






数名,十个十(在钞票和单据上常用大写“佰”代):~步穿杨。~儿八十。~分比。喻很多:~草。~货。~姓(人民)。~般。~炼成钢。~无聊赖。~废俱兴(xīng )。……





汉语拼音:píng mín bǎi xìng








  1. The average citizen did not know about the ongoing talks or the impact the agreements would have.


  2. I consider it most objectionable when they insist on talking religion with you as if you were a common person.


  3. AIG's bonuses prompted fury from the White House downwards, with critics blasting it as an indefensible case of rewarding failure.


  4. That sort of thing removed the wonder of the truly alien for an ignorant populace, Peter would say.


  5. He said the situation for civilians has become intolerable.


  6. Cheng Xian-zhang s novel Gossip Lane reveals his sense of mission as a modern Kejia writer and his lamenting concern for the common people.


  7. James Elder, a spokesman for Unicef in Sri Lanka, calls the centre a genuine attempt to help child soldiers learn how to be civilians.


  8. It was urgent both militarily arid in the event of a thermonuclear war in which civilians would be involved.


  9. In architecture, the color yellow is reserved for imperial palaces; civilian buildings were not allowed to have yellow tile roofing s .


  1. 欺侮兄弟会的平民百姓

    to bullyrag fraternity plebs

  2. 亲爱的,你不再是平民百姓了。

    Honey, you are no longer one of the little people.

  3. 亲爱的,你不再是平民百姓了。

    Honey, you are no longer one of the little people.

  4. 亲爱的,你不再是平民百姓了。

    Honey, you are no longer one of the little people.

  5. 不管是平民百姓还是达官贵族。

    Either civilians or the Sheriff's nobility.

  6. 归根结底死亡的是成千上万的平民百姓。

    The result is the death of many thousands of civilians.

  7. 他的作品是很受平民百姓的欢迎。

    His work is popular among the common people.

  8. 轰炸炸死了大部分的平民百姓。

    The bombing murdered most of the civilian population.

  9. 这里得平民百姓也不会得到安宁

    Nor shall the Rascal Rabble here have Peace

  10. 这里的平民百姓也不会得到安宁

    Nor shall the Rascal Rabble here have Peace

  11. 这里的平民百姓也不会得到安宁语源

    Nor shall the Rascal Rabble here have Peace

  12. 这里得平民百姓也不会得到安宁语源

    Nor shall the Rascal Rabble here have Peace

  13. 一般官宦以及平民百姓是不准用的。

    Junior officials or ordinary people were not allowed to use them.

  14. 成千上万的平民百姓在战争中惨遭屠杀。

    Millions of thousands of civilians suffered cruel massacre during the war.

  15. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。

    Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.

  16. 恐怖分子故意要同平民百姓做死亡游戏。

    The terrorists have chosen to play a deadly game with the civilian population.

  17. 新城的中心是一大堆平民百姓的住宅。

    The centre of the Town was occupied by a pile of houses for the populace.

  18. 又是打仗又闹饥荒,平民百姓处于水深火热之中。

    What with war and what with famine, the populace at large were caught between two fires.

  19. 遭持久不断暴力之害的主要是平民百姓。

    The main victims of the continuing violence are civilians.

  20. 你会杀死成百上千无辜的平民百姓的。

    You're going to kill thousands of innocent people.

  21. 王公贵族以不屑一顾的傲慢态度对待平民百姓。

    The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.

  22. 在攻击期间以及之后,平民百姓的财产遭到破坏。

    ? Civilian property was destroyed during and in the aftermath of the attack.

  23. 他从军队退了役,重新过上平民百姓的生活。

    He left the army and returned to civilian life.

  24. 富人控制了政治和司法体系以此压制平民百姓。

    The rich oppress the masses by their control of the political and judicial systems.

  25. 他说,平民百姓的处境已经到了不能容忍的地步。

    He said the situation for civilians has become intolerable.

  26. 我们强烈谴责恐怖主义行径以及对平民百姓动用武力。

    We strongly condemn the terrorist acts and use of force against the civilian population.

  27. 她受到贵族阶层的欢迎,但尚未得到平民百姓的支持。

    She is popular with the aristocracy but she has not yet won the support of the masses.

  28. 不可否认,这是一场平民百姓反抗领导人的起义。

    It was undeniably a revolt by ordinary people against their leaders.

  29. 由于以前的平民百姓禁止进入故宫,因此又名紫禁城。

    It was forbidden to laboring people in the past, hence the name the Forbidden City.

  30. 我们得不妥协政策对轴心国得平民百姓并无恶意。

    In our uncompromising policy we mean no harm to the common people of the Axis nations.

