






1. 为 [wéi]2. 为 [wèi]为 [wéi]做,行,做事:~人。~时。~难。不~己甚(不做得太过分)。当做,认做:以~。认~。习以~常。变成:成~。是:十两~一斤。治理,处理:~政。被:~天下笑。表示强调:大~恼火。助词,表示反诘……













  1. On the other side, he creatively changed the middle way to "da zhong" , in which he regarded for the world as the premise of it.


  2. My political notion is fairness, justice, the country belong to the Public!


  3. At the entrance has a dark green Chinese-style arch and a pair of stone lions, a letter to Dr.


  4. Things for the Chinese people and selfless advocate, it is interpersonal harmony.


  5. both have strongly advocated the establishment of a community of everyone is virtuous and Things for the People;


  1. “天下为公”是为大道也。

    "The whole world as one community" is a way of virtue and justice.

  2. 大道之行也, 天下为公。

    A public spirit will rule all under the sky when the great Way prevails.

  3. 教育为公以达天下为公。

    If teaching and education can be done out of selflessness rather than selfishness, then an ideal society in which all under heaven are one family can be achieved.

  4. 立党为公, 执政为民

    the Party is built for the public and it exercises state power for the people

  5. 他一心为公,深得大家的爱戴。

    He serves the public heart and soul and is loved and supported by everyone.

  6. 他一心为公,深得大家的爱戴。

    He serves the public heart and soul and is loved and supported by everyone.

  7. 他们这样苦干是为公而不是为私。

    They were working hard for the common good and not for selfish interests.

  8. 只要你一心为公,就不会落埋怨。

    As long as you are all heartened for public welfare, you won't be blamed.

  9. 只要你一心为公,就不会落埋怨。

    As long as you are all heartened for public welfare, you won't be blamed.

  10. 全心全意为人民服务, 立党为公, 执政为民

    serve the people heart and soul, work for the public and assumes power for the people

  11. 牢牢把握立党为公执政为民的本质

    Keep a Firm Grip on the Essence of Building the Party for the Public and Wielding Power for the Masses

  12. 谁都不愿意以天下为己任, 只身去冒风险。

    No one was quite ready to bell the cat.

  13. 表面为公, 暗中为私, 乃伪君子, 是要防止得。

    It is avoidable to be a hypocrite to consider individual in the presence of collective.

  14. 表面为公,暗中为私,乃伪君子,是要防止的。

    It is avoidable to be a hypocrite to consider individual in the presence of collective.

  15. 四是要树立立党为公,执政为民的意识。

    The third is to build viewpoints of finite government and cost of governing.

  16. 从结果看,有必要把文科物理设为公选课。

    The results show that it is necessary to set up physics for arts student as an optional course.

  17. 他以治理天下为己任,提出了关于大丈夫的名言。

    He regards the governing of the country as his duty and puts forth the famous concept of the True Man.

  18. 敢为天下先

    industry leader.

  19. 圣人在天下,歙歙为天下浑其心。

    Le Saint regarde le peuple comme un enfant.

  20. 是以圣人抱一为天下式。

    Therefore the wise embrace the One and become examples for the world.

  21. 那麽我们一同来为天下苍生祈福吧!

    Then we pray together to the common people for the world now!

  22. 萧山境内的钱江潮蔚为天下奇观。

    Qianjiang Tidal Bore within the confines of Xiaoshan is a tremendous spectacle.

  23. 近代记者敢为天下先的侠士品质述评

    Responsible Chivalrous Quality of Modern Reporters

  24. 土地的售价为每公顷2。50美元。

    The lands were to be sold at 2.50 per hectare.

  25. 对查尔斯的攻击甚为不公。

    The attack on Charles was deeply unjust.

  26. 老子提出大德应该是慈、俭、不敢为天下先。

    Me the Dade should be kindness, thrift, not dare for the world first.

  27. 超重行李的运费为每公斤2美元。

    The overweight luggage will be charged 2 per kilo.

  28. 秦始皇时,朝封天下12名山,恒山被推崇为天下第二山。

    Qin Shihuang in the closed world famous 12 were respected Hengshan Mountain is the world second.

  29. 我们能够接受地最好价格为每公吨138元。

    The best price we can accept is 138 yuan per metric ton.

  30. 我们还价为每公吨伦敦离岸价150美圆。

    We make a counteroffer to you of 150 er metric to F.O.B. London.