













  1. Until Six Dynasties, Object-chanting Fu with various themes and short length, had been a main school in rhapsody .


  2. Wei and Jin Dynasties, Wu Fu creation reached a peak in both quantity and quality over the previous works.


  3. The fifth part, with specific singing from the analysis, discusses the some of which contain ideological content.


  4. Ping-forward to the Hong Tang word (also known as baking together words) volume, "Book of General" as the popular speech, chanting fine.


  5. Their Object-chanting Poems were unique and personal while inheriting the traditional images.


  6. Wu Fu, or sent to civilian deep emotion, or a simple description of natural scenery, equipment curios, have the value of ecology.


  7. In the second part, from "poems" and "content" 2 words of singing from the category of poem made to define text research object, sure.


  8. As one of the most important types of Ci, the Ci poems on objects has its paticular progress of developing and evolving.


  9. Yongwu Poetry (poems sung about things) is an important type in the ancient poems area.


  1. 写景咏物诗

    scenic poem.

  2. 写景咏物词

    Ci describing scenery and substances.

  3. 梅尧臣咏物诗研究

    The Research on Poems Describing Objects of Mei Yaochen

  4. 寄托遥深的咏物词。

    The ci which chant things having anchorage.

  5. 试探咏物诗词的谜趣

    Exploring RiddlesEnchantment in Chant Poems.

  6. 近20年咏物诗研究综述

    A Review of the Study of Poetry on Objects in the Last Twenty Years

  7. 唐人咏物诗的生命意识

    Life Consciousness of Poetry Chanting Things of the Tang Dynasty

  8. 第二部分是咏物诗和艳情诗。

    Another part chants the thing poem and gaudy love song.

  9. 橘颂及咏物诗的传统特色

    From Ode to Orange to the Traditional Features of Eulogistic Poetry

  10. 齐梁初唐咏物诗比较论

    The Comparison of Poems Describing Objects of the Beginning of Tang Dynasty and That of Qi Liang Dynasty

  11. 红楼梦咏物诗词的文本意义

    On Poetry and Lyrics Describing Objects in A Dream of Red Mansions

  12. 论北宋咏物赋的借物言理

    On Making Use of Sth to Bring Out Facts of Yong Wu Fu in the Eariler Song Dynasty

  13. 咏物词的界定及宋代咏物词的渊源

    The Definition of Ci Poems on Objects and the Sources of Ci Poems on Objects of the Song Dynasty

  14. 咏物诗的情节链与李商隐的锦瑟诗

    The Plot Linkage of Existential Poetry and Ornamented Zither by Li Shangyin

  15. 此章还进一步探讨了此期咏物词的繁盛原因。

    This chapter also explains the reasons of the prosperous of Ci poems on objects in this period.

  16. 从情与物之关系看汉代咏物赋的嬗变

    Analyze To the Change of the Fu of Describing Thing in the Han Dynasty by the Way of the Relation Between the Expression of Emotion and the Description of Thing.

  17. 咏物诗是我国古代诗歌领域中一个重要的诗歌类型。

    Yongwu Poetry poems sung about things is an important type in the ancient poems area.

  18. 咏物诗独具特色,通过对事物的叹咏来表达自己的情感。

    Second, show unique characteristics on his poem of chanting thing, chanting his poem Ode on a sigh of things to express their feelings.

  19. 粟甚至成为诗歌创作的一部分, 或寓情于景或咏物明志。

    And even becoming a part of poetry, or hidden their feelings in scenery, or praise things and show ambition.

  20. 第二章至第四章分别对以上三类咏物赋创作进行了探讨。

    The following three chapters make the further discussion on the above three types of the Fu.

  21. 其词作多咏物纪游,但也暗寓国家分裂、江河变异之慨。

    Word its is it chant thing discipline visit, reside country split, whom rivers make a variation indignant secretly too more to make.