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1. 论 [lùn]2. 论 [lún]论 [lùn]分析判断事物的道理:~断。~点。~辩。~据。~者。议~。讨~。辩~。分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论:理~。舆~。专~。社~。学说,有系统的主张:系统~。看待:一概而~。衡量,评定:~……
汉语拼音:lùn diǎn
梁启超 《答某报第四号对于新民丛报之驳论》:“然以为彼既敢于强辩,则必能将本报重要之论点,难倒一二。” 王西彦 《人的世界·第三家邻居》:“语调虽很诙谐,他的论点却很精辟。”
I'm going to move on, and yes you can make an argument out of that but let me just move on and show you exactly why I say that.
我继续讲,你们可以提出一个论点,但是我继续讲,并让你们知道为什么我那样说。The argument for it would have to be, instead, that it would be desirable to reduce the liquidity of markets in this way.
它的论点原本应该在于,以这种方法来减少市场流动性是可取的。In Chile, Antarctica and Brazil, he is likely to hear and observe evidence on both sides of that argument.
在智利、阿根廷和巴西,潘基文有可能听到和看到两种论点的证据。This goes to show, I argued, that it is not enough to manipulate perceptions; it is important to understand how the world really works.
我的论点是,这一事件说明,光控制人的看法是不够的,重要的是理解现实社会究竟如何。Industry supporters said the new report could bolster their case by showing that the U. S. can rely more heavily on gas without running out.
行业支持者认为,新的报告将支持他们的论点,显示美国可以加大对不易枯竭的天然气的依赖。He knew that if the subject had been one on which Humphrey held strong views they would have prevailed.
他知道如果汉弗莱在这个议题上有鲜明的观点,他的论点就会占上风。Research your subject to the point where you are an expert -- or at least not a bumbling idiot.
研究你在行的课题论点——至少不要像个结结巴巴的白痴。The poorish majority will be grateful for any handout, the argument goes, and not notice how much tax they are paying.
他们的论点是,贫苦的多数人民对于任何施舍都会心存感恩,而不会去在意他们支付了多少税金。used well, they can prove your argument, make others look up to you, and help you get what you want most from life.