







汉语拼音:jué shì







  1. 断绝禄位的世家。

    《论语·尧曰》:“兴灭国,继絶世,举逸民,天下之民归心焉。” 邢昺 疏:“贤者当世祀,为人非理絶之者,则求其子孙,使復继之。”《史记·太史公自序》:“存亡国,继絶世,补敝起废,王道之大者也。”《南史·荀伯子传》:“ 汉 以 萧何 元功,故絶世輒绍。”

  2. 犹弃世;死亡。

    《左传·哀公十五年》:“大命陨队,絶世于 良 。” 杜预 注:“絶世,犹言弃世。”

  3. 与人世隔离。

    《后汉书·袁閎传》:“ 延熹 末,党事将作, 閎 遂散髮絶世,欲投迹深林。” 宋 叶适 《戴少望书》:“奈何以少得丧,一不当意,遂为此等絶世自好、苍莽不可知之事?” 明 李贽 《覆邓石阳书》:“弟初不敢以彼等为徇人,彼等亦不以我为絶世,各务以自得而已矣。”

  4. 冠绝当世。

    《汉书·外戚传上·孝武李夫人》:“北方有佳人,絶世而独立。” 唐 钱起 《送邬三落第还乡》诗:“ 郢 客文章絶世稀,常嗟时命与心违。”《醒世恒言·三孝廉让产立高名》:“有弟 曹植 ,字 子建 ,聪明絶世。” 杨朔 《秋风萧瑟》:“这(指 长城 )不仅是捍卫过我们民族的古垒,也是人类历史上绝世的创造之一。”



  1. If you don't see her here, you might be able to get a glimpse in London, where a Leonardo exhibition is due to open on November 9th.


  2. Cleopatra VII, the last Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, has always been a cultural figure, renowned for her alluring beauty.


  3. If the dress is an extravagant feast, then a handbag in hand must be soul of it, so that the peerless feast is delicate and gorgeous.


  4. During the brightest days of her unparalleled beauty, most surely I had never loved her.


  5. As one senator put it while waiting to vote on the budget deal, "The debt ceiling is going to be Armageddon. "


  6. Sandstone is the key to Nottingham's unique subterranean heritage, he said.


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  9. As fair as Helen of Troy, she was pursued by numerous men, but she never really cast an eye on them.


  1. 我知道,绝世好妻对吧

    I know.What a wife,huh?

  2. 买下这对绝世的象牙

    For this magnificent pair of tusks

  3. 我知道,绝世好妻对吧?

    I know. What a wife, huh?

  4. 今天冒死偷拍的绝世美女!

    Steal unique beautiful woman risk of death today!

  5. 真的是绝世好男人啊!

    Such man, abbreviation peerless good man !

  6. 真的是绝世好男人啊!

    Such man, abbreviation peerless good man !

  7. 大树往天空追求绝世独立。

    The tree seeks his solitude of the sky.

  8. 我们在绝世制作的 事物中发现美。

    We find beauty in something done well.

  9. 这真是辆绝世无双得好车啊。

    This is a singularly good car.

  10. 这真是辆绝世无双的好车啊。

    This is a singularly good car.

  11. 美貌确实使她成了一个绝世佳人。

    The woman's beauty made her a rare bird indeed.

  12. 历史上的唐伯虎, 聪慧绝世, 一生坎坷。

    Tangbohu from the history was extremely smart, with a troublesome life.

  13. 很明显他没能打造出一位绝世美女。

    A pretty woman, he does not make.

  14. 历史上的唐伯虎,聪慧绝世,一生坎坷。

    Tangbohu from the history was extremely smart, with a troublesome life.

  15. 此时此地我正和一个绝世好男人在约会

    Here I am on a date with a great guy.

  16. 有谁愿意出300几尼买下这对绝世得象牙

    Who would start with 300 Guineas on this magnificent pair of tusks

  17. 有谁愿意出300几尼买下这对绝世的象牙

    Who would start with 300 Guineas on this magnificent pair of tusks

  18. 博物馆展出了好多西画,有一部分还是绝世佳作。

    There are many famous western paintings in the exhibitions.

  19. 具体来说, 它指的是一个身怀绝世机密的女人。

    And in this case, a woman who carried a secret so powerful.

  20. 我本来是要扮演那个绝世的阿纳斯塔莎公爵夫人。

    I'm supposed to be the Grand Duchess anastasia.

  21. 他对她饱满的精神、开朗的性格以及绝世美貌十分赞赏。

    He admired her high spirits, her jollity, and her very unusual beauty.

  22. 每次一口咬下去, 都想要感觉那绝世美味的瞬间。

    Something about biting into it, just for that brief moment tasting perfection.

  23. 果然是绝世神功,才练这么几天就有如此功效!

    Indeed for expected is rare absolute being achievement, just do so like this effect for several days!

  24. 砂岩是诺丁汉地下绝世文物瑰宝存在得关键之处。

    Sandstone is the key to Nottinghams unique subterranean heritage, he said.

  25. 砂岩是诺丁汉地下绝世文物瑰宝存在的关键之处。

    Sandstone is the key to Nottinghams unique subterranean heritage, he said.

  26. 从今天起我要好好地关注一下我身边的绝世好男人呢?

    From today I would like to make good look around me brilliant men?

  27. 梅兰芳是一个绝世的艺术家,但他同时也是一个孤寂的凡人。

    Mei is a peerless artist, but he is also a lonely mortals.

  28. 这是西汉早期玉器得一件珍宝, 是迄今所知得绝世佳品。

    This Western Han Dynasty early one jewellery of jade article, good merchantable brand generation definitely known so far.

  29. 这是西汉早期玉器的一件珍宝, 是迄今所知的绝世佳品。

    This Western Han Dynasty early one jewellery of jade article, good merchantable brand generation definitely known so far.

  30. 身处墨西哥的探洞者遭遇极端的环境并发现绝世美景。

    Cavers in Mexico confront extreme conditions and find extraordinary beauty.


  1. 问:绝世拼音怎么拼?绝世的读音是什么?绝世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝世的读音是juéshì,绝世翻译成英文是 Barren.

  2. 问:绝世双骄拼音怎么拼?绝世双骄的读音是什么?绝世双骄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝世双骄的读音是,绝世双骄翻译成英文是 The Legendary Siblings 2

  3. 问:绝世天劫拼音怎么拼?绝世天劫的读音是什么?绝世天劫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝世天劫的读音是Juéshì Tiānjié,绝世天劫翻译成英文是 Armageddon

  4. 问:绝世美女拼音怎么拼?绝世美女的读音是什么?绝世美女翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝世美女的读音是,绝世美女翻译成英文是 belle



“绝世”是个多义词,它可以指绝世(汉语词语), 绝世(玄幻科幻创作网络小说), 绝世(2.8D仙侠风格的MMORPG网游)。