







汉语拼音:pán wán






  1. 旋转,打转。

    宋 宋祁 《宋景文公笔记·考古》:“顿足掉首,腾踏盘完。”



  1. The Brazilian women's volleyball team have defeated China in three sets to advance to an Olympic gold medal match against the United States.


  1. 第一盘第六局完, 布朗胜, 局数4比2。

    Game Brown, Baker leads 4 games to 2, first set.

  2. 渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色的鱼。

    The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

  3. 渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色之鱼。

    The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

  4. 渔夫希望自己可以吃完这盘绯红色的鱼。

    The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

  5. 假如我不吃完那盘青菜,奶奶是不准我再出来的。

    Had I not eaten the plate of greens, Granny would not allow me out again.

  6. 我想我们现在可以顺当而且快速地下完这盘棋的最后几步。

    I think now the last remaining moves of the game can be played out with smoothness and alacrity.

  7. 我吃完后这些盘碟怎么办?

    What should I do with the dishes when I finish eating ?

  8. 我会替你多包几盘,在你买完东西的时候把它们准备好。

    I will pack some more trays and have them ready for you by the time you finish shopping.

  9. 你吃完后请把盘碟收拾好。

    Please clear away the dishes when you finish eating.

  10. 我看那些盘碟她早该洗完了。

    It'seems to me that she has had plenty of time to have finished the dishes.

  11. 每吃完一道菜,将刀叉并拢放在盘中。

    After each dish, knife and fork on the feet close together and after.

  12. 我做完工作后, 狼吞虎咽地吃了两盘意大利面。

    After I finished work, I wolfed down two plates of spaghetti.

  13. 他大约10分钟就吃完了两份排骨和一满盘的青菜。

    He knocked of two chops and a plateful of vegetables in about ten minutes.

  14. 等她吃完一碗海苔饭以后,我们帮她点了两盘棉花糖。

    After she ate a bowel of rice, we ordered some marshmallow for her.

  15. 打完文件后注意存盘。

    Make sure that you save your file after you've finished your keying in.

  16. 您的磁盘空间已快用完。

    You are running low on disk space.

  17. 他一口气把那盘面给吃完。

    He ate the entire plate of noodles all at one.

  18. 数据库用完磁盘空间后,必须卸装数据库。

    When a database runs out of disk space, it must be dismounted.

  19. 他把一盘油炸土豆条全吃完了。

    Hes eaten a whole plate of french fries.

  20. 数据库用完磁盘空间后,将卸装所有数据库。

    When a database runs out of disk space it will dismount all the databases.

  21. 吉恩如果他们发现了磁盘,我们就完了!

    Gin If they find out this, were dead.

  22. 在你输入完文件后,别忘了把它存盘。

    Do not forget to save your files when you have finished keyboard them.

  23. 汤快喝完了时,可将汤盘近身一侧抬高一点。

    When a little remai, you may raise slightly side of the bowl close to you.

  24. 结果我吃完了一整盘辣椒 青菜令到大家目瞪口呆。

    Finally, after I finished one whole plate of chili pepper with green vegetables, they were amazed totally.

  25. 噢, 你看, 那边有副棋盘, 那两个人已经下完了。

    Oh, look. There is a chessboard. Those two men have already finished playing.

  26. 第五天,盘尼西林又用完了,这个可怜的人就死了。

    Day five, they ran out of penicillin, and the poor man died.

  27. 您的磁盘空间已快用完。此次安装可能没有成功完成。

    You are running low on disk space. This install may not complete successfully.

  28. 想想吧, 如果我念完她的权利她可能马上就会和盘托?

    Think it'll just pop out of mouth as soon as I read her her rights ?

  29. 用完了茶点, 撤走了盘盏, 她又招呼我们到火炉边坐下。

    Tea over, and tray removed, she again summoned us to the fire.

  30. 在他舀第二勺汤之前,我就已经吃完了整盘沙拉。

    I finish my entire salad before he has reached spoonful number two.