


一种金属元素,可以制货币和器皿、电子设备、感光材料、装饰品等:~子。~杯。~牌。旧时用银铸成块的一种货币:~币。~锭。~洋。~钱。~圆(亦作“银元”)。~号(规模较大的钱庄)。~行(hāng )。~票。像银的颜色:~白。~发(fà)。~河(……


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……



汉语拼音:yín fǎ






  1. 白发的美称。

    周立波 《李大贵观礼》:“这位银发老人在扩音器前接着说道:‘第一项,升旗。’” 郭小川 《赠友人》诗:“你添了几根银发,我多了几许白髯。”



  1. Rather than trying to reverse this trend by attracting younger people, many companies are attempting to profit from the greying of media.


  2. At the front desk, a man with silvery hair stands with a pigeon on his shoulder.


  3. Netizens' comments ranged from her stylish silver hair to her radiant smile and clever replies to questions.


  4. Standing up, he saw his mother gazing at him from under her dishevelled white hair.


  5. She was a sweet, silver - haired old-timer with a warm smile and a twinkle in her eye.


  6. I saw it. A man with silver hair. He was here a second ago.


  7. On his head was a three-conrnered hat, which in it's better days had perhaps sheltered the grayer head of the lad's father.


  8. He was tall, thin, and very old, judging by the silver of his hair and beard, which were both long enough to tuck into his belt.


  9. Social networking sites are guilty pleasure shared by an astonishingly high number of "silver surfers" , research has found.


  1. 为什么我满头银发?

    Why does my hair glisten a shiny silver?

  2. 我们老师有几根银发。

    Our teacher has a few grey hairs.

  3. 她头上没有一根银发。

    There is not a silver hair on her head.

  4. 砒霜真会让银发黑吗?

    Is it true the arsenic blackens silver.

  5. 他浓密的银发该理理了。

    He had thick silver hair which needed cutting.

  6. 让银发岁月的财富永续

    Making the gold last in your golden years

  7. 滑溜溜的银发刚经修剪。

    The white flowing hair was newly trimmed.

  8. 滑溜溜得银发刚经修剪。

    The white flowing hair was newly trimmed.

  9. 他的黑发中夹杂着银发。

    His black hair was threaded with silver.

  10. 我们的英语老师有几根银发。

    Our English teacher has a few grey hairs.

  11. 网银发展需释除安全疑虑

    The development of network banking needs removing security doubt

  12. 这衣服的颜色配上你那帅气的银发。

    And this color up against that beautiful silver hair.

  13. 现在他们已变成满头银发的老人了。

    Now they have silvered into grand old men.

  14. 麦瑞拉是银发族俱乐部的董事长。

    Mirella casanica, is president of the senior citizens club.

  15. 我想一个一头银发的老者会看起来德高望重。

    I think grey hair on a man can look very distinguished.

  16. 老教授虽然满鬓银发,可眼睛却炯炯有神。

    Though the old professor has grey hair at his temples, his eyes are brimming with vigour.

  17. 老教授虽然满鬓银发,可眼睛却炯炯有神。

    Though the old professor has grey hair at his temples, his eyes are brimming with vigour.

  18. 甚至还有专为70多岁的银发族开设的瑜伽课程!

    There are even yoga classes for people in their70s!

  19. 甚至还有专为70多岁得银发族开设得瑜伽课程!

    There are even yoga classes for people in their68s!

  20. 满头银发的约翰被认为是最有吸引力的人物之一。

    John, who has grey hair, is believed to be one of the most attractive figure.

  21. 他站起来,看见妈妈的眼睛在纷乱的银发下望着他。

    Standing up, he saw his mother gazing at him from under her dishevelled white hair.

  22. 我看到了,是个银发的男子,他刚刚还在这里。

    Strawberry flavor reminds me of the image, a few months ago at the moment with how unusual.

  23. 他教过成人、大学生,甚至银发族,但这次完全不同。

    He had taught adults, college students and even senior citizens, but this was altogether different.

  24. 她比其他的女孩都年轻、苗条、美丽,有着长长的银发。

    She was younger than the others, slim and pretty, with long silvery hair.

  25. 两位青年夫妇推着轮椅, 轮椅上坐着满头银发的老奶奶。

    Two young are pushing the wheelchair, the grandma with silver hair sits thethe wheelchair.

  26. 而前台那, 一银发男子站立着, 一鸽子站在他得肩上。

    At the front desk, a man with silvery hair stands with a pigeon on his shoulder.

  27. 而前台那, 一银发男子站立着, 一鸽子站在他的肩上。

    At the front desk, a man with silvery hair stands with a pigeon on his shoulder.

  28. 核对餐厅收银发票和收银机上显示得金额是否一致。

    To verify Restaurant Cashier's receipts against machine tape readings.

  29. 她望着他梳得整齐的分头的银发,看它怎样披到领子上。

    She was looking down on the thick gray hair, neatly parted. Saw how it drifted over his collar.


  1. 问:银发拼音怎么拼?银发的读音是什么?银发翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银发的读音是yínfà,银发翻译成英文是 silver or gray hair




2、现实中的银发 (1),比喻,对于老人白发的比喻 (2)染发效果 (3),天生银发 (4),病理表现