







汉语拼音:yāo shèn






  1. 腰子。

    宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·州桥夜市》:“ 梅家 、 鹿家 鹅鸭鸡兔,肚肺鱔鱼,包子、鸡皮、腰肾、鷄碎,每箇不过十五文。”《水浒传》第一二○回:“ 卢俊义 是夜便回 庐州 来,觉道腰肾疼痛,动举不得,不能乘马,坐船回来。”参见“ 腰子 ”。



  1. House double fugue water back rub kidney, renal blood down into the House into a fine, three fire Guiyuan refined gas refining.


  1. 腰为肾之府。

    Lumbus as the house of the kidney.

  2. 腰酸肾气虚,煮粥放板栗。

    Backache kidney virtual, put chestnut porridge.

  3. 中医理论中,腰为肾之腑,主生殖和女性月经。

    Chinese medicine theory, the waist for kidney Fu, the main female reproductive and menstrual.

  4. 牛肉和羊肉中靠近肾和腰的硬脂肪。

    Hard fat around the kidneys and loins in beef and mutton.

  5. 带蒂腰大肌肌瓣治疗肾下垂46例

    Pedicled greater psoas muscle flap in treatment of 46 patients with nephroptosis

  6. 方法采用带蒂腰大肌肌膜瓣行肾固定手术治疗肾下垂。

    Methods The kidney fixation was used to treat nephroptosis by means of the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal.

  7. 腰者肾之府

    waist is a house of the kidney.

  8. 忘,肾虚腰痛

    forgetful, Lumbago due to the kidney Deficiency.

  9. 肾虚产后腰痛

    puerperal lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney.

  10. 肾虚妊娠腰痛

    lumbago during pregnancy due to deficiency of the kidney.

  11. 肾经腰痛, 肾虚腰痛, 虚劳腰痛

    nephrasthenia lumbago

  12. 左肾和腰肌阴影可模糊不清。

    The left kidney and psoas shadows may be indistinct.

  13. 肾虚腰痛,是女性中最常见的腰痛。

    Kidney deficiency low back pain, women are the most common low back pain.

  14. 肾虚腰痛,是女性中最常见得腰痛。

    Kidney deficiency low back pain, women are the most common low back pain.

  15. 适用于肾虚,体弱,长期腰痛栓塞。

    Applicable to kidney deficiency, the infirm, longterm low back pain embolism.

  16. 本补膏健肾壮腰,肾亏病人得首选补品。

    This tonic, strengthening the loins and invigorating the kidney, is the first choice for the nephrotics.

  17. 本补膏健肾壮腰,肾亏病人的首选补品。

    This tonic, strengthening the loins and invigorating the kidney, is the first choice for the nephrotics.

  18. 带蒂腰大肌肌膜瓣肾脏固定术治疗肾下垂

    The kidney fixation for treatment of nephroptosis by the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal

  19. 肝肾阴虚中多见高血压,气阴两虚中多有腰痛。

    In the deficiency of both Qi and Yin, there are backache more

  20. 有时由于肾一肾反射,一例肾结石可引起对侧腰痛。

    Sometimes because of a kidney kidney reflection, one case of kidney stones can cause contralateral low back pain.

  21. 胸膜外腰背部切口在肾及肾上腺手术中的应用

    Extrapleural Lumbodorsal Incisions for Kidney and Adrenal Gland Operation.

  22. 益肾舒筋汤治疗湿热型慢性腰腿痛临床观察

    The Clinical Study of Kidney Tonifying and Tendon Relieving Decoctionon Chronic Pain in the Loins and Legs Caused by Dampness and Heat

  23. 肾旁后间隙向内侧可延伸至腰大肌的后外侧缘。

    The posterior pararenal spaces may extend posterolateral to psoas.

  24. 目的探讨推拿肾俞穴治疗老年肾虚腰痛的临床效果。

    Objective It is to discuss clinical effect of massaging Shenshu point on aged lumbago caused by deficiency of kidney.

  25. 改善疲劳,记忆力减退,手脚法凉,腰腿酸痛等肾亏的症状。

    Restrain tired ,improve memory and pain on haunch.

  26. 预防性输注苯肾上腺素预防剖宫产腰麻期间的低血压

    Prophylactic Phenylephrine Infusion for Preventing Hypotension During Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery Warwick D. Ngan Kee, Kim S. Khaw, Floria F. Ng, and Bee B. Lee

  27. 内服补肾活血化瘀汤加药物外敷治疗顽固性腰腿痛36例小结

    Clinical Summarization on 36 Cases of Refractory Lumbag and Leg Pain by the Combination of Bushenhuoxuehuayu Decoction and Compressing with Medicine

  28. 肝脾肾三脏亏虚,络脉痹阻是慢性腰肌劳损发生的基本病机。

    The three dirty asthenia of the liver spleen kidneys are falsely, the collateral vein stagnation is basic disease machine of the chronic waist muscle lassitude occurrence.