如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 劈 [pī]2. 劈 [pǐ]劈 [pī]用刀斧或强力破开:~杀。~刺。~成两半。雷电击坏或击毙:天打雷~。冲着,正对着:~头盖脑。两个斜面合成的纵截面呈三角形的简单机械,刀、斧、楔子等各种切削工具的刃都属于这一类(亦称“尖劈”)。劈……
汉语拼音:pī pā
I spend a bit of the stomach throws ring for a small abacus Bola : themselves?
我愣了一下,肚子里的小算盘拨拉得劈啪响:自己用?包工程?On coming nearer, I saw it was not a man who had trodden on the twig and snapped it, but a bird, and I felt pleased.
待我走近,我看到踏在枝叶上弄出劈啪响声的不是一个人,而是一只鸟,我感到高兴。It thundered, the lightning crackled, the wind came in gusts, and rain fell in big heavy drops.
雷声轰鸣,闪电劈啪作响,狂风大作,雨点很大。To make a brisk, sharp cracking sound; to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound.
劈啪作响发出轻脆,响亮如同断裂的声音;喀嚓折断突然间折断,发出轻脆、响亮如同断裂的声音。Then an alien voice spoke to us through Sgt. Cherd and told us he was there to help human beings reach the next level of development.
塔亚撒描述说,空气开始劈啪作响,然后有一个外星人的声音通过恰德中士和我们说话,告诉我们他来这里是为了帮助人类达到下一个发展阶段。All week long it was a joy to hear the cracking of whips.
整个星期都能听到鞭子的劈啪声,这真是件令人快乐的事。Pop goes the weasel! This lollipop crackles and sizzles as you dip it into the "magic dust" !
炸掉告密者!当你把魔糖放到嘴里时,这种棒棒糖会劈啪的响。The children were popping balloons.
孩子们把汽球弄得劈啪作响。"Nice kid there. " the electronic sounds of an old translator crackled next to them. "Looks healthy. He yours? "