


1. 缴 [jiǎo]2. 缴 [zhuó]缴 [jiǎo]交纳,交付:~付。~销。~款。~纳。迫使交付:~械。~获。缠绕,扭转:“只一~,那后生的棒丢在一边”。缴 [zhuó]系在箭上的丝绳:“一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓~而射之”。……





汉语拼音:jiǎo huò








  1. 从战败的敌人方面取得武器物资等。

    魏巍 《谁是最可爱的人·冬天和春天》:“从敌人手里缴获的炮,现在已经和我们的炮排在一起。” 杨沫 《我的生平》:“他在二、三天前,还和我碰面,并送给我一只从敌人手里缴获来的精致的小怀表。”

  2. 缴获得来的东西。

    毛泽东 《中国人民解放军总部关于重行颁布三大纪律八项注意的训令》:“一切缴获要归公。”



  1. But there was no making the Cossacks budge when they had got booty and prisoners. No one heeded the word of command.


  2. He said the U. S. government has himself admitted the last six years, Mexican police seized 104 000 weapons, 85% were sold by U. S. weapons.


  3. Rebels and others who had grabbed some of what appeared to be several hundred guns from the compound fired into the air in celebration.


  4. With poor working and living conditions, the stuff used the red and blue pencils which had been got from the captured enemies.


  5. There notes we designed during World War II to be easily declared void if captured in large numbers by the enemy.


  6. The United Nations is to distribute the aid seized by the Israeli navy from a flotilla of ships that tried to break the Gaza blockade.


  7. The diaries were seized in a raid on his wife's Belgrade home in February.


  8. Beijing police Wednesday seized 316imitation guns, most of which had been sold via the Internet, Xinhua reported.


  9. Shells made to fit Chinese- and Japanese-captured guns would not fit the American guns the 8th Route captured from Chiang's troops.


  1. 缴获很多战利品

    seize a lot of booty

  2. 一切缴获要归公。

    Turn in everything captured.

  3. 他缴获了他们的钱,

    Their money he made his booty

  4. 约翰缴获了两个照相机。

    John liberated two cameras.

  5. 缴获的武器装备不可胜数。

    The military equipment captured was beyond counting.

  6. 缴获的武器装备数不胜数。

    The military equipment captured was beyond counting.

  7. 手臂缴获了面包和盛行。

    The arm seized a loaf and prevailed.

  8. 他们缴获了大量武器弹药。

    They captured large quantities of arms and ammunition.

  9. 华盛顿已经缴获了他们的大炮。

    Washington had already taken their cannons.

  10. 这些都是他们缴获的掠夺物。

    to the victor belong the spoils of the enemy.

  11. 质谱法测定缴获的海洛因来源

    Mass Spectrometry in Determining the Origin of Seized Heroin Samples

  12. 获胜的军队挥舞着一面缴获的旗帜。

    The victorious army flourished a captured flag

  13. 他的快枪是从敌人那里缴获的。

    His fast loading rifle was seized from an enemy.

  14. 他的快枪是从敌人那里缴获的。

    His fast loading rifle was seized from an enemy.

  15. 全城居民庆祝缴获了两辆坦克。

    The whole town celebrated when two tanks were captured.

  16. 我们缴获了这伙私枭的全部毒品。

    We confiscated all the drugs from this smuggler gang.

  17. 我们缴获了这伙私枭得全部毒品。

    We confiscated all the drugs from this smuggler gang.

  18. 我们缴获了这伙私枭的全部毒品。

    We confiscated all the drugs from this smuggler gang.

  19. 军长则可能有一辆缴获的吉普车。

    Army commanders might have a captured jeep.

  20. 以色列国防军还缴获了大量武器。

    The IDF also recovered a large number of weapons.

  21. 干警缴获了歹徒用来行凶的折刀。

    The policmen seized the folding knife that was used by the scoundrels.

  22. 干警缴获了歹徒用来行凶的折刀。

    The policmen seized the folding knife that was used by the scoundrels.

  23. 我军缴获了敌人一架先进的侦察机。

    We have captured one of our enemies advanced reconnaissance planes.

  24. 我军缴获了敌人一架先进得侦察机。

    We have captured one of our enemies advanced reconnaissance planes.

  25. 我军缴获了敌人一架先进的侦察机。

    We have captured one of our enemies advanced reconnaissance planes.

  26. 那也许我是杀了绝地武士缴获的呢。

    Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him.

  27. 红军缴获了少数几架蒋介石得飞机。

    The Reds had captured a few Chiang's airplanes.

  28. 胜利者缴获了大量粮草、装备之类的战利品。

    The victors captured enormous stores of provisions.

  29. 特工们执枪行动,缴获了大量武器和爆炸品。

    The agents carried guns and confiscated plenty of weapons and explosives.

  30. 公司迅即印刷那本有关缴获那架飞机的书。

    The company wasoff the mark in printing that book about the capture of the plane


  1. 问:缴获拼音怎么拼?缴获的读音是什么?缴获翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获的读音是jiǎohuò,缴获翻译成英文是 seize

  2. 问:缴获器材拼音怎么拼?缴获器材的读音是什么?缴获器材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获器材的读音是jiǎo huò qì cái,缴获器材翻译成英文是 Captured Enemy Materiel

  3. 问:缴获文件拼音怎么拼?缴获文件的读音是什么?缴获文件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获文件的读音是jiǎo huò wén jiàn,缴获文件翻译成英文是 Captured Documents

  4. 问:缴获装备拼音怎么拼?缴获装备的读音是什么?缴获装备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获装备的读音是jiǎo huò zhuāng bèi,缴获装备翻译成英文是 Captured Enemy Equipment

  5. 问:缴获通信设备拼音怎么拼?缴获通信设备的读音是什么?缴获通信设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获通信设备的读音是jiǎo huò tōng xìn shè bèi,缴获通信设备翻译成英文是 Captured Enemy Signal Equipment

  6. 问:缴获的单兵武器拼音怎么拼?缴获的单兵武器的读音是什么?缴获的单兵武器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获的单兵武器的读音是jiǎo huò de dān bīng wǔ qì,缴获的单兵武器翻译成英文是 Individual Weapons Captured

  7. 问:缴获敌方文件组织拼音怎么拼?缴获敌方文件组织的读音是什么?缴获敌方文件组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获敌方文件组织的读音是jiǎo huò dí fāng wén jiàn zǔ zhī,缴获敌方文件组织翻译成英文是 Captured Enemy Documents Organization

  8. 问:缴获物资利用中心拼音怎么拼?缴获物资利用中心的读音是什么?缴获物资利用中心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获物资利用中心的读音是jiǎo huò wù zī lì yòng zhōng xīn,缴获物资利用中心翻译成英文是 Captured Materiel Exploitation Center

  9. 问:缴获敌方电子设备委员会拼音怎么拼?缴获敌方电子设备委员会的读音是什么?缴获敌方电子设备委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缴获敌方电子设备委员会的读音是jiǎo huò dí fāng diàn zǐ shè bèi wěi yuán huì,缴获敌方电子设备委员会翻译成英文是 Committee on Captured Enemy Electronics Equip...



缴获 jiǎohuò [capture;seize] 从敌方夺得的装备、物资、马匹和文件等的统称