


体内含脂肪少,肌肉不丰满,与“胖”、“肥”相对:~溜(“溜”读轻声)。~弱。~小。~削。~俏。~长(cháng )。~瘪。消~。清~。~骨嶙峋。衣服鞋袜等窄小:这条裤子太~了。细削,单薄:字小而~。土地瘠薄:~瘠。遒劲有骨力:书贵~硬。水清……





汉语拼音:shòu rén







  1. 不肥胖的人。

    唐 薛能 《自讽》诗:“千题万咏过三旬,忘食贪魔作瘦人。” 元 朱丹溪 《丹溪手镜·评脉·形脉相应》:“肥人脉细欲絶者死。瘦人脉躁者死。”

  2. 指使人瘦。

    宋 陆游 《对镜》诗:“诗家事业君休问,不独穷人亦瘦人。”



  1. so , when you see that thin person eating lunch , that food is actually helping them stay thin.


  2. Shouren a few strokes . Shouren also a stroke, is only slightly less than fat people more.


  3. Each fat person is said to be responsible for emitting a tonne more of climate-warming carbon dioxide per year than a thin one.


  4. One thin person I know once suggested that we arrange all the parts of a jigsaw puzzle into groups according to size, shape, and color.


  5. Skinny jeans will also continue to be the casual pant of choice for the fashionably svelte, Mr. Sardouk says.


  6. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: It is not known whether calorie restriction extends maximum life span or life expectancy in lean humans.


  7. We do not necessarily respect a fat man more than a thin man.


  8. Overall, thin people were still metabolically healthier than people who were overweight or obese.


  9. Here's yet another reason to stay in shape: Thinner people contribute less to global warming, according to a new study.


  1. 胖人常常比瘦人血压高。

    Obese people tend to have higher blood pressure than lean people.

  2. 瘦人吃什么能发胖啊,请教医学高手

    What does lath lath eat can get fat ah, consult medical ace,.

  3. 比起瘦人,我们并不见得更尊重胖人。

    We do not necessarily respect a fat man more than a thin man.

  4. 她瘦削但没有瘦人常有的紧巴巴的样子。

    She was thin without the taut look of wiry people.

  5. 而瘦人吃得过多时,身体就会加快燃烧能量。

    When a thin person overeats, the body speeds up to burn energy.

  6. 他们充分调动其瘦人的行为, 去阐述, 预测, 探索和寻觅。

    They have their skinny little acts together.They expound, prognose, probe, and prick.

  7. 有些人胖, 可是, 又有些人瘦。

    Some people are fat, but on the other hand, others are thin.

  8. 一个细高干瘦的人

    a tall bony man

  9. 胖人较瘦人肉多。

    A fat man has much more flesh than a thin man.

  10. 研究表明,乐观的女性锻炼得多,而且比悲观的人瘦的多。

    In the study, the optimistic women exercised more and were leaner than pessimistic peers.

  11. 胖人较瘦人更能适应恶劣环境。

    Fat person relatively lath lath can get used to harsh environment more.

  12. 我从没见过这么能吃的人还这么瘦的人。

    I've never seen anybody away so much food and still so thin.

  13. 他是个偏瘦的人,有四十多岁了。

    He was a thinnish fellow in his forties.

  14. 我能和各种高矮胖瘦的人做搭档吗?

    Am I comfortable working with people of all shapes and sizes?

  15. 胖的人似乎灰色脂肪较少, 而瘦的人则较多。

    Heavier people appear to have less brown fat, while slim folks have more.

  16. 胖得人似乎灰色脂肪较少,而瘦得人则较多。

    Heavier people appear to have less brown fat, while slim folks have more.

  17. 有些人以为瘦人不会中风,于是拼命减肥。

    Some people think that Shouren not a stroke, so desperately lose weight.

  18. 即使最瘦的人在门后也无容身之地。

    There was no room behind it for even the skinniest person.

  19. 如果你不是世上最瘦之人,这并不意味着你是最胖的。

    If you're not the thinnest person in the world, it doesn't mean you're the fattest.

  20. 这个人是瘦高个儿。

    This man is tall and slim.

  21. 我认为决心要瘦身的人应当做的第一件事是什么?

    What's the first thing I think anyone who wants to lose weight should do ?

  22. 两人养马瘦两家养船漏

    Shared responsibility often leads to neglect

  23. 他们也许比一般人稍微瘦一些。

    Maybe they're a little skinnier than the average person.

  24. 尽管他胃口大得惊人,可是人却瘦得要命。

    He was think as a rake in spite of his enormous appetite.

  25. 这个人是瘦高个儿, 有一双蓝色的眼睛和一头棕色的卷发。

    OK, This man is tall and slim. He's got blue eyes and curly brown hair.

  26. 囚犯非常瘦,看上去令人毛骨悚然。

    The prisoners were appallingly thin.

  27. 囚犯非常瘦,看上去令人毛骨悚然。

    The prisoners were appallingly thin.

  28. 他吃得越少,人就越瘦。

    The less he eats, the thinner he gets.

  29. 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦

    The curtain was blew away by zephyr And the girl was thinner than a yellow flower

  30. 我弟弟长得很高,人又很瘦。

    My brother is really tall and lanky.


  1. 问:瘦人拼音怎么拼?瘦人的读音是什么?瘦人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦人的读音是Shòurén,瘦人翻译成英文是 The Thin Man