




天文学上指宇宙间能发光的或反射光的天体;一般指夜间天空中发光的天体:~球。恒~。行(xíng )~。卫~。披~戴月。细碎的小颗粒东西:火~儿。秤等衡器上记数的点:定盘~。军官衣领上的徽记:五~将军。形容夜间:~行。~奔。星名,二十八宿之一:……



汉语拼音:tiān xīng







  1. 星。

    《周礼·春官·保章氏》:“保章氏,掌天星,以志星辰日月之变动。” 汉 扬雄 《羽猎赋》:“涣若天星之罗,浩如涛水之波。”

  2. 方言。秤星。

    吴组缃 《山洪》四:“不是你大哥戥子上有点天星,干不粘湿不惹的,你有今朝子呢!”



  1. The 1912 Star Ferry Piers will be recreated on the new waterfront. It will become a new landmark and a major tourist attraction.


  2. The dozing commuter on the Star Ferry is likely to be 90 times wealthier than the vegetable-seller in Guizhou.


  3. The old Star Ferry Pier and chiming clocktower were recently demolished but the ferry remains the cheapest and best ride in town.


  4. Star sat silently in the last row in the concert hall one day after three months.


  5. Global Telesat Corporation, an American supplier of unmanned aerial vehicles, recently purchased its first SkySat.


  6. Hon CHOY So-yuk raised a question on demolition project for the old Star Ferry Pier Clock Tower.


  7. Including natural bonsai area, the Star-dong District, Shilin District, King, and water.


  8. "Star" Ferry includes both its franchised services and licensed services. Licensed Ferry excludes Kaitos.


  9. Kowloon Public Pier is to the left of the Star Ferry Piers.


  1. 天星型纤维

    islands in sea type fibre.

  2. 天星定痫胶囊

    Tianxing dingxian capsules

  3. 天星国际俱乐部

    Beijing Star Equestrian Training Center

  4. 天星观1号楚基

    Chu tomb No. 1 at Tianxingguan

  5. 天星塑胶工贸公司。

    Tianxing Plastic Cement Industry Trading Co.

  6. 天星码头广场星光大道

    Star Ferry Plaza Avenue of Stars

  7. 天星调良国际马术俱乐部

    Beijing Equuleus International Riding Club

  8. 九公众码头位于天星码头左方。

    Kowloon Public Pier is to the left of the Star Ferry Piers.

  9. 北京东方天星高尔夫练习场

    Beijing Orient Tianxing Golf Driving Range

  10. 我们在天星码头乘渡船过海。

    We crossed the sea at Star Ferry Pier.

  11. 从这儿到天星码头要多少钱?

    How much is it from here to Star Ferry?

  12. 埔顶灯光真稀微,闪闪像天星。

    The dim light on the bay are twinkling like stars.

  13. 中环旧天星码头钟楼拆卸工程

    Demolition project of the old Star Ferry Pier clock tower in Central

  14. 天星帮?刚才不是在门外找我?

    Star gang? Did they look for me outside?

  15. 天星码头是在中环的一个渡口。

    The Star Ferry Pier is a ferry crossing in central.

  16. 大约一百年前,天星小轮只有四个小轮。

    About 100 years ago the Star Ferry had only four ferries.

  17. 香港尖沙咀火车站及天星小轮码头。

    Star Ferry Pier and Kowloon Station in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong.

  18. 易志明说,九龙仓计划保留天星小轮。

    Wharf plans to keep ferry, Mr. Yick said.

  19. 可在尖沙嘴乘坐天星小轮到湾仔码头

    Star ferry from tsim sha tsui to wanchai ferry pier

  20. 强拆天星弃置钟楼,是强政励治的表现吗?

    Is it strong governance to have had the clock tower demolished in disregard of objections?

  21. 标志性的天星小轮的深绿色与浅绿色的水面交相辉映

    The deep emerald of the iconic Star Ferry echoes the seaweed green waters.

  22. 加上邻近地铁站, 步行到天星码头只要大概十分钟。

    Also, it is near the metro station and only ten minutes to the Star Ferry.

  23. 加上邻近地铁站, 步行至天星码头只需约十分钟。

    Also, it is near the station and only ten minutes to the Star Ferry.

  24. 只要有传动装置的行业就会有天星牌减速机的身影。

    Where there are transmission devices, there you can find Tianxing speed reducer.

  25. 继续往前走,经过天星码头后,很快便抵达海港城。

    Walk to Harbour City, across from the Star Ferry Pier.

  26. 一件你在香港必须要做的事就是乘坐天星小轮。

    Something you must do in Hong Kong, if you've never done it before, is take the Star Ferry.

  27. 干诺道中与邮政总局大厦以东的天星渡轮码头之间

    Situated between Connaught Road Central and the Star Ferry piers east of General Post Office Building

  28. 蔡素玉议员就旧天星码头钟楼拆卸工程提出一项质询。

    Hon CHOY Soyuk raised a question on demolition project for the old Star Ferry Pier Clock Tower.


  1. 问:天星蕨拼音怎么拼?天星蕨的读音是什么?天星蕨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天星蕨的读音是tiānxīngjué,天星蕨翻译成英文是 Christensenia assamica

  2. 问:天星藤拼音怎么拼?天星藤的读音是什么?天星藤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天星藤的读音是tiānxīngténg,天星藤翻译成英文是 Graphistemma pictum

  3. 问:天星航空拼音怎么拼?天星航空的读音是什么?天星航空翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天星航空的读音是,天星航空翻译成英文是 SkyStar Airways

  4. 问:天星蕨属拼音怎么拼?天星蕨属的读音是什么?天星蕨属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天星蕨属的读音是tiānxīngjué shǔ,天星蕨属翻译成英文是 Christensenia

  5. 问:天星蕨科拼音怎么拼?天星蕨科的读音是什么?天星蕨科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天星蕨科的读音是tiānxīngjué kē,天星蕨科翻译成英文是 Christenseniaceae

  6. 问:天星藤属拼音怎么拼?天星藤属的读音是什么?天星藤属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天星藤属的读音是tiānxīngténgshǔ,天星藤属翻译成英文是 Graphistemma

  7. 问:天星蛛属拼音怎么拼?天星蛛属的读音是什么?天星蛛属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:天星蛛属的读音是tiānxīngzhū shǔ,天星蛛属翻译成英文是 Mesida