


1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……





汉语拼音:gǎi cuàn






  1. 谓修改涂抹文字等。

    《晋书·阮籍传》:“ 籍 便书案,使写之,无所改窜。” 宋 秦观 《与苏公先生简》之二:“恐有谬误并太鄙恶处,皆望就垂改窜,庶几观者不至詆訶。”《明诗纪事辛籤·钱棅》引《自靖录》:“ 仲驭 好学,能下士,请养归里,筑南隅以待宾客,击鉢成吟,天葩灿发,或有未慊,应手改窜。” 茅盾 《尚未成功》:“哦,这要改窜几个字才像样罢。”



  1. na.
  2. tamper with;falsify

  1. 怕妈妈批评,小明改窜了他的数学成绩。

    Xiao Ming changed his math score because he was afraid that his mom would criticize him.

  2. 怕妈妈批评,小明改窜了他的数学成绩。

    Xiao Ming changed his math score because he was afraid that his mom would criticize him.

  3. 窜改, 做手脚

    Doctor up

  4. 抗窜改模块

    tamper resistant modules.

  5. 过去可以窜改。

    The past was alterable.

  6. 未窜改的版本

    ungarbled version.

  7. 不恰当地窜改

    interpolate improperly.

  8. 他窜改了账目。

    He doctored the accounts.

  9. 他窜改了计划。

    He doctored up his plans.

  10. 伪造或窜改财务报表

    cook the books

  11. 他被指控窜改账目。

    He was accused of doctoring the accounts.

  12. 他被控窜改选举结果。

    He was charged with doctoring up the election results.

  13. 那个出纳员窜改了账目。

    The cashier doctored the accounts.

  14. 窜改账目, 统计资料, 数字

    Cook the accounts, statistics, figures

  15. 他被指控窜改帐目。

    He was accused of doctoring the accounts.

  16. 不恰当地包括或窜改

    To include or interpolate improperly.

  17. 老人的遗嘱已被窜改。

    The old man's will has been tampered with.

  18. 老人得遗嘱已被窜改。

    The old man's will has been tampered with.

  19. 窜改数字以便夸示利润

    To juggle figures so as to show a profit.

  20. 他控告政府窜改了证词。

    He accused the government of massaging the evidence.

  21. 窜改审判的证据是非法的。

    It is illegal to tamper with evidence for a trial.

  22. 他窜改了他护照上的内容。

    He doctored the information on his passport.

  23. 他为什么要窜改这份文件?

    Why would he tamper the document?

  24. 我敢说他把数字窜改了。

    I'm sure he's doctored the figures.

  25. 你是说他窜改了日志吗?

    What are you telling me? He fixed the logbook?

  26. 他因窜改帐目而入狱。

    He was sent to prison for cooking the books, ie dishonestly changing the financial records, esp for personal profit.

  27. 伪造证据、窜改帐目、作假报告。

    Doctor the evidence, the accounts, a report.

  28. 窜改公司财务记录而被逮捕。

    He is arrested for trying to manipulate the companys financial record.

  29. 窜改过去是英社的中心原则。

    The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.

  30. 窜改过去是英社得中心原则。

    The mutability of the past is the central tenet of Ingsoc.


  1. 问:改窜拼音怎么拼?改窜的读音是什么?改窜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改窜的读音是gǎicuàn,改窜翻译成英文是 To tamper with.