


1. 喔 [ō]2. 喔 [wō]喔 [ō]〔~唷〕叹词,表示惊讶、痛苦,如“~~,摔得好痛!”叹词,表示理解、省悟:~,真有这回事!喔 [wō]象声词,形容雄鸡叫声:雄鸡~~啼。……


1. 喔 [ō]2. 喔 [wō]喔 [ō]〔~唷〕叹词,表示惊讶、痛苦,如“~~,摔得好痛!”叹词,表示理解、省悟:~,真有这回事!喔 [wō]象声词,形容雄鸡叫声:雄鸡~~啼。……



汉语拼音:wō wō






  1. 象声词。鸡鸣声。

    唐 张籍 《羁旅行》:“晨鸡喔喔茅屋傍,行人起扫车上霜。”《剪灯新话·龙堂灵会录》:“但闻水村喔喔晨鸡鸣,山寺隆隆晓鐘击。”《老残游记》第十一回:“ 申子平 听得五体投地佩服。再要问时,听窗外晨鸡已经喔喔的啼了。”



  1. Only nowadays all the cocks are cackling and pretending to lay eggs, and all the hens are crowing and pretending to call the sun out of bed.


  2. "Uh-oh! " I said. "You're an Aquarius! I've dated enough Aquarians to know that they are trouble. "


  3. The farmer's rooster crows every morning when the sun rises.


  4. we may not build really fast, but god DAMN! ! ! did you see how fast we flattened Hiroshima? ! oooo and remember Nagasaki? ! ! WOW.


  5. Big cock can not keep gas in the nest, the hen house I do not know rain outside, as usual .


  6. When I was about to finish, my bedroom door opened suddenly. It was my mom showing around 10 party guests that our dog can open doors.


  7. This, the animals might not fear tiger minister, so long as they ranks, "oh cock-a-doodle- doo " the cry, hid.


  8. Would you just let me know how?


  9. In wants to listen to the tiger for everybody "oh cock-a-doodle-doo - - " to crow.


  1. 爱因斯坦喔, 喔, 喔

    E Ow, ow, ow.

  2. 喔喔,那东西真臭。

    Ooh, that stuff don't half stink.

  3. 喔喔叫, 太阳公公起得早

    The sun rises up early

  4. 喔喔,你漏了一点没涂

    Mm!Whoa,whoa,whoa,whoa.You missed a spot.

  5. 喔喔,你漏了一点没涂。

    Mm! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You missed a spot.

  6. 喔喔你出外该戴顶帽子不然就快变秃头了!

    BenYap Youd better wear a hat going out or might become a bald.

  7. 喔!喔!轻一点!怎么了?

    Ow! Ow! Easy with the confetti. Whats goin on

  8. 喔 嘿 喔 嘿,霍华德 别这样。

    Whoa, hey. Whoa, hey. Howard, don't.

  9. 胡奇夫人喔, 喔, 亲爱的, 手腕断了。

    Madam Hooch Oh, dear, its a broken wrist.

  10. 喔, 是喔。当然!我要先更新我的履历表。

    Oh, yeah. of course!I need to update my resume first.

  11. 喔,芮佳娜

    Oh, Regina.

  12. 这么多,喔。

    which, wow.

  13. 是冰淇淋喔。

    It's ice cream.

  14. 是冰淇淋喔。

    It's ice cream.

  15. 保持信心,喔,

    so keep the faith, ow.

  16. 五十年?喔!

    Fifty years? Wow!

  17. 喔,好冷啊!

    Oh, how cold it is!

  18. 喔,那是什么

    Ooh, what is that?

  19. 喔,布朗先生。

    Oh, Mr. Brown.

  20. 喔,原来是你!

    Oh, so it's you!

  21. 喔 我们曾等待

    Ooh we used to wait.

  22. 喔,雨比较多。

    Oh, there will is a lot of rain.

  23. 看着不像喔

    It doesn't look like it.

  24. 喔我不能不去

    Oh I cannot be missing.

  25. 喔, 幸会幸会, 杨先生。

    Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. yang.

  26. 喔轰鸣的船链

    Oh the roar of the chains.

  27. 或者喔她真蠢

    or, Wow, how stupid was she.

  28. 喔 真的好性感。

    Wow.You sure look hot.

  29. 喔 真的好性感。

    Wow. You sure look hot.

  30. 喔! 我太感动了。

    Wow! I'm overwhelmed.


  1. 问:喔喔拼音怎么拼?喔喔的读音是什么?喔喔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:喔喔的读音是wōwō,喔喔翻译成英文是 cock-a-doodle-doo