







汉语拼音:qí fú








  1. 求福。

    《礼记·月令》:“﹝季夏之月﹞令民无不咸出其力,以共皇天上帝名山大川四方之神,以祠宗庙社稷之灵,以为民祈福。”《吕氏春秋·精谕》:“夫祈福於三涂,而受礼於天子,此柔嘉之事也。” 北魏 郦道元 《水经注·河水五》:“及 子朝 篡位,与 敬王 战,乃取 周 之寳玉,沉 河 以祈福。” 清 曹寅 《祀灶后作》诗:“刲羊剥枣竟无文,祈福何劳祝少君。”



  1. At the top is a Daoist temple, with a few Daoists ready to give fortunes to visitors for a donation.


  2. It seemed appropriate at this icy temple to have come to this frozen land to ask for a boon.


  3. They are, hence, traditionally known as Kongming Lanterns. On the sky lanterns are often written wishes for peace.


  4. It is believed that the flags' good luck and prayers are carried around the world by the wind.


  5. Clifford said he was surprised, given he has held an Apec Business Travel Card for the last three years.


  6. Blessing of ships is an old custom that started in Europe and was brought to America.


  7. White tiger is one of the four auspicious animals in ancient China. It was painted here for the blessings for the host.


  8. Whether in order to ward off evil, or praying, red, all with a strong desire to live, will, and pursuit.


  9. For a long time away from the memory and blessing and entertainment, the final turned into a scramble Fireworks Festival.


  1. 祈福灾民, 天佑中华。

    Pray for the victims of Wenchuan Earthquake and pray for China.

  2. 祈福灾民,天佑中华。

    Pray for the victims of Wenchuan Earthquake and pray for China .

  3. 不要向木雕神像祈福。

    Do not beg a blessing of a wooden god.

  4. 它们只是为了祈福和辟邪。

    They merely amplify good fortune or block evil.

  5. 震后该如何化灾祈福?

    How to relieve disaster and pray blessing after the earthquake ?

  6. 啊,新年祈福,奏着新交响。

    Ah New Year praying, played upon New Symphony of.

  7. 祭司们在为新的神谕祭司祈福。

    The Priests are blessing a new Oracle.

  8. 因为我还会一直为你祈福

    Cause I will keep this spell together

  9. 新渡轮载您拜天后祈福

    Riding on First Ferry to Tin Hau Temple Brings you Good Luck

  10. 鼓舞抗疫英雄,祈福国人健康!

    Encouragement for Heroes Combating SARS Prayers for the Good Health of Countrymen!

  11. 我们点蜡烛,是为了给逝者祈福。

    You only light candles for people who you want to bless.

  12. 我们为相亲相爱的人唱着祈福的歌。

    We sing songs for the wishing, of those who are kissing.

  13. 我们为相亲相爱得人唱着祈福得歌。

    We sing songs for the wishing, of those who are kissing.

  14. 那麽我们一同来为天下苍生祈福吧!

    Then we pray together to the common people for the world now!

  15. 因为今天和奶奶去寺庙里面祈福了。

    Today, because of my grandmother and go to the temple inside a blessing.

  16. 我们应该向所爱的人感谢与祈福。

    We should give thanks and pray, to the one, to the one.

  17. 你的祈福没应验 别生上帝的气啊。

    Please don't be angry with God because your prayers weren't answered.

  18. 让我领略到人间处处的欢乐和祈福。

    I've found joy and blessing everywhere.

  19. 祝福祈祷通常在礼拜末尾进行的祈福

    An invocation of divine blessing, usually at the end of a church service.

  20. 于是他把肉都吃了,并为我祈福。

    Then he ate the meat and he blessed me.

  21. 雅典娜再次现身,给克瑞托斯祈福。

    Athena is shown again, wishing Kratos luck with his journey.

  22. 请南山寺得法师诵经, 祈福平安吉祥!

    You can ask a master in Nanshan Temple to chant a lection to pray for your happiness!

  23. 请南山寺的法师诵经,祈福平安吉祥!

    You can ask a master in Nanshan Temple to chant a lection to pray for your happiness!

  24. 像一只祈福的铜铃叮铃铃地挂在飞檐。

    Resided there like an auspicious bell on the flying eave.

  25. 婆婆,把首饰给我,让我为你一家人祈福吧!

    Ma am, give me your jewellery so I can say a charm to bless your family.

  26. 好吧,我为那些在地震中丧失的人们祈福。

    Well, I for those who are lost in the earthquake of people to pray.

  27. 从吉语格言印论秦代祈福与修身的思想

    Interpretation on the Lucky and Motto Seal of Qin Dynasty

  28. 从吉语格言印论汉代祈福与修身的思想

    On the Idea of Luck Seeking and Morality Cultivating in the Han Dynasty from the Perspective of Luck and Motto Seals

  29. 我为世界人民祈福,大家丰衣足食,有足够的清洁水源

    I pray for everyone on earth has enough food to eat, has clean water supply

  30. 在新年开始之际,让我们共同祈福我们的明天更加美好!

    In the New Year begins, let us pray together that we better tomorrow!


  1. 问:祈福拼音怎么拼?祈福的读音是什么?祈福翻译成英文是什么?

    答:祈福的读音是,祈福翻译成英文是 bless



“祈福”是个多义词,它可以指祈福(汉语词语), 祈福(游戏)。