







汉语拼音:yáng zhuāng







  1. 假装。

    蒋子龙 《乔厂长上任记》:“ 冀申 佯装什么也不知道似地说:‘什么风把你们二位吹来了?’”



  1. In feigned or willing ignorance of the above, businessmen point to the growing China market as if it were a panacea.


  2. 'Thank you, Mr. Henry. ' Jack seems to grasp Henry's meaning but he keeps it in his heart.


  3. "We just had to be ourselves and pretend like we were doing a real mission, " Airman Dunk said. Then Mr.


  4. Indeed, the British, normally the most suspicious of euro-integration, are pretending that it does not matter.


  5. Today's job: Pretend to be an architect from New York and give design plans for a new museum to local officials.


  6. Come the day when the roses bloom. Pretending not to know, you made those splendid flowers mine and said goodbye.


  7. Canada is making little pretence of presuming the suspects' innocence of these vague allegations.


  8. If you want to be nice to him you should show no discomfort and indeed pretend that it is fairly normal to lose so much.


  9. Autumn truly is what summer pretends to be: the best of all seasons.


  1. 进行欺骗佯装

    To carry on a deceptiondissemble.

  2. 佯装虔诚或过度虔诚。

    excessively or hypocritically pious.

  3. 中场队员佯装射门。

    The midfielder feinted to shoot.

  4. 佯装不知以欺骗人

    pretend to be unaware of sth in order to deceive sb

  5. 她为了逃学佯装生病。

    She fake illness so as not to go to school.

  6. 孩子们佯装吃泥馅饼。

    The children pretended to eat the mud pies.

  7. 他佯装曾经当过农民。

    He pretended to have been a peasant.

  8. 佯装他什么都没有看见?

    Pretending he just doesn't see?

  9. 她确信他的镇定是佯装的。

    She was sure his equanimity was fictitious.

  10. 我佯装和她在酒吧里偶遇。

    I made contact with her at a bar.

  11. 我佯装和她在酒吧里偶遇。

    I made contact with her at a bar.

  12. 在公开互作用较少被佯装。

    In public interaction Less is feigned.

  13. 佯装视而不见是我们最擅长的。

    Not acknowledging the elephant in the room is what we do best.

  14. 这个埃及人佯装单桅帆船驾驶员。

    The Egyptian posed as the dhow pilot.

  15. 佯装微笑与快乐来堵别人的口。

    Pretentious smiles serve only to stop rumors.

  16. 他们会佯装离开,只留下少数代表。

    They would pretend to go away, leaving behind a small number of representatives.

  17. 苏格拉底式的佯装无知愚弄对方

    Socratic irony

  18. 但是爱伦却佯装不知, 不露任何声色。

    But she made no sign that she knew or suspected.

  19. 可别被他的佯装的谦虚态度给骗了。

    Dont be fooled by his sham modesty.

  20. 但这也不意味着大西洋联盟是佯装合作。

    But that does not mean transatlantic cooperation is a sham.

  21. 直觉告诉他,佯装友好骗不了这女孩儿。

    Instinct told him that phony friendliness would not deceive this girl.

  22. 当迟疑未定时候,佯装你知道自己在做什么。

    When in doubt, pretend you know what you're doing.

  23. 他不再佯装听不见了,他踉踉跄跄走了几步。

    He could no longer pretend not to hear and swung around.

  24. 那侦探佯装成吊唁者参加了受害人的葬礼。

    The detective posed as a mourner at the victim's funeral.

  25. 费伯坐在地上, 把身子蜷作一团, 佯装睡觉。

    Faber sat on the floor and curled up, pretending to sleep.

  26. 可能是他们事先佯装买这个东西,在这踩点儿。

    They probably cased it in advance under the guise of wanting to buy it.

  27. 我体验不同的生活方式,佯装自己是另一个人。

    I sampled alternative lifestyles and pretended to be a different person.

  28. 她把脸贴近在一个恐怖的面具上佯装鬼怪。

    She tightened her face into a frightening mask to pretend a ghost.

  29. 这个两足的章鱼试图佯装成一个可以滚动的椰子。

    That's a bipedal octopus that's disguised as a rolling coconut.

  30. 布鲁特斯佯装是凯撒的朋友,但他其实是凯撒的敌人。

    Brutus pretended to be a friend of Julius Caesar, but he was actually a foe.


  1. 问:佯装拼音怎么拼?佯装的读音是什么?佯装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佯装的读音是yángzhuāng,佯装翻译成英文是 pretend

  2. 问:佯装的拼音怎么拼?佯装的的读音是什么?佯装的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佯装的的读音是,佯装的翻译成英文是 would-be

  3. 问:佯装共犯拼音怎么拼?佯装共犯的读音是什么?佯装共犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:佯装共犯的读音是yáng zhuāng gòng fàn,佯装共犯翻译成英文是 feigned accomplice


