


1. 磨 [mó]2. 磨 [mò]磨 [mó]摩擦:~刀。~墨。~练。~砺(摩擦使锐利,喻经受磨练)。~合。研~。~漆画。阻碍,困难:~难(nàn)。好事多~。消耗,消灭:~损。~耗。~灭。拖延,耗时间:~缠。~功夫。磨 [mò]粉碎粮食……









汉语拼音:mó lì yǐ xū








  • 【解释】:磨快刀子等待。比喻做好准备,等待时机。
  • 【出自】:《左传·昭公十二年》:“摩以厉须,王出,吾刃将斩矣。”
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;比喻做好等待的准备


  1. na.
  2. sharpen one'

  3. s weapon to be ready for a fight;at full cock;be combatready;gird up one'

  4. s loins;grind weapons sharp in preparation;steel one'

  5. s blade

  1. 机翼必须承受应变以须支持旅客和货物。

    The wings must be under strain in order to support the passengers and freight.

  2. 食物以须加以处理的口袋的形式包装了三四回。

    Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all be disposed of.

  3. 食物以须加以处理得口袋得形式包装了三四回。

    Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all be disposed of.

  4. 以须菩提实无所行,而名须菩提是乐阿兰那行。

    The fact that Subhuti does not act is called the calm and quiet in which Subhuti takes delight.

  5. 幸福须以劳动与斗争换得。

    Happiness must be through labour and struggle.

  6. 稿件须以打字机打出或以电脑打印。

    The copy should be typewritten or a print out from a computer printer.

  7. 衣原体感染则须以口服抗生素医治。

    Oral antibiotics are needed to treat chlamydial ocular infections.

  8. 在预约上述优惠时,须以信用卡作担保。

    All reservations must be guaranteed by credit card.

  9. 永不偿还的公债, 须以购买力的稳定爲条件。

    Now, the irredeemable perpetual public debt presupposes the stability of purchasing power.

  10. 关于注册的公告须以处长指示的方式刊登。

    Notice of the registration shall be published in such manner as the Registrar may direct.

  11. 棉花须以通用密度压缩货包得形式供货。

    The cotton shall be supplied in forms of universal density compressed package.

  12. 棉花须以通用密度压缩货包的形式供货。

    The cotton shall be supplied in forms of universal density compressed package.

  13. 新车磨合须以中速小心行驶一段时间。

    At the time of the accident the train travelling at a moderate speed.

  14. 两端铜盖须以导电率良好之黄铜为材料。

    Two brass and caps Made of brass of good conductivity.

  15. 法人团体须以其法团的名义注册为船东。

    A body corporate shall be registered as owner by its corporate name.

  16. 将司法受托人免职的申请, 须以传票作出。

    An application to remove a judicial trustee shall be made by summons.

  17. 订户如欲终止本协议,须以书面通知中大。

    Subscriber's termination shall be effected by a written notice to CUHK.

  18. 双方须以良好的诚信态度遵守仲裁庭的决定。

    The parties thereto shall, in good faith, comply with the decision and award of arbitration tribunal.

  19. 弃权须以书面且明确提及本合约,否则无效。

    No waiver of rights under this Agreement shall be effective unless made in writing with specific reference to this Agreement.

  20. 现代国家须以制度来体现科层制,体现政治权力。

    The system of modern countries should reflect bureaucratic institution and political power.

  21. 反击战的兵力消耗须以不超过五分之一为度。

    You can figure on losing about a fifth of your force in counter offensives.

  22. 决定退却终点究在何处, 须以整个形势作出发点。

    The decision on the terminal point for retreat should depend on the situation as a whole.

  23. 研讯的开始、押后及结束,均须以正式形式进行。

    An inquest shall opened, adjourned and closed in a formal manner.

  24. 国会阻止复审的意图须以? ? 和令人信服的证据? ? 证明。

    Congressional intent to preclude review had to be demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence.

  25. 根据本合同需要发出的全部通知, 均须以书面形式发出。

    All the notice which are according the requirement of this agreement need to be in writing.

  26. 根据本合同需要发出得全部通知,均须以书面形式发出。

    All the notice which are according the requirement of this agreement need to be in writing.

  27. 若买方多于一人, 他们须以联权方式持有该物业。

    If the Purchaser is more than one person, they shall hold the Property as Joint Tenants.

  28. 除了成员得中文名称外, 所有部份须以英文正楷填写。

    BLOCK letters except the Chinese name of the Member.

  29. 除了成员的中文名称外,所有部份须以英文正楷填写。

    BLOCK letters except the Chinese name of the Member.

  30. 除了雇主得中文名称外, 所有部份须以英文正楷填写。

    BLOCK letters except the Chinese name of the Employer.


磨砺以须, mó lì yǐ xū, 磨快刀子等待。比喻做好准备,等待时机。