







汉语拼音:shì yì







  1. 表示意思;暗示意图。

    明 沉德符 《野获编补遗·内监·内臣罪谴》:“发 南海子 常川打更,则示意杀之,十无一存者矣。”

  2. 特指用表情、动作、含蓄的话或图形表示意思。

    清 李渔 《蜃中楼·阃闹》:“孩儿与姐姐摇头示意,他就要订 朱 陈 之议。” 胡也频 《光明在我们面前》:“那白衣的人已经看到他了,站在那里向他微笑的示意。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十一章:“然后才摆摆手,示意护士启程。”



  1. She agreed and he motioned for her to sit on a stool.


  2. He turns and gives a signal nod to another inmate. The inmate moves towards a C. O. overseeing the line-up and punches him in the face.


  3. Thank you for trying to give me directions, but it's too confusing to me. Would you mind drawing a map for me?


  4. Gravely ill, a man went to the doctor with his wife. After the examination the physician motioned for the wife to meet him in the hallway.


  5. He shakes the head straight, seems to understand our words, and tell us to leave constantly.


  6. Turning to Denny and letting go of his hand, I put my finger to my lips and stood up, leaving him sitting there in the front row.


  7. Here's this guy with his hands up, turning in a circle to give himself up to a model airplane with a camera in it.


  8. He gave me a brief accepting nod. With his hand he made a little acquiescent gesture.


  9. the steersman, glad to be relieved, looked at the captain, and te latter by a sign indicated that he might abandon it to his new comrade.


  1. 示意停车场

    Hint park.

  2. 他挥手示意

    He waved his hand.

  3. 示意剖面图

    constructed profile.

  4. 以手势示意

    to outplace words with signs.

  5. 请举手示意我。

    Hands up, please.

  6. 示意性地图

    schematic map.

  7. 我示意她过来。

    I beckoned her over.

  8. 她示意他过去。

    She gestured him over.

  9. 他示意我别说。

    He singed me not to say.

  10. 向某人眨眼示意

    wink at a person

  11. 学生示意有抹布?

    Who has a piece of rag?

  12. 他示意希望离开。

    He signed his wish to leave.

  13. 警察示意我停车。

    The policeman made a sign for me to stop.

  14. 教师示意大家安静。

    The teacher signaled for quiet.

  15. 他微微点头示意。

    He intimated his wishes with a slight nod of his head.

  16. 他微微颔首示意。

    He intimated his wishes with a slight nod of his head.

  17. 他示意服务员结账。

    He signalled to the waiter for the bill.

  18. 她示意他跟她走。

    She signalled him to follow.

  19. 她示意该走了。

    She signalled it was time to leave.

  20. 示意某人做某事

    give sb. the tip to do sth.

  21. 病人示意护士出去。

    The patient pantomimed an exit instruction to the nurse.

  22. 示意性方框图

    schematic block diagram.

  23. 他示意我们进去。

    He motioned us inside the room.

  24. 她示意我们跟她走

    She motions for us to follow her.

  25. 他示意差使进去。

    He signed the messenger to enter.

  26. 他示意我们跟他走。

    He motioned for us to follow him.

  27. 他示意要我辞职。

    He is by implication requesting me to resign.

  28. 格栅灯具解剖示意

    Sketch diagram of Grid Lamp Panel

  29. 行李员示意他过去。

    The porter gestured him over.

  30. 裁判鸣哨示意犯规。

    The referee signalled a foul.


  1. 问:示意拼音怎么拼?示意的读音是什么?示意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意的读音是shìyì,示意翻译成英文是 signal

  2. 问:示意图拼音怎么拼?示意图的读音是什么?示意图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意图的读音是shìyìtú,示意图翻译成英文是 sketch map; diagram

  3. 问:示意的拼音怎么拼?示意的的读音是什么?示意的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意的的读音是shì yì de,示意的翻译成英文是 illocutionary

  4. 问:示意不能拼音怎么拼?示意不能的读音是什么?示意不能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意不能的读音是shì yì bù néng,示意不能翻译成英文是 asemia

  5. 问:示意地图拼音怎么拼?示意地图的读音是什么?示意地图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意地图的读音是,示意地图翻译成英文是 Cartogram

  6. 问:示意草图拼音怎么拼?示意草图的读音是什么?示意草图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意草图的读音是shì yì cǎo tú,示意草图翻译成英文是 sketch plan

  7. 问:示意量表拼音怎么拼?示意量表的读音是什么?示意量表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意量表的读音是shì yì liàng biǎo,示意量表翻译成英文是 implicational scale

  8. 问:示意剖面图拼音怎么拼?示意剖面图的读音是什么?示意剖面图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意剖面图的读音是shì yì pōu miàn tú,示意剖面图翻译成英文是 constructed profile

  9. 问:示意电路图拼音怎么拼?示意电路图的读音是什么?示意电路图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意电路图的读音是shì yì diàn lù tú,示意电路图翻译成英文是 schematic circuit diagram

  10. 问:示意性回路包拼音怎么拼?示意性回路包的读音是什么?示意性回路包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意性回路包的读音是shì yì xìng huí lù bāo,示意性回路包翻译成英文是 Circuit Package Schematic

  11. 问:示意式交付方式拼音怎么拼?示意式交付方式的读音是什么?示意式交付方式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:示意式交付方式的读音是shì yì shì jiāo fù fāng shì,示意式交付方式翻译成英文是 delivery by means of a sign



shìyì 示意 1.表示意思;暗示意图。 明沈德符 《野获编补遗·内监·内臣罪谴》:“发 南海子 常川打更,则示意杀之,十无一存者矣。” 2.特指用表情、动作、含蓄的话或图形表示意思。 清 李渔 《蜃中楼·阃闹》:“孩儿与姐姐摇头示意,他就要订 朱 陈 之议。” 胡也频 《光明在我们面前》:“那白衣的人已经看到他了,站在那里向他微笑的示意。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十一章:“然后才摆摆手,示意护士启程。”