


1. 将 [jiāng]2. 将 [jiàng]将 [jiāng]快要:~要。~至。~来。即~。带领,扶助:~雏。扶~。~军。拿,持:~心比心。把:~门关好。下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”。用言语刺激:你别~他的火儿了。保养:~养。~息。……









汉语拼音:jiàng yù liáng cái








  • 【解释】:将:将领;良才:高才。多指双方本领相当,能人碰上能人。
  • 【出自】:明·施耐庵《水浒传》第34回:“两个就清风山下厮杀,乃是棋逢敌手难藏幸,将遇良才好用功。”
  • 【示例】:他们两个真是棋逢对手,~。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;常与“棋逢对手”连用


  1. na.
  2. find [

  3. meet] one'

  4. s match;a Roland for an Oliver

  1. 棋逢敌手, 将遇良才

    Diamond cut diamond

  2. 棋逢对手难相胜, 将遇良才不敢骄。

    When a general meets a worthy opponent, he won't dare to underestimate him.

  3. 别看他小小年纪,却颇具将才。

    Though he is young, he is a good commander.

  4. 别看他小小年纪,却颇具将才。

    Though he is young, he is a good commander.

  5. 将才指挥战争中的领导权或技术

    Leadership or skill in the conduct of a war.

  6. 要统帅这些队伍, 需要惊人的将才。

    It needed a prodigious amount of generalship to marshal these forces.

  7. 大家要推举一位将才出来指挥战斗。

    We are selecting a man with military talent to command the battle.

  8. 笛卡尔同时也宣扬将才能运用得当的方式。

    And he advocates a method of using them properly.

  9. 只有经历过战火,才知道一个士兵是否是将才。

    The abilities of a soldier are never known until they have been blooded.

  10. 只有经历过战火,才知道一个士兵是否是将才。

    The abilities of a soldier are never known until they have been blooded.

  11. 你将才提到的事,我有一中似曾相似的奇怪幻觉。

    I had an odd sense of deja vu just as you said that.

  12. 开普勒在后半生似乎将才能用于占星而颇为抱歉。

    In later life Kepler seemed rather apologetic about his ability as an astrologer

  13. 耗资百万才将我们拯救

    It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back

  14. 那才将是一个真正得转折点。

    That would really be a watershed.

  15. 那才将是一个真正的转折点。

    That would really be a watershed.

  16. 费了很长时间才将火生着了。

    The fire took a long time to light.

  17. 他有将帅之才。

    He has the talent of a commander.

  18. 查理花了十年才将债务还清。

    It took Charlie ten years to pay off his debt.

  19. 我们用了四年时间才将它拆开。

    So it took four years to take apart.

  20. 花了一个星期才将入侵者逐出。

    It took a week to winkle out the intruder.

  21. 我费了好大的劲才将他们拦住。

    I have great trouble to keep off the men.

  22. 最后用泥袋堵住钻孔,才将火焰熄灭。

    Finally bags to block drilling mud before the flame goes out.

  23. 我总是在讲话最后才将布道推向高潮。

    I make it a point to save the climax of my talk until the very end.

  24. 英国花了4年时间才将其币制改为十进制。

    It took four years for Britain just to decimalise its own coinage.

  25. 我们将不才个月接管报价。

    We'll be taking quotations next month.

  26. 结果花了 45 分钟,才将她从车子里救出来。

    It would end up taking 43 minutes to free her from the vehicle.

  27. 只好用了起重机,才将轿车从河里拖出来。

    A crane had to be used to haul the car out of the stream.

  28. 我建议找平锻才将它纳入本条巨大帮助!

    I suggest leveling Smithing before coming into this section as it will be hugely helpful!

  29. 如果我回到家,我才将我在这里说的翻回中文。

    If I am back, I will translate what I said here.

  30. 警方出警了三次才将这个犯罪团伙一网打尽。

    It was not until the third time the police came to the scene that they caught the whole criminal group in action.


1,他们两个真是棋逢对手,将遇良才。2,两个就清风山下厮杀,乃是棋逢敌手难藏幸,将遇良才好用功。( 明·施耐庵《水浒传》第三十四回)3,《西游记》第四十六回:“陛下左右是‘棋逢对手,将遇良才。’”