


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……


体内含脂肪少,肌肉不丰满,与“胖”、“肥”相对:~溜(“溜”读轻声)。~弱。~小。~削。~俏。~长(cháng )。~瘪。消~。清~。~骨嶙峋。衣服鞋袜等窄小:这条裤子太~了。细削,单薄:字小而~。土地瘠薄:~瘠。遒劲有骨力:书贵~硬。水清……



汉语拼音:gān shòu








  1. 干瘪瘦瘠。《儿女英雄传》第十四回:“西边马臺石上坐着个乾瘦老者。” 吴组缃 《山洪》十二:“他那干瘦的鸡爪似的手指,连同呢帽子,都象安在一条细铜丝的弹簧上。” 哲中 《一棵梧桐树》:“我钻到她的怀里,不忍心坐在她的颤抖的干瘦的腿上,只把头紧贴在她的胸前。”



  1. The door of number 13 opened suddenly and an arm came out. The arm was thin and covered in gray hairs. The fingernails were long and dirty.


  2. the hope of a skinny kid with a funny name who believes that America has a place for him, too Hope in the face of difficulty.


  3. he thought, as Tihon slipped his nightshirt over his dried-up old body and his chest covered with grey hair.


  4. She had started to turn away when his lean hand caught her upper arm and held her in place, unobtrusively.


  5. It's . . . little snail, how can you be so thin and so small. Should your shell does not change, I cannot recognize you any more.


  6. more. . . than. . . It was a dry, cold hand, and the grip was severe, with more a feeling of bones in it than friendliness.


  7. His lean jaw tautened. "There are boys your own age here, " he said angrily. "Why not dally with them instead? "


  8. Wearing a bright pink, puffy winter jacket, Nadia took a seat in a small office, two gold rings circling bony fingers.


  9. Gen 41: 19 After them, seven other cows came up-scrawny and very ugly and lean. I had never seen such ugly cows in all the land of Egypt.


  1. 干瘦的妇女

    a desiccated woman.

  2. 干瘦的小家伙

    a skinny little guy.

  3. 脖子干瘦的女人

    women with scraggy necks

  4. 一个细高干瘦的人

    a tall bony man

  5. 他看起来干瘦,一幅病态。

    He looked shriveled and ill.

  6. 他看起来干瘦,一幅病态。

    He looked shriveled and ill.

  7. 他的背影有些干瘦, 但他的形象是伟岸的

    Background to some of his skinny, but he is a stalwart of the image

  8. 一位干瘦的农民正在码头上卖甘蔗。

    A WIZENED farmer selling sugarcane on the quayside is enthusiastic.

  9. 他是个干瘦的中年汉子,自我介绍说姓谢。

    He was very bony aged man he said his family name was Xie.

  10. 生意不好,来自河南、身材干瘦的司机老刘说道。

    Business is no good, says Liu, a wizened driver from Henan province.

  11. 随后,它干瘦的腿越来越弯,慢慢地倒在了地上。

    Then gradually its thin legs began to bend and it sank slowly to the ground.

  12. 这又干瘦又丑陋得母牛吃尽了那以先得七只肥母牛,

    The lean, ugly cows ate up the seven fat cows that came up first.

  13. 这又干瘦又丑陋的母牛吃尽了那以先的七只肥母牛,

    The lean, ugly cows ate up the seven fat cows that came up first.

  14. 这些又干瘦又丑陋的母牛, 吃尽了那以先的七只肥母牛

    And the lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the first seven fat kine Lembu yang kurus dan buruk itu memakan ketujuh ekor lembu gemuk yang mulamula.

  15. 你总不希望自己看起来又干又瘦的吧。

    You always did not hope that you look like do thinly.

  16. 你来桑拿干什么,瘦小子

    What brings you to the banya, little man?

  17. 他太瘦,个头又小,干不了那重活儿,可他需要那份工作。

    He too small for that kind a work, too skinny, but he needed the job.

  18. 他人又小又瘦, 有点弱不禁风的样子。他干这个能行吗?

    He is small, slim, and somewhat weak. Is he able to do this He was small and slight, almost meek. Could he do it

  19. 他躯干粗壮,但腿却很瘦。

    He has a strong body, but rather thin legs.

  20. 一滴眼泪开始沿着她那瘦削, 干瘪的面颊流下来。

    trickle down A tear were beginning to trickling down her thin, withered cheek.


  1. 问:干瘦拼音怎么拼?干瘦的读音是什么?干瘦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干瘦的读音是gānshòu,干瘦翻译成英文是 thin; bony; emaciated



基本解释 [skinny;bony] 瘦得皮包骨样 他那干瘦的样子真怕人 详细解释 干瘪瘦瘠。