


花:落~缤纷。才能出众,才能出众的人:~俊。群~荟萃。~才。~雄。~烈。精华,事物最精粹的部分:精~。~华。含~咀华。用羽毛做的矛饰:二矛重(chǒng )~。古同“瑛”,似玉的美石。指“英国”:~文。姓。……






长度小,与“长(cháng )”相对:~期。~暂。~促。~途。~命。~讯。~浅。~兵相接。~小精悍。缺少,欠:~少。~缺。缺点:~处。护~。取长补~。……



汉语拼音:yīng xióng qì duǎn








  • 【解释】:指有才能的人因沉迷于爱情而丧失进取心。
  • 【示例】:倘若有冒功等事,岂不使~,谁肯替国家出力!
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作宾语;含贬义


  1. There was a segment touching love relegation fight, form tangle of shortness of breath, QingQiu enemy hero ErNvQingChang.


  1. 英雄气短,儿女情长。

    Brief is the spirit of a hero, but love between man and woman is long.

  2. 两人惺惺相惜,但却英雄气短。

    The mens chemistry flickers but does not sparkle.

  3. 她头晕,气短

    She's lightheaded and really short of breath.

  4. 你有气短吗?

    Do you get short of breath?

  5. 您觉得气短吗?

    Do you feel short of breath?

  6. 该病得特点是气短。

    This disease features the shortness of breath.

  7. 失败并没有使他气短。

    He was not discouraged by failure.

  8. 我总是咳嗽并感到气短。

    I can't stop coughing and I feel short of breath.

  9. 气不足则呼吸不利而气短

    dysfunction of breath with debility due to deficiency of QI

  10. 气短的毛病严重到什么程度?

    How bad is the shortness of breath?

  11. 气短得毛病严重到什么程度?

    How bad is the shortness of breath ?

  12. 你的主要病症是气短,对吗?

    Well, your main trouble is shortness of breath?

  13. 他在用力时从来没有气短过。

    He's never been short of breath on exertion.

  14. 过敏症状会产生疹子,气短,和头疼。

    Allergy symptoms are headache, rash, shortness of breath.

  15. 我爸爸昨天病了。气短, 胸前疼。

    My father was taken ill yesterday. Short of breath and pains in the chest.

  16. 快爬到山顶时,大家都感到气短。

    By the time we got near the top of the hill, we were all out of breath.

  17. 您最近在用力时有没有感到气短或胸痛?

    Have you been short of breath or had any chest pain on exertion recently?

  18. 因心肺气虚而致的咳嗽、胸闷、心悸、气短等。

    The symptoms caused by cardiopulmonary Qi deficiency are coughing, dyspnea, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and so on.

  19. 除了引起肺气肿,香烟还会导致黄牙,面色苍白,气短。

    Cigarettes cause yellow teeth, pale complexion, shortens the breath, in addition to promoting emphysema.

  20. 从而出现神疾乏力、气短、面色无华、食欲不振口哭。

    Thus presents the god illness asthenia, to pant, the facial color plainly, to have a poor appetite the mouth to cry.

  21. 心衰具有气短、疲乏以及心脏泵血功能的降低等特点。

    Heart failure is characterized by shortness of breath, fatigue and worsening function of the heart's ability to pump.

  22. 足球队虽然没赢过一场球,但并没有使队员们气短。

    The soccer team had won no games, but it hadn't lost heart.

  23. 但他已经是过气英雄了。

    But he was yesterday's hero.

  24. 渗透率模数和拟启动压力梯度越大,裂缝越短,气井产能越小。

    The result shows that permeability modulus, threshold pressure and fracture length all have effec.

  25. 这20分钟充分显示出人民解放军得英雄气慨。

    Those 20 minutes fully displayed the heroism of the People s Liberation Army.

  26. 这20分钟充分显示出人民解放军的英雄气慨。

    Those 20 minutes fully displayed the heroism of the People s Liberation Army.

  27. 当着大家面前, 他没法不拿出点英雄气儿来。

    So before all these people he had to put on a bold front.

  28. 短气不足以息

    dyspneal breath.

  29. 一分钟之内她就会短气。

    She would have been dead within a minute.

  30. 短周期工业材气干特点的研究

    A Study on Air drying Features of Lumber from Short Rotation Plantation


  1. 问:英雄气短拼音怎么拼?英雄气短的读音是什么?英雄气短翻译成英文是什么?

    答:英雄气短的读音是yīngxióngqìduǎn,英雄气短翻译成英文是 a hero caught in difficult circumstances...



英雄气短,成语,读作“yīng xióng qì duǎn”,意思是形容有才识志气的人因遭受挫折而丧失进取心。出自《增广尚友录统编·卷三·苏丕》。