




1. 号 [hào]2. 号 [háo]号 [hào]名称:国~。年~。字~。指人除有名、字之外,另起的别称:别~(如“李白,字太白,~~青莲居士”)。标志:记~。排定的次序或等级:编~。~码。扬言,宣称:~称(a.名义上是;b.以某名著称……



汉语拼音:wén hào






  1. 用色彩或花纹标识爵位与名号。

    《汉书·王莽传下》:“初京师闻 青 徐 贼众数十万人,讫无文号旌旗表识。” 颜师古 注:“文谓文章,号谓大位号也,一曰号谓号令也。”



  1. Cosmetics for special use should show the number of the approval document for the hygiene licence of that cosmetics.


  2. In Alvin's running lights, I can see that life in this area is sparse, typical of the deep sea .


  3. No enterprise that has not obtained the number of documents of approval for drugs may produce narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs.


  4. No drugs whose Approval Numbers or Import Drug Licenses have been withdrawn may be produced, distributed or used.


  5. Methods: The quality management were strengthened through three measures: quality standard, drug approval number and GMP management.


  6. In the absence of such registration numbers, advertisements for any medicines may not be placed.


  7. A sea cucumber , startled by the Alvin , forms a question mark as it hurries away .


  8. Cosmetics for special use should show the special sanitation permission number accordingly.


  9. Let your peace of mind, save money, and effort in our services, the legal text of your products, get.


  1. 合同, 章程批文文号, 日期

    File Number, Date of Approval of Contract and Articles of Association

  2. 项目建议书批文文号,日期

    File Number, Date of Approval of the Project Proposal

  3. 可行性研究报告批文文号, 日期

    File Number, Date of Approval of the Feasibility Study Report

  4. 兽药批准文号管理软件的研发

    Development of the software for the management of veterinary drug approval document numbers

  5. 药品批准文号的是一份多年的谷底。

    Drug approval numbers are at a multiyear trough.

  6. 请问,上述内容所属文件的文号是多少?

    I would like to ask, the contents of their text file number?

  7. 进口化妆品应标明进口化妆品卫生许可证卫生批准文号。

    Imported cosmetics should state the sanitation license and license permission number.

  8. 请注意这一更正仅修改文件的文号。

    Please note that this corrigendum amends only the document symbol.

  9. 未取得药品广告批准文号的,不得发布。

    In the absence of such registration numbers, advertisements for any medicines may not be placed.

  10. 特殊用途化妆品必须标注特殊用途化妆品卫生批准文号。

    Cosmetics for special use should show the number of the approval document for the hygiene licence of that cosmetics.

  11. 国家二类新药盐酸洛美利嗪2006年获国家批准文号。

    Second grade national new medicine Lomerizine Hydrochloride has acquired national approval in2006.

  12. 谈谈整顿,核发医疗机构制剂批准文号的体会

    The Consideration of Reorganizing and Authorizing Drug Approval Numbers for Pharmaceutical preparations Dispensed Medical Organization

  13. 药品生产企业在取得药品批准文号后,方可生产该药品。

    Pharmaceutical producing enterprises can produce medicine only after obtaining the registered document of approval.

  14. 未取得药品批准文号的,不得生产麻醉药品和精神药品。

    No enterprise that has not obtained the number of documents of approval for drugs may produce narcotic drugs and psychotropic drugs.

  15. 本报告附件二列出了载有这些提议的文号。

    The documents containing those proposals are listed in annex II to the present report.