如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
看,察看:~览。~读。翻~。传(chuán )~。批~。订~。检~。~兵。经历:~历。已~三月。容,容许:“我躬不~”。本钱:折~。总聚,汇集:“川~水以成川”。……
汉语拼音:yuè lǎn
唐 元稹 《进西北边图经状》:“右,臣今月二日进《京西京北图》一面,山川险易,细大无遗。犹虑幅尺高低,閲览有烦於睿鉴。”《宋史·卢多逊传》:“ 太祖 好读书,每取书史馆, 多逊 预戒吏令白己,知所取书,必通夕閲览,及 太祖 问书中事, 多逊 应答无滞。” 柯岩 《奇异的书简·她爱--祖国的明天》:“她尽量扩大自己的知识领域与兴趣爱好,广泛地阅览文学作品。”
"Google is probably trying to get additional usage out of their product, " he added, "and monetize those page views. "
“Google可能正试图寻找其产品的其他用法,”他补充到,“并从那些页面阅览中获取利润。”The final exam is drawing near and he stays in the reading room all day boning up for it.
期末考试要到了,他整天呆在阅览室里抱佛脚。It's a modest project, and that reading room seemed to me like the bottom of a well when it was empty that morning.
这是一个谦逊的设计,阅览室对来说早晨空空荡荡的时候像是干涸的井底。I strongly encourage you to read the very understandable Git manual or at least go through the tutorial.
我强烈建议您阅读简单易懂的Git手册,或者至少阅览一下教程。Questions to ask: Can the reader tell from the subject line and first sentence what I'm writing about without going further?
问问自己:是否读者在没有详细阅览内容之前,仅从你的标题或第一句话就能了解你的意图?When she was in charge of the magazine room the readers did not ask for suggestion about elevated essays.
在她分管期刊阅览室时,读者们并不向她请教有关高深莫测的论文方面的问题。The study of library reading in higher grades in primary schools is easier to sum up experience, to extract the model, easy to promote.
在小学高年级进行阅览室阅读的实验研究,更易总结出经验,提炼出模式,便于推广。This was the process that we used for this work. Thanks for reading!
这就是我们制作这个作品的过程。谢谢你的阅览!The article had been published, as he had ascertained at the file in the Central Reading-room, but no word could he get from the editor.