







汉语拼音:niè pán







  1. 佛教语。梵语的音译。旧译“泥亘”、“泥洹”。意译“灭”、“灭度”、“寂灭”、“圆寂”等。是佛教全部修习所要达到的最高理想,一般指熄灭生死轮回后的境界。

    晋 僧肇 《涅槃无名论》:“涅槃之道,蓋是三乘之所歸,方等之淵府。”《魏书·释老志》:“湼槃譯云滅度,或言常樂我浄,明無遷謝及諸苦累也。” 宋 王安石 《请秀长老疏》:“雖開方便之多門,同趣涅槃之一路。” 清 龚自珍 《发大心文》:“佛湼槃時,受我最後法供。”

  2. 作为死亡的美称。

    徐迟 《火中的凤凰》七:“这是一只火中的凤凰,一只新生的凤凰,它在大火之中涅槃,却又从灰烬里新生。”



  1. Dhammakaya reduces the traditional Buddhist cosmology, with its goal of nibbana, to a location within the body.


  2. There is an old saying that heaven is in the heart, hell is in the mind and Nibbana is within.


  3. It is not a state of nirvana and meditation although some of you will find it that way.


  4. Buddhism in the "Nirvana" leaves into a Paradise, Taoism Shun "Heaven" to death, there be the end of the implication.


  5. In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion.


  6. Last summer holiday, when I watched "Three Kingdoms" TV play, I saw Lv Bu put a cloak on Diao Chan. There was a phoenix on the cloak.


  7. Heaven and hell exist in us, it's not like the scriptures say that heaven and Nibbana are at this and that level.


  8. The monk makes great efforts to deny this life and pursue nirvana in the kingdom come. However, he never acquaints himself with this life.


  9. ' Nirvana' is about a state of existence bereft of the cover of deceipt, shame, angst, anger, frustration, and revenge.


  1. 涅槃是一种无条件的状态。

    Nibbana is an unconditioned state.

  2. 涅槃是超越二元性和相对性的。

    Nirvana is beyond all terms of duality and relatively.

  3. 中道就坐落于轮回和涅槃之间

    The Middle Path here is to straddle between Samsara and Nirvana

  4. 对涅槃的理解写在大乘经典上。

    Writing on this Mahayana understanding of Nirvana.

  5. 这位得道高僧于今晚子时涅槃了。

    The eminent and learned monk went to nirvana at a time between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m. this evening.

  6. 二者, 无始菩提涅槃元清净体。

    The second is the primal pure substance of the beginning less Bodhi Nirvana.

  7. 有关涅槃的知识是通过菩提这个词来表达的。

    The knowledge accompanying nirvana is expressed through the word bodhi.

  8. 佛教中说是仁爱之心带你走向涅槃。

    It is compassion, says the Buddha, which brings you to Nirvana.

  9. 涅槃绝对没有自我消灭的意思, 因为没有自我可以消灭。

    Nirvana is definitely no annihilation of self, because there is no self to annihilate.

  10. 佛教认为人达到了涅槃境界其实就是佛。

    Buddhists believe that anybody who has achieved nirvana is in fact a Buddha.

  11. 这个问题可能不会出现, 因为涅槃是终极真理。

    This question cannot arise, because Nirvana is the Ultimate Truth.

  12. 而我们看到的结果, 就是凤凰浴火, 涅槃重生。

    We see the results, that is, Bath Fire Phoenix, Nirvana rebirth.

  13. 这预先假定了它的某种目标或最后的涅槃。

    This question presupposes something after Nirvana, when it postulates some purpose or end for it.

  14. 不断烦恼得涅槃随他去,就这样,就能往生净土。

    Without severing evil passions One attains Nirvana Leave them as they are Just as you are, You will be born in the Pure Land.

  15. 认为涅槃是欲望消灭后的自然的结果是不正确的想法。

    It is incorrect to think that Nirvana is the natural result of the extinction of craving.

  16. 有些大乘经典更进一步并试图描述了涅槃自身的性质。

    Some Mahayana sutras go further and attempt to characterize the nature of Nirvana itself.

  17. 无欲,则超越了我们生活的空间而进入涅槃界。

    In the state of no desire, we go beyond our life space into the realm of nirvana.

  18. 这是浅说, 深说, 寂静就是涅槃的本体, 或者叫做理体。

    This is the light that deep says, silence is the nirvana of the body, or called the management body.


  1. 问:涅槃拼音怎么拼?涅槃的读音是什么?涅槃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涅槃的读音是nièpán,涅槃翻译成英文是 Transliteration of nirvān·a; nirvana; imagin...

  2. 问:涅槃乐队拼音怎么拼?涅槃乐队的读音是什么?涅槃乐队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:涅槃乐队的读音是nièpányuèduì,涅槃乐队翻译成英文是 Nirvana, name of a band.



“涅槃”是个多义词,它可以指涅槃(汉语词语), 涅槃(天津爱迪通智公司出品的3D玄幻网游), 涅槃(佛教用语), 涅槃(5·12汶川地震邮资明星片画册), 涅槃(海贼王神官涅盘), 涅槃(《涅槃》龙飞著), 涅槃(2011年四川出品电视剧)。