




排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:chū liè








  1. 士兵从队列中向前走出几步并立定。



  1. Then, I picked the tribe of Benjamin and I picked the family of Matri and I chose Saul son of Kish to come out.


  2. Seek out the sequence of children.


  3. He ordered the soldier to stand out.


  4. The Dequeue method is used to dequeue the first string.


  1. 他命令那个士兵出列。

    He ordered the soldier to stand out.

  2. 后排的那个士兵, 出列。

    Stand out that man in the back row.

  3. 我们是犹太人他说我们必须出列

    We are jewish. he said that we should get out

  4. 被点到名的士兵应出列。

    The soldier whose name is called should step forth from the rank.

  5. 奉献给神的,为祭拜而列出的

    Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.

  6. 我们将通过提纲列出的第一篇文章来开始我们的学习。

    We'll begin our study by reading the first essay listed in the syllabus.

  7. 电子传输幅度显示出一系列的反共振峰。

    The transmission amplitude exhibits a series of antiresonance peaks.

  8. 研究者也还拿出一系列的如错轨车般的难题。

    The researchers also posed the standard series of dilemmas involving the runaway trolley.

  9. 在行为测试中, 这些小鼠也表现出一系列的抑郁症状。

    These mice also went on to exhibit a range of depressive symptoms in behavioral tests.

  10. 公司在最兴隆时期每隔十五分钟就开出一列火车。

    In its heyday, the company ran trains every fifteen minutes.

  11. 它们进一步从几个第二次突变型中分离出一系列的回复子。

    They went on to isolate a series of revertants from several secondary mutants.

  12. 一轮投球数从板球场投出的一系列的六个球

    A series of six balls bowled from one end of a cricket pitch.

  13. 这列火车出了轨, 造成了严重事故。

    The train jumped the track and there was a terrible accident.

  14. 这个车队的车牌并不连续, 但是却呈现出等差数列的规律。

    The license plates on the cars in the convoy did not have contiguous numbers, but rather, showed the pattern of an arithmetic series.

  15. 本文给出可测函数列几乎处处收敛的一个充要条件。

    The paper provides a necessary and sufficient condition of sequence of measurable functions almost everywhere convergent.

  16. 目前, 应用此模板已合成出多种金属纳米阵列。

    Lots of metal nanoarrays have been made in AAO template.

  17. 在隧道之下,卖出,在费那滋数列位置买回。

    Below tunnel, sell rallies, buy at fib numbers.

  18. 采用微加工工艺制备出一种聚合物微锥阵列。

    A fabrication process has been developed to a polymer micro tip arrays using micromachining.

  19. 它卖出的公司股票不列在任何证交所的名录中。

    It'sells stocks of companies not listed on any stock exchange.

  20. 一阵列感应器像素测量出反射的光。

    An array of sensor pixels measures the reflected light.

  21. 这列火车得引擎出过故障, 不过现在正在加速行驶。

    The train had some engine trouble, but it is making good time now.

  22. 这列火车的引擎出过故障,不过现在正在加速行驶。

    The train had some engine trouble, but it is making good time now.

  23. 窗口按分类和字母顺序排序列出了一系列属性列表。

    Window provides a categorized and alphabetical list of properties.

  24. 这列火车9点开出。

    The train departs at 900 a.m.

  25. 我希望这列火车会准时开出。

    I hope the train will leave on time.

  26. 类提供后进先出列表。

    Generic class provide lastinfirstout lists.

  27. 让我给你举出列宁的话。

    Let me quote you the words of Lenin.

  28. 服务员贴出列明 已开放得滑雪道得告示。

    The courier posted up a list of ski run, which is open.

  29. 服务员贴出列明已开放的滑雪道的告示。

    The courier posted up a list of ski run, which are opened.

  30. 以下列出了附图。

    The figures are listed below.


  1. 问:出列拼音怎么拼?出列的读音是什么?出列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:出列的读音是chūliè,出列翻译成英文是 step out of the ranks




【注音】:chū liè
