


一种金属元素,富延展性。导电性和导热性都很强,它的合金是电气、机械和国防工业的重要原料:紫~(纯铜。亦称“红铜”)。青~。黄~。~矿。~器。~币。~臭(ch恥 )(指铜钱的臭味,用以讥讽唯利是图的人,如“浑身~~”)。~墙铁壁(喻十分坚固,……






汉语拼音:tóng xiàn






  1. 旧时指电报。

    清 李鸿章 《致凌筱柟书》:“至如请覲、遣使、铜綫、铁路……必须通盘筹画。”



  1. This 42-year-old woman had been accidentally scratched in her right eye by a fine copper wire during working in March 1996.


  2. The centerpiece of their solution was a homemade computer with its electromagnetic switches constructed out of nails and copper wire.


  3. Made of insulated copper wire that is inserted into slots and protected by a fiber paper that is sometimes referred to as fish paper.


  4. "A 50 year-old transformer made of copper wire wound around a ferrite core, can't respond to a signal, so we can't control it, " he said.


  5. wrap the other end around the bottom of the light bulb.


  6. And since consumers do not think about power consumption when choosing a phone or laptop, manufacturers tended to stick with copper wire.


  7. If you want the music stoped, use the scissors cut off the coppe line. clean the rest candles , it will be a fancy art.


  8. 'The woman was hunting for some copper lines that she was hoping she could sell, ' Mr. Gvenetadze said.


  9. In the meantime, that leaves the existing copper wire or cable TV coaxial cable as the only realistic alternatives.


  1. 细铜线拉线机

    fine copper line drawer.

  2. 玻璃丝包圆铜线

    glass silk covered round copper wire

  3. 铜线或镀锡铜线编织

    Copper wire or tin plated copper wire braid.

  4. 将铜线插在收音机后。

    Place copper wire at back of radio.

  5. 这种连接不需要通过铜线。

    The connection need not be via a copper wire.

  6. 铜线材电镀可焊性锡工艺

    Soldering Tin Electroplating of copper wire

  7. 组合钳子和水果篮得到铜线。

    Combine the copper basket and the pliers to get copper wire.

  8. 软的或退火的铜线的标准规范

    Standard specification for soft or annealed copper wire

  9. 磁场力传导铜线中活跃的电子。

    The magnetic fields displace the loosely packed electrons down the wire.

  10. 在一枝笔上缠绕一圈绝缘铜线。

    Wind an insulated copper wire around a pen.

  11. 前桅螺旋带伤痕。我用铜线锻造。

    The foremast bands spirally wound. I used forged brass wire.

  12. 我从前从变压器箱子里偷过铜线。

    I used to steal copper wiring from transformer boxes.

  13. 外导体软铜线或镀锡软铜线编织屏蔽

    Outer conductor Soft copper wire or tinned copper wire braid shield Working temperature

  14. 可大规模生产各类铜线,铜排,铜杆。

    Can be scale production of various kinds of copper, copper row, Tong Gan.

  15. 可以尝试使用14号铜线 来提到硬币。

    Try substituting a length of 14 gauge copper wire for the penny.

  16. 导体使用单条或多条 镀锡软铜线。

    Stranded or Solid, tinned copper conductor.

  17. 磁力引导了铜线中自由电子的运动。

    The magnetic fields displace the loosely packed electrons down the wire.

  18. 铜线的另一端缠电灯泡的螺旋腰处。

    wrap the other end around the bottom of the light bulb.

  19. 铜线材经光亮镀锡后易产生腐蚀变色。

    Bright tin electrodeposits on copper wire are susceptible to tarnishing.

  20. 圆铜线标称直径的允许偏差符合表3规定。

    Empower error of nominal diameter is shown in Table 3.

  21. 同时也介绍了万兆以太网的铜线标准。

    The copper cable standard is also introduced.

  22. 细小的光纤电缆取代了巨大的、以吨论的铜线。

    Thin fiber optic cable has replaced huge tonnages of copper wire.

  23. 你只需要一根磁铁和一些铜线就可以了。

    All you need is a magnet and some copper wire.

  24. 镀银铜线的银层厚度与银质量分数换算

    Conversion Calculation between the Mass Percentage of Silver and the Silver Coating Thickness in Silver Plated Copper Wire

  25. 脉冲通过铜线送出和接收得速度称为频率。

    The rate at which pulses can be sent and received on copper wires is called frequency.

  26. 脉冲通过铜线送出和接收的速度称为频率。

    The rate at which pulses can be sent and received on copper wires is called frequency.

  27. 铜线的可靠性是其中最重要的评估内容之一。

    The reliability of the copper is one of the most important content of assessment.

  28. 经过外部绝缘之后,铜线可用作普通的电线。

    Having been insulated outside, the copper wire may be used as an ordinary electric wire.

  29. 这种材料是以大量的极小铜环和铜线制成。

    The metamaterial is made of an array of tiny copper loops and wires.

  30. 元件是用一段铜线接成的, 把铜线弯成适当的形状。

    The element is made from a length of copper wire, bent into the appropriate shape.


  1. 问:铜线拼音怎么拼?铜线的读音是什么?铜线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铜线的读音是tóng xiàn,铜线翻译成英文是 copper wire

  2. 问:铜线动脉拼音怎么拼?铜线动脉的读音是什么?铜线动脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铜线动脉的读音是tóng xiàn dòng mài,铜线动脉翻译成英文是 copper-wire artery's

  3. 问:铜线细辛拼音怎么拼?铜线细辛的读音是什么?铜线细辛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铜线细辛的读音是tóngxiànxìxīn,铜线细辛翻译成英文是 Asarum debile

  4. 问:铜线占空系数拼音怎么拼?铜线占空系数的读音是什么?铜线占空系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铜线占空系数的读音是tóng xiàn zhàn kòng xì shù,铜线占空系数翻译成英文是 copper space factor

  5. 问:铜线分布数据互连拼音怎么拼?铜线分布数据互连的读音是什么?铜线分布数据互连翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铜线分布数据互连的读音是tóng xiàn fēn bù shù jù hù lián,铜线分布数据互连翻译成英文是 copper distributed data interconnection