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《论语·阳货》:“饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!不有博弈者乎?为之,犹贤乎已。” 朱熹 集注:“博,局戏;弈,围棋也。”《汉书·游侠传·陈遵》:“祖父 遂 ,字 长子 , 宣帝 微时与有故,相随博弈,数负进。” 颜师古 注:“博,六博;弈,围碁也。” 唐 韩愈 《郑公神道碑文》:“公与宾客朋游,饮酒必极醉,投壶博弈,穷日夜,若乐而不厌者。” 明 胡应麟 《少室山房笔丛·九流绪论上》:“艺主书计射御,而博弈绘画诸工附之。”
宋 苏轼 《策别》十七:“出为盗贼,聚为博弈,羣饮於市肆,而叫号於郊野。” 清 戴名世 《财神问对》:“聚为博弈,出为盗贼。” 郑振铎 《埃娥》五:“好像博弈负了一场似的,他耸耸肩走了。”
Infinitely repeated game, again taking PD as an example, player at the last round has no reason to cooperate just as in a one-short game.
在有限重复博弈中,只有当事人一方的行为或类型存在某种不确定性时,合作才能发生。Among the advantages that Ambler suggests are that it's easy to calculate, it's easy to automate and it's difficult to game.
Ambler认为,这种做法的优势在于:容易计算、易于自动化并难于博弈。"The pursuit of power among nations must no longer be seen as a zero-sum game, " the president said as he addressed the gathering.
总统在讲话时说,“国与国间的权力之争一定不能再看做是零和博弈。”It was an open game at the end and we knew we had to work hard to control the game, he said.
他说:比赛的最后是一场开型博弈,我们知道我们必须努力去控制比赛。How much to explore (gain for the future) versus how much to exploit (sure bet now) is the game a hospital has to play.
开发(未来收益)与利用(目前稳赢的筹码)之比应该是多少,这是医院不得不作的博弈。But for analysts and policymakers trying to gauge the chance of a catastrophic war, game theory offers a crucial insight.
但对于那些想了解爆发灾难性战争的可能性究竟有几成的分析人士来说,博弈理论可能提供了最为重要的视角。Analysts said the current market is still a determining factor in policy and confidence between the game , the market fell space is limited.
分析师表示,当前市场的决定因素仍在于政策和信心之间的博弈,市场下跌空间有限。Second, the system converges to which point is affected by the initial state of the game.
第二,系统收敛于哪一点受到博弈发生的初始状态影响。Trying to share information with people on your Web-based networks can introduce another layer of digital jujitsu.