应该受到法律的制裁。

    Serial offenders should be punished by the law.

  10. 社会不知道怎样处置惯犯。

    Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals.

  11. 这一切是一个惯犯干得。

    They were the deeds of a hardened criminal.

  12. 这一切是一个惯犯干的。

    They were the deeds of a hardened criminal.

  13. 他在法庭上被描述为惯犯。

    He was described in court as a hardened criminal.

  14. 审问这个惯犯就跟挤牙膏一样。

    To interrogate this hardened criminal, you have to squeeze every word out of him.

  15. 一名惯犯。他是个粗暴的人。

    A criminal. he's a violent man.

  16. 强调他的犯罪记录,他是个惯犯。

    Now remember to stress his record as a repeat offender.

  17. 证人看见那个惯犯抢夺那个人的钱财。

    The witness watched the habitual offender robbing the man of his money.

  18. 证人看见那个惯犯抢夺那个人得钱财。

    The witness watched the habitual offender robbing the man of his money.

  19. 地方检察官决定以惯犯对他进行起诉。

    The DA decides to charge him as a habitual criminal.

  20. 她发觉自己在监狱里结识的都是惯犯。

    In prison she found herself consorting with hardened criminals.

  21. 没有受到法庭制裁的惯犯被当地人处治了。

    Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people.

  22. 这个报告宣称少年犯是被一些惯犯教唆犯罪的。

    The report claims that young people put in prison are corrupted by hardened criminals.

  23. 这名罪大恶极得惯犯将在这间隔离室被执行死刑。

    This hardened criminal of the worst kind is to be executed in this isolated room.

  24. 这名罪大恶极的惯犯将在这间隔离室被执行死刑。

    This hardened criminal of the worst kind is to be executed in this isolated room.

  25. 这名罪大恶极的惯犯将在这间隔离室被执行死刑。

    This hardened criminal of the worst kind is to be executed in this isolated room.

  26. 那个屡教不改的惯犯从监狱里释放时,公众感到愤慨。

    The Public was outraged when the hardened criminal was released from prison.

  27. 从各方面来看,这起入室行窃案都是职业惯犯做的。

    The burglary had all the hallmarks of a professional job.


  1. 问:惯犯拼音怎么拼?惯犯的读音是什么?惯犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯犯的读音是guànfàn,惯犯翻译成英文是 reoffender


