







汉语拼音:rén cháo






  1. 如同潮水般涌动的人群。

    杨朔 《木棉花》:“我仿佛跌进急转的漩涡,全身失去自主的能力,任凭人潮的振动而忽东忽西。” 钟延豪 《华西街上》一:“夜晚十一点的宝斗里,人潮达到了最拥挤的时刻。” 邓炬云 《漫步南京路》:“我默默地走着,走着,望着人潮汹涌的街头。”



  1. The man weeping in solitude with his son back in a man's room is now applauding only for himself among the mass of walking crowd.


  2. Outside, Jerusalem teems with people and noisy souvenir sellers of all kinds but none of that touches the Garden.


  3. Fireworks on the bank of Thames in London, the course was just 15 minutes, afterward, the crowd scattered gently.


  4. The town of Cheyenne, located along the Union Pacific Railroad in the heart of ranch land, was trying to attract business and people.


  5. The department store was crowded with shoppers, so Joey kept walking into people as he tried to get to a restroom.


  6. Lunar month commonly known as chrysanthemum month, festivals chrysanthemum congress, shoppers turned some chrysanthemum appreciation.


  7. They turned and made their way toward the Canal St. subway station, and he picked a path through the jostling crowd.


  8. The initiates booth was located in one of the busiest aisles at the Expo, attracting thousands of passersby daily.


  9. The atmosphere was both relaxed and spiritual as the crowds began to fill the exhibit area.


  1. 街上人潮很多。

    The street was full of people.

  2. 人潮从火车站涌出。

    Streams of people were coming out of the railway station.

  3. 拥挤人潮中的孤独与焦虑

    The Loneliness and Anxiety among Crowds of People

  4. 快乐的人潮一下将你吞没。

    The crowd will be happy to engulf you.

  5. 等待认购新股抽签表的人潮。

    These are crowds waiting for buying new share forms.

  6. 等待认购新股抽签表得人潮。

    These are crowds waiting for buying new share forms.

  7. 那小孩在人潮中很难发现。

    The little boy was invisible in swarms of people.

  8. 那条街道挤满了购物的人潮。

    The street was crowded with shoppers.

  9. 那条街道挤满了购物得人潮。

    The street was crowded with shoppers.

  10. 我们设法从购物的人潮中挤过去。

    We tried to make our way through the crowds of shoppers.

  11. 街道挤满了欢迎电影明星的人潮。

    Coiossai crowds lined the city's streets to greet the movie's stars.

  12. 这或许是由于人潮给予他的欢呼声。

    Perhaps it was the cheers that greeted his arrival.

  13. 广东深圳等待认购新股抽签表的人潮。

    These are crowds waiting for buying new share forms.

  14. 在人潮拥挤的百货公司里, 要当心扒手。

    Beware of pickpockets in crowded department stores.

  15. 那娇小的身影即刻消失在拥挤的人潮中。

    The little image would vanish into the crowds instantly.

  16. 烈士公园里到处是传流不息的人潮。

    Crowds of people flow to Lieshi Park.

  17. 由于人太多, 他很快被人潮吞没了。

    There are so many people that he is soon swallowed up in the crowd.

  18. 这场锦标赛吸引了来自世界各地的人潮。

    The tournament brought in people from around the world.

  19. 我在人潮中停住,想歇歇疲乏的双脚。

    I pause among the surging pedestrians to ease my weary feet.

  20. 我们到挤满人潮的店里试穿滑雪靴。

    We went into the crowded shop to fit on new boots and skis.

  21. 他们发现人潮在起伏激荡,寻找着德伐日。

    They found it surging and tossing, in quest of Defarge himself.

  22. 在人潮中, 萨姆把头转向旁边, 免得和她目光相对。

    In the crowd, Sam looked aside to avoid seeing her.

  23. 关于新难民潮和流离失所者人潮预警的协商

    Consultations on Early Warning of New Flows of Refugees and Displaced Persons

  24. 新的人潮涌入让过度拥挤的难民营更加混乱。

    The new influx adds to the existing chaotic conditions of the overcrowded refugee complex.

  25. 下一部电影中将会出现大量的人潮拥挤的镜头。

    In the next film there are lots of huge crowds scenes.

  26. 圣诞节时期,商店和购物中心里挤满了采购人潮。

    At Christmas time, shoppers pack stores and malls.

  27. 当一切就绪,讲经会场已被人潮挤得水泄不通。

    When everything was in order, the lecture hall had become tightly packed.

  28. 在防暴警察撤出阵地后, 人潮又涌回了解放广场。

    A large crowd has again returned to Tahrir Square after riot police pulled back.

  29. 芝加哥半圆形剧场里拥挤不堪,热浪滚滚,人潮涌动。

    The Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering rocking

  30. 梦想、计画、与马戏团的人潮,我曾那样看待生活。

    Dreams and schemes and circus crowds, I've looked at life that way.


  1. 问:人潮拼音怎么拼?人潮的读音是什么?人潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人潮的读音是réncháo,人潮翻译成英文是 a crowd of people



人潮 réncháo [person tide]像潮水似的人群 鼓乐喧天,人潮激奋