







汉语拼音:dī cháo









  1. 在潮汐的一个涨落周期内,水面下降的最低潮位,叫低潮。

  2. 比喻事物发展过程中低落、停顿的阶段。

    艾思奇 《辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义》第六章:“‘左’倾机会主义者在革命处于低潮的形势下,拒绝作艰苦的积蓄和发展革命力量的工作。” 叶君健 《火花》一:“但是这高兴持续不久,马上又出现了低潮。”

  3. 指银子的成色低。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·钱穀·遴收役》:“或令官银匠在柜所估看银色,如拆出低潮,银匠赔补,但恐借端掯勒纳户。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·钱穀·拆封》:“每封带看银色,置银筐内,如有低潮及短少者,将银封另放,开单记明,硃笔点过,以便拘问。”



  1. But when the dark does come, I'll stand up and breathe deeply, knowing I'm becoming the person I'm supposed to be.


  2. What I admire the most is that at the lowest point of her career, she did not give up.


  3. I wanted to see Edward again, praying that he would be past the worst of this, whatever it was exactly, by the time I saw him again.


  4. So if you think your man is going through a rough patch, this is how you, a good ear and a little intuition can help.


  5. Choosing such a tide, I hoped for a glimpse of the pool. The EBB was to fall early in the morning.


  6. Whereas in a bay like this, water comes and goes with ebb tide and high tide and whatever you pour into the water comes back to the shore.


  7. Expert tips to help you cope with a bad economy, and increase your bursts of happiness throughout the day.


  8. What was going through your mind as you were going through that negativity?


  9. Just as he had done on Long Island four years earlier, he showed up at a low moment to lift my spirits.


  1. 平均高低潮

    mean higher low water.

  2. 低潮时搁浅

    be aground at low water.

  3. 生意处于低潮。

    Business is at a low ebb.

  4. 低潮时适淹

    awash at low water.

  5. 低低潮基准面

    lower low water datum

  6. 回归高低潮

    tropic higher low water.

  7. 小潮低潮面

    neap low water.

  8. 经济低潮会影响薪水。

    Hard times affect pay envelopes.

  9. 印度洋大潮低潮面

    Indian spring low water

  10. 妈,我没有在低潮期

    Mom, I'm not in a slump!

  11. 小潮平均低潮面

    low water ordinary neap tide

  12. 低潮潮低落或衰减时期

    A period of decline or diminution

  13. 用刻苦的我打败低潮的我

    The industrious me smashes the troubled myself.

  14. 低潮时退去的汐流。

    Waters ebbing at low tide.

  15. 表示低潮与高潮同时的

    Indicating coincidence of high tides or low tides.

  16. 教师的精神面貌处于低潮。

    Morale among teachers is at a low ebb.

  17. 潮位线表示高、低潮高度的线。

    A line indicating the heights of high and low tide.

  18. 国际共运高低潮规律探寻

    Seeking the high and low tide law of international communist movement

  19. 高或低潮汐的持续时间

    On the times of high and low tides

  20. 低潮大约是在上午9点钟左右。

    Low tide was at about nine oclock in the morning.

  21. 美国新闻业正处于低潮期。

    These are hard times for journalism in America.

  22. 我到的时候不对, 刚好是低潮的时候。

    I got there the wrong time at low tide.

  23. 熬夜使得他的体力状况处于低潮。

    Staying up late makes him at his worst in terms of physical situation.

  24. 她的生物周期正处最低潮。

    Her biorhythms were at their lowest ebb.

  25. 低潮的时候沙滩上到处都是贝壳。

    The beach is covered in shells at low tide.

  26. 生活宛如一首歌, 有高潮, 也有低潮。

    Life is as if a sing, it has high tide, also has low tide.

  27. 中潮带的生物量远大于低潮带。

    And the biomasses of mid intertidal zone are much fewer than the low intertidal zone.

  28. 信仰基督教的欧洲到了低潮期。

    Christian Europe was at a low ebb.

  29. 被视为巴洛克艺术的高潮也是低潮。

    Rococo is seen both as the climax andfallof Baroque art.

  30. 冷战结束后,新保守主义一度陷入低潮。

    With the end of the Cold War, neoconservatism once sank into obscurity.


  1. 问:低潮拼音怎么拼?低潮的读音是什么?低潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮的读音是dīcháo,低潮翻译成英文是 low ebb

  2. 问:低潮位拼音怎么拼?低潮位的读音是什么?低潮位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮位的读音是dī cháo wèi,低潮位翻译成英文是 higher low water

  3. 问:低潮区拼音怎么拼?低潮区的读音是什么?低潮区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮区的读音是dī cháo qū,低潮区翻译成英文是 low tidal region

  4. 问:低潮标拼音怎么拼?低潮标的读音是什么?低潮标翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮标的读音是dī cháo biāo,低潮标翻译成英文是 low water mark

  5. 问:低潮线拼音怎么拼?低潮线的读音是什么?低潮线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮线的读音是dī cháo xiàn,低潮线翻译成英文是 low tidal mark, subtidal line

  6. 问:低潮停潮拼音怎么拼?低潮停潮的读音是什么?低潮停潮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮停潮的读音是dī cháo tíng cháo,低潮停潮翻译成英文是 low-water stand of tide

  7. 问:低潮憩流拼音怎么拼?低潮憩流的读音是什么?低潮憩流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮憩流的读音是dī cháo qì liú,低潮憩流翻译成英文是 low-water slack

  8. 问:低潮标记拼音怎么拼?低潮标记的读音是什么?低潮标记翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮标记的读音是dī cháo biāo jì,低潮标记翻译成英文是 Low Water Mark

  9. 问:低潮港口拼音怎么拼?低潮港口的读音是什么?低潮港口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮港口的读音是dī cháo gǎng kǒu,低潮港口翻译成英文是 standing harbor

  10. 问:低潮高地拼音怎么拼?低潮高地的读音是什么?低潮高地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮高地的读音是dī cháo gāo dì,低潮高地翻译成英文是 low tide elevation

  11. 问:低潮基准面拼音怎么拼?低潮基准面的读音是什么?低潮基准面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮基准面的读音是dī cháo jī zhǔn miàn,低潮基准面翻译成英文是 low-water datum

  12. 问:低潮间隔期拼音怎么拼?低潮间隔期的读音是什么?低潮间隔期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:低潮间隔期的读音是dī cháo jiàn gé qī,低潮间隔期翻译成英文是 Low Water Interval



dīcháo (1) [low tide] (2) 在潮的一个涨落周期内,退却最远的退潮;最低的潮水位 (3) 比喻事物发展过程中低落、停滞的阶段 处于低潮 比如:他的情绪处于低潮