


1. 传 [chuán]2. 传 [zhuàn]传 [chuán]转(zhuǎn )授,递:~递。~输。~戒。~统。言~身教。推广,散布:宣~。流~。~名。~奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或……





汉语拼音:chuán shòu








  1. 把知识、技艺等教给他人。

    汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·身之养重于义》:“此大治之道也,先圣传授而復也。” 唐 齐己 《寄蜀国广济大师》诗:“冰压霜坛律格清,三千传授尽门生。” 清 叶名澧 《桥西杂记·塞上六歌》:“既而习於水,勇於泅,转相传授,习以为常。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·讲点书法》:“近来有许多书法家在传授书法。”

  2. 指帝位的授受或官员的任命。

    唐 刘知几 《史通·杂说下》:“夫 晋 宋 已前,帝王传授,始於锡命,终於登极。” 宋 司马光 《辞特转官第一札子》:“今陛下以 神宗 皇帝大渐之际,宰臣 蔡确 等啟迪圣心,建立储贰,传授大宝,各特迁一官,固亦其宜。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·词林·进士授史官》:“ 焦黄中 以二甲第一名, 胡纘宗 以三甲第一名,俱奉旨传授检讨。”



  1. I was always mesmerized listening to this "time machine" as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.


  2. Goodbye, for our teacher, you give the precept provide me with the model of emulation, and I'll put it teach my students.


  3. The problem was that only a few experts could deliver the course, and they were usually busy working with customers.


  4. Master told him, you are now the condition is not enough to wait until the qualifications have the Ashe Li can only be taught.


  5. An example would be a teacher trying to impart statistical knowledge to his students in a classroom setting.


  6. There had been, long before Marx, doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated.


  7. It is possible to teach actual skills only if history is taught in depth, and that means a focus on a limited number of specialised topics.


  8. But when I am received up, I shall send one of my disciples to you to heal your affliction and to impart life to you and your people.


  9. He understands English football having been a part of it for a long time now. He has the knowledge and he passes that on to me.


  1. 传授手工艺

    to teach handicrafts.

  2. 能传授的技术

    teachable skills.

  3. 把…传授给某人

    to initiate somebody into

  4. 向学生传授知识

    impart knowledge to students

  5. 来传授情感智慧

    to teach emotion intelligence.

  6. 但是怎么去传授?

    Now, how do you teach it?

  7. 向儿童传授知识

    to communicate knowledge to children

  8. 他们被传授魔术。

    They were inducted into the skills of magic.

  9. 教师应该传授知识。

    A teacher should impart knowledge.

  10. 他们获得传授魔术。

    They were inducted into the skills of magic.

  11. 向某人传授滑雪经验

    to introduce somebody to skiing

  12. 跳舞即是分享, 分享即是传授。

    To dance is to share, to share is to teach.

  13. 她传授了我们太阳舞。

    She taught us the sun dance.

  14. 传授给某人技能或知识。

    Impart skills or knowledge to.

  15. 我传授的基本就是这些。

    And thats what I teach, basically.

  16. 教师的作用是传授知识。

    A teachers aim is to impart knowledge.

  17. 教师的宗旨就是传授知识。

    A teacher's aim is to impart knowledge.

  18. 足迹五大州传授蕈菌学

    Travel over the five continents, teaching mushroom biology

  19. 你妈过来传授我一些秘方。

    Your mom came by to share a few recipes with me.

  20. 你妈过来传授我一些秘方。

    Your mom came by to share a few recipes with me.

  21. 可以更加有效地传授知识吗?

    Impart knowledge more effectively?

  22. 我这就将建议传授给你。

    I will dispense this advice now.

  23. 传递关于的信息使知道传授。

    To convey information about make known impart.

  24. 老干部把经验传授给新干部。

    The old teach their experiences to the new ones.

  25. 创办学校以传授技能和知识。

    Setting up schools to impart skills and knowledge.

  26. 救生员被传授基本的救生术。

    Lifeguards were taught the basic resuscitative methods.

  27. 救生员被传授基本得救生术。

    Lifeguards were taught the basic resuscitative methods.

  28. 经反复讲解传授知识或技术。

    To infuse knowledge of or skill in by repetitious instruction.

  29. 传授犯罪方法罪法定刑分析

    Analysis of Satutory Punishment of Crime of Imparting Criminal Methods

  30. 我传授知识,帮助别人克服恐惧。

    I impart knowledge and help overcome fears.


  1. 问:传授拼音怎么拼?传授的读音是什么?传授翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传授的读音是chuánshòu,传授翻译成英文是 pass … on

  2. 问:传授知识拼音怎么拼?传授知识的读音是什么?传授知识翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传授知识的读音是chuánshòu zhīshi,传授知识翻译成英文是 pass on knowledge

  3. 问:传授经验拼音怎么拼?传授经验的读音是什么?传授经验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:传授经验的读音是chuánshòujīngyàn,传授经验翻译成英文是 pass on one's experience


