











汉语拼音:fú chū hǎi miàn



  1. Strange to say also that this stone mother regardless of tide wave of ups and downs, always surfaced , the water will not be flooded.


  2. Time has finished reading right away having spent three section of class's like this "float out sea surface " .


  3. The fifth sister's birthday occurred in the winter; so when her turn came, she saw what the others had not seen the first time they went up.


  4. The Russian scientists found the winds might possibly have uncovered an underwater reef close to where the Suez Canal is today.


  5. Sometimes we'd bob to the surface, reach out, touch each other's hands and say, "I love you. "


  6. Upon surfacing, the explorers declared that the feat had strengthened Moscow's claims to nearly half the Arctic seabed.


  7. I have bought one Teacher Wang several long short stories offprint afterwards ", have been second of the inside float out sea surface " .


  8. Sea mammals must periodically emerge from under the sea to breathe.


  9. Both young and adult dolphins are at risk of inhaling and ingesting floating oil, because the marine mammals must surface to breathe.


  1. 深色得船身浮出海面。

    The dark hull broke the surface.

  2. 深色的船身浮出海面。

    The dark hull broke the surface.

  3. 海生哺乳动物必须不断地从海底浮出海面呼吸。

    Sea mammals must periodically emerge from under the sea to breathe.

  4. 没有与众不同的特色, 也就难有浮出海面的机会。

    Without the characteristic of extraordinary, have the opportunity that rises to offing hard also.

  5. 没有与众不同得特色,也就难有浮出海面得机会。

    Without the characteristic of extraordinary, have the opportunity that rises to offing hard also.

  6. 松岛冰川从南极的哈德逊山脉流出浮在海面上。

    The Pine Island Glacier flows out of Antarctica's Hudson Mountains and floats over the ocean.

  7. 博客浮出水面

    The blogger floats a surface.

  8. 疑犯则浮出水面。

    A suspect emerged.

  9. 浮出水面晒太阳

    come to the surface to bask.

  10. 潜艇重新浮出水面。

    The submarine resurfaced.

  11. 也随之浮出水面。

    Must come into the light.

  12. 也随之浮出水面。

    Must come into the light.

  13. 鲸鱼从水中浮出。

    The whale came up out of the water.

  14. 真相终于浮出水面了。

    Eventually the truth emerged.

  15. 鲸必须浮出水面呼吸。

    Whales have to surface to breathe.

  16. 潜水员终于浮出了水面。

    The diver emerged from the water at last.

  17. 那个潜水员浮出了水面。

    The diver emerged to the surface of the water.

  18. 那个潜水员浮出了水面。

    The diver emerged to the surface of the water.

  19. 船沉下去又浮出水面。

    Then rose to the surface.

  20. 真相开始逐渐浮出水面。

    The truth is beginning to come out about what happened.

  21. 我只是让它浮出水面。

    I just brought it to the surface.

  22. 他浮出水面,大口吸气。

    He surfaced, gasping for air.

  23. 真相终会浮出水面的。

    The truth always rises to the surface.

  24. 真相终会浮出水面的。

    The truth always rises to the surface.

  25. 真相终会浮出水面得。

    The truth always rises to the surface.

  26. 那条鱼并没有浮出水面。

    The fish did not surface.

  27. 她的唇边浮出一点微笑。

    A faint smile curved her lips.

  28. 它们迟早都会浮出水面的。

    Sooner or later, they're going to be bubbling to the surface.

  29. 我们看见潜水艇从水面浮出。

    We saw the submarine emerging from the water.

  30. 海中哺乳动物必须定时浮出。

    Sea mammals must emerge periodically to breathe.



游戏名称:浮出海面 游戏类型:敏捷小游戏 游戏大小:4257K