




1. 爪 [zhǎo]2. 爪 [zhuǎ]爪 [zhǎo]指甲或趾甲:趾端有~。鸟兽的脚指:鹰~。~牙(喻党羽,狗腿子)。一鳞半~。抓。爪 [zhuǎ]禽兽的脚(多指有尖甲的):鸡~子。狗~子。像爪的东西,这个锅有三个~儿。……



汉语拼音:xiè zhǎo








  1. 螃蟹的爪。可入药。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·介一·蟹》:“蟹爪,主治破胞堕胎。”

  2. 绘画用的笔。以其形似蟹爪,故名。


  3. 菊花的一种。



  1. Just as with a real crab claw, one pincer stays fixed and one pincer moves -- opening and closing to keep DNA in place.


  2. In fact, China was founded in the early Song Dynasty painting techniques in a dried tree painting a method called crab claw technique.


  3. Stephen Schwarzman of the Blackstone Group probably has not cut back on his consumption of $40 stone-crab claws.


  4. One example: The owner of a seafood restaurant often advertises an all-you-can-eat special on crab legs.


  5. crab crab has remove blood stasis: the role of the special skill, especially is crab claw, have apparent effect to abortion.


  6. Half the time, however, he runs out of crab legs before the end of the evening.


  7. Crab claw pattern, described as the primary and secondary porcelain pieces open towards.


  8. Orange Rose, Yellow Rose, Red Spray Rose, Calla Lily , Green Chrysanthemum, Hypericum, Ivy.


  9. Improve: We have determined that for three foods--beef, high-end fish and crab legs--the amount ordered doesn't match the consumption rate.


  1. 蟹爪机构的机构型式选择

    Mechanism type selection of clab claw.

  2. 蟹爪是目前冬季主要盆花之一。

    The crab cactus was one of the main basin spends in winter currently.

  3. 花瓣细细的、长长的,就像小小的蟹爪。

    Petals thin, long, like a small crab claw.

  4. 水煮河虾,水煮蟹爪,扇贝和蛤哩。

    Poached River Shrimp, Poached Crab Claw, Sea Scallop and Clam.

  5. 仙人掌类植物,如蟹爪仙人掌,短叶丝兰等。

    Cactus such as Christmas cactus, joshua tree cactus, etc.

  6. 不同软弱地基适用的施工机械液压蟹爪机构

    Hydraulic Crab Mechanism for Construction Machinery Suitable to Different Soft Ground

  7. 用复数向量法建立蟹爪机构运动学模型

    Building Kinematic Model for Gathering Arm Mechanism by Complex Number Vector Method

  8. 挂钩象形为猫须、蟹爪、蜂翅、熊猫肢等。

    The hooks can be shaped as cat whiskers, crab claws, bee fins, panda limbs, etc.

  9. 老者色紫, 新者色红, 都有不规则的蟹爪纹。

    Old color purple, the new colors are red, have irregular crab claw pattern.

  10. 老者色紫,新者色红,都有不规则得蟹爪纹。

    Old color purple, the new colors are red, have irregular crab claw pattern.

  11. 蟹爪式装载机

    gathering arm loader

  12. 蟹爪式耙取机构的优选

    The Optimization of Crab Getting Mechanism.

  13. 蟹爪兰的新式嫁接和造型

    A new way to graft and sculpt Zygocactus truncates

  14. 蟹爪兰红色素提取工艺的研究

    Study on extracting method of red pigment in Schlumbergera truncatus

  15. 蟹爪兰的组织培养与快速繁殖

    Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Zygocactus truncactus k. Schum

  16. 蟹爪兰在不同基质中的栽培试验

    Cultural trails of Zygocactus truncactus grown on different media

  17. 蟹爪兰短日照促成栽培试验初报

    Preliminary Report on Short Sunshine Forcing Culture of Zygocactus truncactus

  18. 蟹爪兰红色素的提取及性质研究

    Study on extraction and characterization of red pigment from zygocactus truncatus

  19. 蟹爪纹,形容瓷器开片的主次、走向。

    Crab claw pattern, described as the primary and secondary porcelain pieces open towards.

  20. 蟹爪式装载机扒取机构的优化设计

    Optimization for the gathering mechanism of a crab claw type loading machine.

  21. 前人用蟹爪纹来形容,这里有二种说法。

    Predecessors with crab claw pattern to describe, there are two kinds of argument.

  22. 蟹爪式耙取机构的运动方程与计算机程序

    Movement equation and computer programs for crab getting mechanism.

  23. 镍钛形状记忆合金蟹爪式聚髌器的研制及生物力学研究

    Biomechanical Study of NiTi Shape Memory Alloy Crabby Patellar Concen trator for Patellar Fractures

  24. 红爪蟹是一种方蟹科的蟹。

    Red clawed crabs are a kind of the grapsids.

  25. 红爪蟹是一种方蟹科得蟹。

    Red clawed crabs are a kind of the grapsids.

  26. 螯如龙,虾,蟹或蝎等甲壳纲动物蜘蛛纲动物的钳样爪

    A pincerlike claw of a crustacean or an arachnid,such as a lobster,crab,or scorpion.


  1. 问:蟹爪花属拼音怎么拼?蟹爪花属的读音是什么?蟹爪花属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟹爪花属的读音是xièzhǎohuāshǔ,蟹爪花属翻译成英文是 Rhipsalidopsis species

  2. 问:蟹爪式装载机拼音怎么拼?蟹爪式装载机的读音是什么?蟹爪式装载机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蟹爪式装载机的读音是xiè zhuǎ shì zhuāng zài jī,蟹爪式装载机翻译成英文是 gathering arm loader