


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……




1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:míng shēng dà zào








  1. The company behind The Wall StreetJournal and Dow Jones Newswires made its name by publishing the kind of newsthat moves the stock market.


  2. So many of his contemporaries are still household names, one wonders if he would be too if he had won.


  3. The 32-year-old actress, who announced her divorce Friday, rocketed to fame in 2006 for her role in the sitcom "My Own Swordsman. "


  4. He didn't know much about the markets, but thought he could make a splash with even a few days spent publicly questioning a fat cat banker.


  5. Such a scenario feels eerily like 1991, when George Soros famously made $1 billion in profit by short selling the British pound.


  6. The show's notoriety surged after one contestant, Ma Nuo, rejected a man with her "cry in a BMW" remark.


  7. Due to his reputation, he is able to acquire the most interesting cases.


  8. After gaining fame for a campaign to promote colonial India's independence, Gandhi traveled to London and met with British authorities.


  9. The Irish rock festival in Europe as the main summer destinations reputation big noise.


  1. 他们名声大噪。

    Their prestige went sky high.

  2. 这能让你名声大噪。

    This could make you famous.

  3. 这工作可使人名声大噪。

    This job carries a lot of prestige.

  4. 她沉默一时期以後, 现在又名声大噪了。

    After suffering an eclipse, she is now famous again.

  5. 她沉默一时期以后,现在又名声大噪了。

    After suffering an eclipse, she is now famous again.

  6. 不过,本周这位纽约时装设计师却名声大噪。

    But the New York fashion designer had his dose of fame this week.

  7. 结果谁名声大噪?你猜猜。

    So who gets the publicity? Figure that out.

  8. 他名声大噪,因此总能获得最有意思的案子。

    Due to his reputation, he is able to acquire the most interesting cases.

  9. 奥斯卡奖得主不仅名声大噪, 片酬丰厚有加, 研究发现。

    Oscar whinners don't just acquire fame and bigger pay packets.

  10. 从崭露头角到名声大噪,北极泼猴乐队一向不按常理出招。

    From their organic ascent to fame onwards, Arctic Monkeys have refused to toe the corporate line.

  11. 那出戏使他声名大噪。

    The play obtained him great fame.

  12. 他的无礼使他的名声大打折扣。

    His bad manners detract from his good character.

  13. 儿子的成功使他的名声大增。

    His son's success added lustre to his name.

  14. 艰苦工作是很大的名声大补帖。

    Hard work is a great character builder.

  15. 艰苦工作是很大得名声大补帖。

    Hard work is a great character builder.

  16. 陈老七背后的闲人们大噪起来。

    The crowd in back of Old Chen began to clamour.

  17. 陈老七背后得闲人们大噪起来。

    The crowd in back of Old Chen began to clamour.

  18. 电子乐同样让施托克豪森名声大震。

    Electronics also made him funky.

  19. 今年哪几笔企业交易会让人名声大涨?

    On which deals this year will reputations will be made or lost?

  20. 这使得爱因斯坦在世界上名声大震。

    And this gained Einstein prominence around the world.

  21. 贝当政府判处他死刑, 反而使他得声名大噪。

    The sentence of death which the Petain Government passed upon him glorified his name.

  22. 嗯, 他在还很年轻的时候, 就已经以发明家的身份声名大噪。

    Well, he won his spurs as an inventor while rather young.

  23. 并且砍的名声能是大生意。

    And reputation hacking can be big business.

  24. 他不仅讲名声远扬的大公司,也讲一些较小的公司。

    He talks about the big companies which are household words and of the smaller ones too.

  25. 我老父是名声赫赫的大老板, 提起来无人不晓。

    His father is a reputable boss, and everyone knows him.

  26. 我老父是名声赫赫得大老板, 提起来无人不晓。

    His father is a reputable boss, and everyone knows him.

  27. 她实在不配享有这么大的名声。

    She has achieved a prominence she hardly deserves.

  28. 我老父是名声赫赫的大老板,提起来无人不晓。

    His father is a reputable boss, and everyone knows him.

  29. 他力图获得更大的名声和更多的财富。

    He endeavored after more fame and wealth.

  30. 她这部电影是彻底的失败了,使她的名声受到很大的损害。

    Her film was a complete failure, and this did her reputation a lot of harm.


