







汉语拼音:kòu kòu









  1. 犹拳拳。恳切、殷勤之意。

    三国 魏 繁钦 《定情诗》:“何以致扣扣,香囊繫肘后。”扣扣,一本作“ 叩叩 ”。

  2. 美好貌。

    清 许光治 《并蒂兰》曲:“看贴跗娟娟,联苞扣扣。”

  3. 扣子。

    清 吴伟业 《新翻子夜歌》之一:“欢今穿儂衣,窄身添扣扣。欲搔 麻姑 爪,教欢作广袖。”



  1. When Antoine first meets Kyoko, amidst a group of Japanese businessmen, the camera irises in first on her and then on him.


  2. and the sealing connection conducted by the sealing device can be adhesive tape bonding, steel strip connection and metal button connection.


  3. If your situation is not improved, you can put your buttoning a shirt number to me, we whisper.


  4. They make it harder for him to breathe.


  5. Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers.


  6. Today women are seldom dressed by servants, but buttoning form the left is still the standard for them.


  7. with the 'exotic " Kyoko are presented as a series of dinners where he grimaces over having to sit cross-legged on the floor. "


  8. He'll play with the buttons on his jacket, buttoning and unbuttoning it.


  9. You're married to a guy and he picks his nose?


  1. 用扣扣紧了的

    To become fastened with a buckle.

  2. 请把钮扣扣好。

    Fasten up the buttons, please.

  3. 保险搭扣扣不上。

    The safety catch won't clasp.

  4. 用锁扣扣住的剑

    a sword that buckles on

  5. 把你得钮扣扣好。

    Do up your buttons.

  6. 这件衣服在后面扣扣。

    This dress fastens up at the back.

  7. 只等我将袖扣扣好。

    As soon as I get these cuff links on.

  8. 她的衣服用钩扣扣着。

    Her dress was fastened with hooks and eyes.

  9. 它是用风纪扣扣上的。

    It fastens with a hook and eye.

  10. 他的外套钮扣扣到下巴。

    His coat has been buttoned up to the chin.

  11. 把我得连衣裙得钩扣扣起来。

    Hook my dress up.

  12. 她喜欢那件在背后扣扣的衣服。

    She likes the dress that buttons at the back.

  13. 理查德,把你衬衫得钮扣扣好。

    Do up the buttons on your shirt, Richard.

  14. 这件外套从前面用钩眼扣扣住。

    The coat hooks in the front.

  15. 这件女衫背后开口,并用钩扣扣住。

    The back of the dress hooks up.

  16. 他把衬衫最上面一颗钮扣扣起来。

    He buttoned the top button of his shirt.

  17. 大多数上衣, 夹克或衬衫都在前面扣扣。

    Most coats, jackets or blouses button at the front.

  18. 这付耳环是用特制的按扣扣上去的。

    These earrings snap on with special fastener.

  19. 这副耳环是用特制的按扣扣上去的。

    These earrings snap on with special fasteners.

  20. 这副耳环是用特制得按扣扣上去得。

    These earrings snap on with special fasteners.

  21. 你以前从来没有穿过后面扣扣的衣服。

    You never have a dress before that hooked behind.

  22. 他会玩弄他外衣上的纽扣,将其扣扣开开。

    Hell play with the buttons on his jacket, buttoning and unbuttoning it.

  23. 花边及刺绣, 饰带及编带钮扣, 领。扣, 扣针及。针假花。

    Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles artificial flowers.

  24. 把开口得那边缝起来, 或者用带粘性得尼龙塔扣扣起来。

    Sew the opening to close or use doublesided sticky Velcro.

  25. 把开口的那边缝起来,或者用带粘性的尼龙塔扣扣起来。

    Sew the opening to close or use doublesided sticky Velcro.

  26. 将褶皱弄平整, 将绑腿的搭扣扣好。这有助于防止绑腿滑开。

    With no wrinkles, wrap back up leg over lock flap. This helps keep bandage from slipping.

  27. 我昨天买的那件外衣从上到下是钮扣扣的, 所以容易脱。

    The coat I bought yesterday is easy to take off as it buttons through.

  28. 用扣钩扣紧用或好象用扣钩扣紧。

    To fasten with or as if with a clasp.

  29. 他的衣服前面扣上钮扣。

    His garment buttoned before.

  30. 你把大衣的钮扣扣错了。

    You have buttoned up your coat the wrong way.