







汉语拼音:màn yì







  1. 水满向外流。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·鲍丘水》:“洪水暴出,毁损四分之三,剩北岸七十餘丈,上渠 车箱 ,所在漫溢。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·虔祷风神》:“后闻 莫侍郎 瞻菉 云,此为黄金大坝, 康熙 中曾漫溢,经数十年始竣工,未能若是之速。” 康濯 《东方红》第十二章:“﹝洪水﹞经过 旱龙台 的半坡脚下,漫溢到这里村南和村西的低洼地里,积成水坑。”



  1. In a state of communion, one also ceases to be seduced by another in order to feel loved as soul fills one up to the brim with its love.


  2. In the face of Wu Zixuan various concerns, even overflowing happiness of his own head spin, You Lan is just quietly put it in my heart.


  3. In summer, the heat is oppressive, the air fetid and thick with the sound of cicadas.


  4. No matter hormone is a spillover or dry, I really work hard with all of that's true.


  5. l The toilet flush mechanism is efficient, flush reservoirs refill in under 2 minutes and do not overflow.


  6. "Massive oil spills coud turn this body of water into a virtual dead sea. " says Brent Blackwelder, vice president of Friends of the Earth.


  7. Others too have had to learn to _ the possibility that the gentle river on their doorstep may one day _, turning their lives upside down.


  8. Raging storm swept across the South and the North of China, heavy rain Wherever he went, rose water lakes, ditches overflow.


  9. Daily cleaning of kitchen stove and oven areas, loading bays etc, any spillage and splash of food with chemical cleaning.


  1. 水在农村到处涌流漫溢。

    Water was gushing and fanning out all over the countryside.

  2. 漫溢到廊下得古旧家具。

    Antique furniture stored along the veranda.

  3. 漫溢到廊下的古旧家具。

    Antique furniture stored along the veranda.

  4. 空气中漫溢着烟尘, 充斥着噪音。

    The air smelled like smoke and roared with noise.

  5. 自信, 有力和高亢感漫溢。

    Feelings of self confidence, power, and euphoria pervade.

  6. 水从这个泉源中不断漫溢出来。

    The fountain is streaming with water.

  7. 水从这个泉源中不断漫溢出来。

    The fountain is streaming with water.

  8. 冰碛湖溃决临界漫溢水头公式的改进

    Improving critical height formula of overflow head causing to Moraine Lake burst

  9. 澡盆中的水漫溢出来,白白浪费了。

    The water in the bathtub overflows and is wasted.

  10. 澡盆中的水漫溢出来,白白浪费了。

    The water in the bathtub overflows and is wasted.

  11. 接著到了森林里面,漫溢松柏的芳香。

    The into the forest with great refreshing scent.

  12. 你用油膏了我的头, 使我福杯漫溢。

    You anoint my head with oil, my cup over flows.

  13. 澡盆中得水漫溢出来, 白白浪费了。

    The water in the bathtub overflows and is wasted.

  14. 还会看得见像现在这样漫溢得星星吗?

    Will I be able to see the stars that seem to be scattered now.

  15. 溪流河床累积性淤积,水位抬高山洪漫溢。

    Stream bed has been cumulatively deposited and torrential flood flows over banks.

  16. 那股暖流不断向外漫溢, 直至流遍四肢。

    The warmth spread outwards till it reached his extremities.

  17. 还会看得见像现在这样漫溢的星星吗?

    Will I be able to see the stars that seem to be scattered now.

  18. 我们用漫溢的活力想获取一种稳定的生活方式。

    We are most brimming with aliveness when we are just about to gain a solid form.

  19. 我们用漫溢得活力想获取一种稳定得生活方式。

    We are most brimming with aliveness when we are just about to gain a solid form.

  20. 你的爱应该像蒙蒙细雨, 悄然而至, 却使河流漫溢。

    Let your love be like the misty rains, coming softly but flooding the river.

  21. 行洪期间洪泽湖大堤防风浪漫溢的可靠性分析

    Reliability analysis of levee overflow against wind wave of Hongze Lake at high water.

  22. 关系这么大, 也就难怪对谷歌力量的愤慨会开始漫溢了。

    With so much at stake, it is not surprising that resentment at Google's power has started to spill over.

  23. 信息四处漫溢, 线缆和基因, 脑细胞和夸克, 到处都有它的影子。

    Information flows everywhere, through wires and genes, through brain cells and quarks.


  1. 问:漫溢拼音怎么拼?漫溢的读音是什么?漫溢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漫溢的读音是mànyì,漫溢翻译成英文是 To overflow; spill.

