







汉语拼音:xuě hèn








  1. 洗雪仇恨。

    元 关汉卿 《蝴蝶梦》第一折:“你为亲爷雪恨当如是。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九十回:“那时候大舅爷的辫子自然在我手里,那时便可以如何报仇,如何雪恨了。” 洪深 《赵阎王》第七幕:“总有一天反起来,拿鬼子一个个斩尽杀绝,报仇雪恨。”



  1. Therefore saith the LORD, the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies


  1. 报仇雪恨!

    Wreak revenge!

  2. 渴望报仇雪恨

    thirsting for revenge.

  3. 他鼓动他的同胞们报仇雪恨。

    He incited his fellow citizens to take their revenge.

  4. 可能会有报仇雪恨的机会。

    There might be a chance to settle old scores.

  5. 这次暴动正是为了报仇雪恨。

    This riot was designed to revenge.

  6. 现在是你报仇雪恨的时候了。

    Now is the time for you to pay off old scores.

  7. 罗兹发誓要为亡友报仇雪恨。

    When Francois casket is gradually lowered, Roch swears to revenge his friend.

  8. 他决意为父母之死报仇雪恨。

    He has made up ones mind of the avenging oneself and cancel ort ones hatred for parents extremely.

  9. 她正在耐心等待直到她能够报仇雪恨。

    She was biding her time until she could get her revenge.

  10. 最凄美的不是报仇雪恨,而是遗憾。

    The most poignant is not pay off old scores, but regret.

  11. 那场拳赛後败北者发誓要报仇雪恨。

    After the fight the defeated boxer swore hed get his own back.

  12. 那场拳赛后败北者发誓要报仇雪恨。

    After the fight the defeated boxer swore he'd get his own back.

  13. 报仇雪恨要花很长的时间,这是规律。

    Vengeance and retribution require a long time; it is the rule.'

  14. 那么,在我所有得乐趣中,首先是报仇雪恨。

    First, then, of all my pleasures shall come revenge.

  15. 那么,在我所有的乐趣中,首先是报仇雪恨。

    First, then, of all my pleasures shall come revenge.

  16. 我在不采取暴力的情况下已经报仇雪恨了。

    I got revenge without resorting to violence.

  17. 可他又非常非常的恼怒,决定找个法子报仇雪恨。

    Yet he became very annoyed and resolved to find a means of avenging himself.

  18. 那场拳赛后败北者发誓要向对手报仇雪恨。

    After the fight the defeated boxer swore he'd get his own back on his rival.

  19. 为自己报仇雪恨的最好办法是不变成干坏事的人。

    The best way of avenging thyself is not to become like the wrong doer.

  20. 林肯试图劝阻他不要起诉,但他已下定决心要报仇雪恨。

    Lincoln tried to dissuade him, but the man was determined upon revenge.

  21. 在今天发生炸弹袭击的地方,愤怒的青年高喊要报仇雪恨。

    At the scene of today's bombing, angry young men called for revenge and retaliation.

  22. 诺尔曼洛根对于向他报仇雪恨一事似乎还没有一个谱。

    Norman Logan did n't seem to know enough about vengeance to get him.

  23. 这场比赛将给法国队向巴西队报仇雪恨的一次机会。

    This match will be an opportunity for France to settle their account with brazil.

  24. 杰克带领的小队杀死了维克托,现在,对方想报仇雪恨。

    Jack's unit killed Drazen and now they are seeking revenge.

  25. 杰克带领得小队杀死了维克托,现在,对方想报仇雪恨。

    Jack's unit killed Drazen and now they are seeking revenge.

  26. 精卫痛恨无情的大海夺去了自己年轻的生命,她要报仇雪恨。

    Jingwei hate the merciless sea claimed his young life, she had to avenge their setbacks.


  1. 问:雪恨拼音怎么拼?雪恨的读音是什么?雪恨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:雪恨的读音是xuěhèn,雪恨翻译成英文是 to wreak vengeance; to avenge; to revenge



雪恨 xuěhèn [wreak vengeance;avenge vengenance] 洗掉仇恨 报仇雪恨 洗雪仇恨。 元 关汉卿 《蝴蝶梦》第一折:“你为亲爷雪恨当如是。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九十回:“那时候大舅爷的辫子自然在我手里,那时便可以如何报仇,如何雪恨了。” 洪深 《赵阎王》第七幕:“总有一天反起来,拿鬼子一个个斩尽杀绝,报仇雪恨。”