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汉语拼音:zhù hù
It was as if a great black blanket had been thrown over all the cities, towns, and homes.
好像是一条巨大的黑色毯子覆盖在所有的城镇和住户的上空。But a few of them did not heed the warning because they had not found any other place to rent.
但是有些住户因找不到其他的住处而没有搬出。I found a new apartment that the previous resident will move out this weekend, and I will move in next Wednesday.
我找到新的公寓了。目前的住户本周未搬出去,我下星期三搬进去。The council thinks Slough has 3, 500 HMOs, with at least 17, 500 mostly immigrant tenants, and is trying to identify them all.
政务委员会认为Slough有3500所多人合租房,至少17500名住户,大多为移民,并试图把所有这些人都找出来。and asked the person who lived there to call 911 to report that there had been a hit-and-run.
他驱车赶到最近的居民点,请求那里的住户拨打求助电话911报告这起交通肇事逃逸案。Building deeds might have to be amended to stop tenants hanging out clothes to dry on window frames .
可能要修改大厦公契,以防止住户在铝窗晾衫。Using computational models of crowds, it is possible to set up various scenarios and evaluate how the occupants move through the building.
运用电脑的群众模拟,就可以设定各种情境,和评估住户如何在建筑物中移动。To be sure . And yet ( with a little bow to her . ) I know there are some Dickson county farmhouses which do not have such roller towels .
一点儿不错。(对她微微一躬身)据我所知,迪克逊县有些农场的住户不使用这样的环状毛巾。After all, people in this middle of the night silence of the night, who would knock her to move the new tenants of the door?