如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 遗 [yí]遗 [yí]丢失:~失。~落。漏掉:~忘。~漏。丢失的东西,漏掉的部分:补~。路不拾~。余,留:~留。~俗。~闻。~址。~风。~憾。~老(a.经历世变的老人;b.仍然效忠前一朝代的老人)。死人留下的:~骨。~言。~嘱。不自……
汉语拼音:wú yí
《管子·版法解》:“是故明君兼爱而亲之……如此则众亲上乡意,从事胜任矣,故曰兼爱无遗,是谓君心。” 汉 董仲舒 《春秋繁露·玉英》:“此亦《春秋》之义,善无遗也。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·方正》:“明年, 懿宗 崩。京兆尹 薛逢 毁之(佛骨)无遗。” 周恩来 《关于目前国际形势和我国外交政策的报告》:“ 美国 提出‘艾森豪威尔主义’……已经遭到可耻的失败,它的侵略实质已经暴露无遗。”
The scale of the cruelty to which Baby P had been subjected became apparent at the postmortem examination.
婴儿P所遭受的残酷虐待在验尸中显露无遗。The gulf between the two clubs was apparent from the start and, by half-time, it had become an exercise in damage-limitation for Leeds.
两个俱乐部的差距从一开始就显露无遗,半场的时候利兹联已经被摧毁了,比赛进入垃圾时间。It is in her 20 years of semi-final 2-0 Zheng Jie advanced out of the finals, the world's top ten shows the power of exhaustive .
兹娃在20日的半决赛里2:0淘汰郑洁晋级决赛,其世界排名前十的威力尽显无遗。Now this sense of the unfolding of things, it seems to me, is already fully present in Woolf.
这种坦白说明一切的观念,在我看来,在伍尔夫身上展露无遗。The above list is not exhaustive and may be varied to take account of the circumstances of the particular ship or its operations.
以上清单并非完整无遗,由于具体船舶及其作业条件的不同,可有所变化。The personal character, however, is clear: this is a man with steel in every part of him.
然而,他的个人品质却彰显无遗:这是个充满着钢铁意志的男人。That he has repeatedly been able to rethink his musical language is clear from his Second Violin Concerto.
从他的第二小提琴协奏曲中,潘德雷斯基已经深思熟虑过的音乐语汇已经显露无遗。and his eyes, too, were like a ghostly Catherine's with all their beauty annihilated.
他的眼睛也生得像幽灵似的凯瑟琳的眼睛,所有的美都毁灭无遗了。Since we've discussed every detail of this subject, I suggest we go on to the next.