




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:wén de






  1. 骏马的一种。毛色鲜明有文采,白额。的,通“ 馰 ”。



  1. Through trial and error he discovers some of the ancient mystery and power of the Runes, learning to call on his Rune's powers.

  2. At the time of this writing, Jim Jubak did not own shares of any company mentioned in this post.

  3. If he sorts out his personal life and wins some more tournaments, Mr Woods could soon be on his way to that second billion.

  4. So I write down the time of own Bo text each time, I will let the person translate into for me English lets me study so much.

  5. In end of his last article, he said "Do not sing song of praise for King, but say truth for people" .

  6. This makes some sense in the context that the Latin root is often given as meaning "uplifted. "

  7. "You would not be surprised that I disagree with that [criticism of Arshavin], " said the Frenchman.

  8. Egan advises tweeting a blog post of yours with one headline one day and with another a few days later; see which produces more hits.

  9. You know what an absolute prat he was, how much he admired his worthless father.


  1. 文的结构。

    The Basic Structure of anEssay. Anessay has three.

  2. 祈祷文的吟诵。

    the intonation of a prayer

  3. 现在的老板还是姓文的那个不?

    I battle , Just the pussy dance.

  4. 应用文教学应凸显应用文的审美价值

    To Highlight the Esthetic Value in the Teaching of Practical Writing

  5. 适当的引述可以增加论说文的信服力。

    Proper reporting can make argumentation more convincing.

  6. 给他文的那位师傅一定花了不少时间。

    Tattoo artist who gave it to him must have spent a lot of time on him then.

  7. 对应用文的审美特征的研究,学术界不是很深入。

    The research on the aesthetic characteristics of applied literature is still in infancy in the academic world.

  8. 矫揉造作的文体现在已经不时兴了。

    Pretentious literary style does not prevail now.

  9. 他说,他会很快写一篇反驳的文。

    He will be writing a rebuttal soon, he says.

  10. 所有的文都已装订成册并存了档。

    All the documents have been bound up and placed in file.

  11. 玫瑰文胸的季节。

    Lingerie Fighter Papillon Rose. 01.

  12. 今年52岁的文,只是一个普普通通的个体户。

    This year article of 52 years old it is an everyday SOHO only.

  13. 读下面的文, 了解哪些是应该避免用来开玩笑的。

    Read below to find out what NOT TO JOKE ABOUT.

  14. 应用文语言的简约美

    The Concise Aesthetics of the Practical Writing Language

  15. 应用文中的模糊语言谫论

    Talk about vague words in practical writing

  16. 他改正了文中的错字。

    He corrected the wrong characters in his essay.

  17. 论应用文语言的生动性

    On Verbal Vividness of Applied Writing

  18. 语境对应用文写作的制约

    The Contextual Restriction on Applied Writing

  19. 原规则写十篇不同类别的文, 每篇不得超过十个字

    Write 10 different categories of fic , each in 10 words or less.

  20. 论医学文检课的深化

    Discussion on the Deepening of Medical Literatures Retrieval Course

  21. 一套螺丝刀工具, 一个无线电钻, 一件黑色蕾丝的文胸。

    A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra.

  22. 文检课的教学实践与思考

    Teaching practice and reflections on literature retrieval and utilization course

  23. 公文写作是应用文写作的重要内容之一。

    Official documents are an important part of practical writing.

  24. 胡适白话文理论的现代性维度

    On the Modernity of Hu Shi's Theory of Vernacular Chinese.

  25. 东汉墓碑文兴盛的社会文化背景

    The Social and Cultural Background of the Prosperity of the Inscription on Tombstone in Eastern Han Dynasty

  26. 这里的“她”指代上文中的“红衣女孩”。

    She here refers to the girl in red.

  27. 更正错用的动词以清晰阐述文中的观点。

    Commentsroblems with verb usage are corrected to clarify the ideas presented.

  28. 然后对前文中的研究结论进行了归纳总结。

    Then summarized the conclusions of the study previously.

  29. 如何培养高考中现代文阅读的应试能力

    Discussion on the checkup angle for deduction and imaginal abilities and the examination Countermeasures in modern literature reading

  30. 他对文中的重点词语作了精心地注释。

    He made careful notes to the key words and expressions of the text.