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汉语拼音:xī nào
Farrell keeps track of her cavorting with men at all hours of the night, his loathing for her intensifying.
法雷尔保持与男子跟踪她里嬉闹夜晚的所有时间,他对她的厌恶加剧。The delicacy and playfulness of Rococo designs is often seen as a reaction to the excesses of Louis XIV's regime.
洛可可式艺术设计的纤巧和嬉闹经常被视为反应过多的路易十四政权力量的代表。He wondered a little that she did not enter into these frivolities with his own zest.
但是他心里有些纳闷,不知道为什么她对他的嬉闹缺乏热情。I knew that her sharp teeth could have gone rightthrough my skin, but she was always playfully careful.
我知道,她锐利的牙齿本可咬穿我的皮肤,但她总是小心地嬉闹。Our sweet babies Ann and Nini playing and yielding on the grass of our yard, they are the copy of you and me.
我们的宝贝儿子安安和女儿妮妮在院子里的草坪上追逐嬉闹着,他们像极了我和你。What he wanted was his home city, and a well-paying office job, where at 5 P. M. he'd be released to romp around with his young nephews.
他想要的是回到家乡,找一份薪水高的办公室工作,傍晚五点的时候就能放松地和年轻的侄子们一同嬉闹。Parents need to be very careful to ensure that their children play in groups, with both peers and adults, and laugh more.
父母需要尽力保证他们的子女在集体中玩耍,和小伙伴以及大人们一道嬉闹,并尽情地欢笑。But, aside from the laughter and playfulness, there was something different, and I couldn't quite pinpoint what that difference was.
但是,除了欢笑和嬉闹,还有些许不同之处。但我无法确切地说出到底有何不同。Have a playful pillow fight, chase each other around the bedroom (if there's enough room), turn the game of Scrabble into a striptease game.
拼音:xī nào 词语分开
解释: 嬉 : 嬉 xī 游戏,玩耍:嬉戏。嬉闹。嬉笑。嬉皮笑脸。 笔画数:15;部首:女;笔顺编号:53112125143 闹 : 闹(闹) nào 不安静:闹市。热闹。搅扰:闹心。闹腾。戏耍,耍笑:戏闹。闹洞房。 基本解释 [frolic] 嬉笑打闹 别嬉闹了,暖壶都打了。 详细解释 嬉笑打闹。 李瑛 《下岗后》诗:“好像很久没有相见了,都一齐来和我们嬉闹。”《小说选刊》1981年第9期:“成群的孩子们跟在骆驼身边嬉闹。” 曹文轩《草房子――红门(2)》:“杜雍和现在只是要求它们向前游去,不停顿地游去,不给它们一点觅食或嬉闹的可能。”